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- 1. 大腸ポリープの概要overview of colon polyps [show details]
… A polyp of the colon refers to a protuberance into the lumen above the surrounding colonic mucosa. Colon polyps are usually asymptomatic but may ulcerate and bleed, cause tenesmus if in the rectum, and …
- 2. 原発性大腸癌に対する切除術surgical resection of primary colon cancer [show details]
…colonoscopy before surgery for colon cancer. Synchronous colon cancer has been reported to be present in 4 percent of patients with sporadic colon cancer , and synchronous adenomatous polyps in 30 to 50 percent …
- 3. 大きな結腸ポリープの内視鏡的切除endoscopic removal of large colon polyps [show details]
… curve, especially in the colon where maneuvering the endoscope is more difficult. As such, the indications for ESD for the removal of colon polyps are limited because most colon polyps are benign and can be …
- 4. 結腸切除の概要overview of colon resection [show details]
… Malignant and premalignant colon lesions Appendiceal cancer Colonic carcinoid Colonic gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) Metastatic tumor Crohn disease Colon polyp unresectable through …
- 5. 大腸がんあるいは進行性の大腸ポリープの家族歴がある患者の大腸癌検診screening for colorectal cancer in patients with a family history of colorectal cancer or advanced polyp [show details]
… screening than is recommended for the general population . Having an FDR with an adenomatous colon polyp may also increase the patient risk for adenoma and for CRC . Limited data indicate that a family …
English Journal
- Diadenosine tetraphosphate activates P2Y receptors that cause smooth muscle relaxation in the mouse colon.
- Paquola A, Mañé N, Giron MC, Jimenez M.
- European journal of pharmacology. 2019 Jul;855()160-166.
- P2Y receptors play an essential role in inhibitory neuromuscular transmission in the gastrointestinal tract. The signalling pathway involves the opening of small conductance calcium activated potassium-channels (K2 family) that results in smooth muscle hyperpolarization and relaxation. Inorganic pol
- PMID 31063775
- Prophylactic endoscopic coagulation to prevent delayed postendoscopic mucosal resection bleeding in the colorectum: a prospective randomized controlled trial (with videos).
- Lee HS, Jeon SW, Kwon YH, Nam SY, Shin S, Kim R, Ahn S.
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 2019 Jun;().
- Postendoscopic mucosal resection bleeding (PEB) is the most common adverse event after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). However, there are no established endoscopic methods for the prevention of PEB. This study aimed to investigate whether prophylactic endoscopic coagulation (PEC) using coagulati
- PMID 31175874
- Factors associated with polyp detection during colonoscopy: A retrospective observational study.
- Chen CW, Chiu CT, Su MY, Lin CJ, Hsu CM, Lim SN, Yeh CT, Lin WR.
- The Kaohsiung journal of medical sciences. 2019 Jun;().
- The polyp detection rate (PDR) is an important quality indicator for colonoscopy. Several factors have been shown to be associated with PDR. However, whether the moderate sedation is a factor for polyp detection remains controversial. This study aims to assess factors associated with polyp detection
- PMID 31162814
Japanese Journal
- 胆嚢がんとの鑑別が困難であった結節性病変を伴う濾胞性リンパ腫
- 徳永 正浩,冨永 信彦,前田 哲生,福地 成晃,玉井 皓己,美濃地 貴之,笹川 廣和,近藤 篤史,井上 慎也,森田 隆子
- 臨床血液 60(4), 319-325, 2019
- <p>症例は68歳女性。左頸部リンパ節腫脹にて受診し,同部の生検で濾胞性リンパ腫grade 2と診断された。PET/CTにて左頸部から鎖骨上部にかけてとS状結腸,胆嚢底部にFDGの異常集積を認めた。S状結腸のIsp型ポリープに対しては内視鏡的粘膜切除術を施行し,粘膜下層への深い浸潤を伴う高~中分化管状腺がんと診断した。胆嚢底部の結節はCT検査では動脈相から平衡相まで造影され胆嚢がんが考 …
- NAID 130007642982
- 異所性胃粘膜による粘膜下囊胞が原因で繰り返し腸重積症を来たした2か月乳児
- 靏久 士保利,金田 聡
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 55(1), 59-63, 2019
- <p>症例は2か月の男児.入院前日から顔色不良,間欠的渧泣を認め,前医を受診.腸重積症の診断で当科受診し,非観血的整復術を施行した.入院1日目から哺乳を開始したが,入院2日目,3日目に再発を認めた.3日目の再発時に施行した腹部エコーにて,回腸ポリープによる小腸–小腸重積が疑われた.近々の手術方針としたが,待機時に3,4回目の再発をし,入院4日目に緊急手術となった.手術では回腸–回腸–結 …
- NAID 130007601883
- 腹腔鏡下結腸全摘術を行った早期癌を伴うserrated polyposis syndromeの1例
- 田巻 佐和子,宮倉 安幸,菊川 利奈,辻仲 眞康,田中 亨,力山 敏樹
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 79(6), 1270-1274, 2018
- … ,14病変を切除した.9病変は10mm以上(最大30mm)で,右側大腸のsessile serrated adenoma/polypであった.2病変に癌を認め,横行結腸の粘膜内癌(15mm,IIa)と上行結腸の粘膜下層高度浸潤癌(15mm,IIa)であった.腹腔鏡下結腸全摘術を施行した.病理では計272個のhyperplastic polypからsessile serrated adenoma/polypの混在を認めた.Serrated polyposis syndromeに発生した癌に対しては,腹腔鏡下結腸全摘 …
- NAID 130007599457
Related Links
- Overview A colon polyp is a small clump of cells that forms on the lining of the colon. Most colon polyps are harmless. But over time, some colon polyps can develop into colon cancer, which is often fatal when found in its later stages.
- There are various types of colon polyps. Learn about causes, polyp size, signs, and how to prevent colon polyps. MedicineNet SYMPTOM CHECKER Disease & Conditions Conditions A-Z Procedures A-Z ...
- Colorectal cancer often takes many years to grow, and nearly all cases of colon cancer and rectal cancer start off as a polyp. Here’s everything you need to know about colon polyps and rectal polyps: What are colon and rectal ...
- 英
- colonic polyp, polyp of large intestine, polyp of the colon
- 関
- 結腸ポリープ、大腸ポリポーシス
- (広義)大腸の管腔内に突出する限局性隆起。腫瘍性から非腫瘍性のものを含む。
- (狭義)上皮性増殖からなる隆起。良性のものを指して言うことが多い。
- 大腸ポリープ全体のなかで大腸腺腫は80%を占める。
- 40歳代より漸増。50歳以上でよく見られる(SSUR.544)。
- 男女比2:1
- 無茎性(Is)が最も多い。有茎性(Ip)、亜有茎性(Isp)など
- 無症状のことが多いが、まれに消化管出血をきたしうる。しかし、下血を来すほどの出血はしない。
- 関
- multi