- remove the charge from
- a substance that is emitted or released (同)emission
- any of several bodily processes by which substances go out of the body; "the discharge of pus" (同)emission, expelling
- electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field (同)spark, arc, electric arc, electric_discharge
- the act of discharging a gun (同)firing, firing off
- the act of venting (同)venting
- the pouring forth of a fluid (同)outpouring, run
- the sudden giving off of energy
- release from military service (同)muster out
- pour forth or release; "discharge liquids"
- undergo a test; "She doesnt test well"
- any standardized procedure for measuring sensitivity or memory or intelligence or aptitude or personality etc; "the test was standardized on a large sample of students" (同)mental test, mental testing, psychometric test
- the act of undergoing testing; "he survived the great test of battle"; "candidates must compete in a trial of skill" (同)trial
- the act of testing something; "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately"; "he called each flip of the coin a new trial" (同)trial, run
- a hard outer covering as of some amoebas and sea urchins
- put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to; "This approach has been tried with good results"; "Test this recipe" (同)prove, try, try out, examine, essay
- achieve a certain score or rating on a test; "She tested high on the LSAT and was admitted to all the good law schools"
- determine the presence or properties of (a substance)
- show a certain characteristic when tested; "He tested positive for HIV"
- an examination of the characteristics of something; "there are laboratories for commercial testing"; "it involved testing thousands of children for smallpox"
- the act of subjecting to experimental test in order to determine how well something works; "they agreed to end the testing of atomic weapons"
- tested and proved useful or correct; "a tested method" (同)tried, well-tried
- tested and proved to be reliable (同)time-tested, tried, tried and true
- a salt of perchloric acid
- 〈船〉‘の'『荷を降ろす』;(積荷・客を)〈船〉‘から'降ろす《+『名』〈船〉+『of』+『名』〈荷〉》;(船から)〈積荷・客〉‘を'降ろす《+『名』〈荷〉+『from』+『名』〈船〉》 / (…に)…‘を'『発射する』《+『名』+『at』(『into』)+『名』》 / 〈煙・液体〉‘を'『出す』,排出する / (…から)〈人〉‘を'解放する,‘に'行くことを許す《+『名』〈人〉+『from』+『名』》 / (仕事から)〈人〉‘を'解雇する,くびにする《+『名』〈人〉+『from』+『名』》 / 〈職務・義務・約束など〉‘を'果たす,遂行する(fulfill) / 〈借金〉‘を'返済する,支払う(pay) / 〈電池など〉‘から'放電する / 〈船が〉『荷を降ろす』,荷揚げする / 〈水などが〉流れ出る,注ぐ,流出する / 〈鉄砲などが〉発射される / 放電する / 〈U〉『荷降ろし』,荷揚げ / 〈C〉発砲,発射 / 〈C〉『放出』,流出,排出;排出物 / 〈U〉解任,退出,解雇;解放,釈放 / 〈U〉(職務・義務などの)『遂行』,履行 / 〈U〉(負債の)『返済』,弁済 / 〈C〉〈U〉(電気の)放電
- (人の能力などの)『試験』,考査,テスト / (物事の)『試験』,検済,試錬,実験《+of+名》 / 化学分析;試薬 / =test match / …‘を'『試験する』,検査する / …‘を'化学分析する / (…の)試験を受ける,試験をする《+for+名》
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Evaluation of genotype-phenotype relationships in patients referred for endocrine assessment in suspected Pendred syndrome.
- Soh LM1, Druce M2, Grossman AB3, Differ AM1, Rajput L1, Bitner-Glindzicz M3, Korbonits M1.
- European journal of endocrinology / European Federation of Endocrine Societies.Eur J Endocrinol.2015 Feb;172(2):217-26. doi: 10.1530/EJE-14-0679. Epub 2014 Nov 13.
- DESIGN: Patients with Pendred syndrome have genotypic and phenotypic variability, leading to challenges in definitive diagnosis. Deaf children with enlarged vestibular aqueducts are often subjected to repeated investigations when tests for mutations in SLC26A4 are abnormal. This study provides genot
- PMID 25394566
- Analysis of the thyroid phenotype in 42 patients with Pendred syndrome and nonsyndromic enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct.
- Ladsous M1, Vlaeminck-Guillem V, Dumur V, Vincent C, Dubrulle F, Dhaenens CM, Wémeau JL.
- Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association.Thyroid.2014 Apr;24(4):639-48. doi: 10.1089/thy.2013.0164. Epub 2014 Jan 20.
- BACKGROUND: Pendred syndrome (PS), a recessive disorder caused by mutations in the SLC26A4 (PDS) gene, is associated with deafness and goiter. SLC26A4 mutations have also been identified in patients exhibiting isolated sensorineural hearing loss without apparent thyroid abnormality (nonsyndromic enl
- PMID 24224479
- Thyroid dyshormonogenesis and associated non-thyroidal anomalies in a tertiary care hospital in India.
- Rather TA1, Khan SH, Masoodi S, Alai MS.
- Hormone research in pædiatrics.Horm Res Paediatr.2014;81(5):314-8. doi: 10.1159/000357843. Epub 2014 Mar 14.
- BACKGROUND: Dyshormonogenetic goiter refers to familial goiters owing to an inherited defect in the metabolism of thyroid hormones.METHODS: 19 patients with clinical and biochemically proven hypothyroidism (low T3, FT4 and high TSH) were recruited for the study. All patients were subjected to (i) ul
- PMID 24642829
Japanese Journal
- Diagnostic spectrum of congenital hypothyroidism in Turkish children
- Pediatrics international : official journal of the Japan Pediatric Society 51(4), 464-468, 2009-08-01
- NAID 10025347319
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- This led to the development of a diagnostic test, the perchlorate discharge test, outlined below. The response of the thyroid following perchlorate administration has been extensively studied. Initially it was believed that leakage of radiolabeled ...
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- 英
- Pendred syndrome
- 同
- Pendred症候群、甲状腺腫聾唖症候群 goiter-deaf mutism syndrome
- 甲状腺腫、高度感音難聴、過塩素酸塩放出試験陽性を三徴とする常染色体劣性遺伝疾患
- 先天性難聴の最も多い原因疾患の一つで、遺伝性聾(heredidary deafness)の約10%を占める。(1)
- 1896年ペンドレッド(Vaughan Pendred、1869-1946, 外科, 英)が聾唖と甲状腺腫を合併する姉妹例を報告。
- SLC26A4遺伝子(PDS, perdin)の変異(SOTO.191)
- locus:はDFNB4 locus(7q11-2)に存在
- 発現部位:甲状腺、内耳、腎臓で発現(1)
- 腎臓では皮質集合管でchloride-bicarbonate exchangerとして機能しているが、病的な意義は不明。(2)
- 内耳:内リンパ液の組成の調整に関わっている。難聴との関わりは不明。(2)
- 機能:chloride-iodine co-transporter(2)。perdinが無くてもヨードを甲状腺濾胞細胞に輸送できるが、効率が低下する(2)。perdinの変異により、ヨードの取り込みが低下し、ヨードの有機化が低下する(2)。
- SLC26A4は前庭水管の拡張と関連しており、片側性/両側性、いずれのばあいもありうる(NEL.2621)。
- 聴力の低下:原因不明
- 出生時からの両側性の難聴。(SOTO.191)
- 高音域で難聴は高度。低音域では難聴の程度は様々。(NEL.2621)
- 出生児から難聴が出現するが、話し言葉習得後、後天的、進行性に難聴が出現することも普通にある。(NEL.2621)
- ヨウ素の有機化障害により生ずる
- ヨードの摂取量に依存しており、十分に摂取されている場合には症状が出ない(ex. Japan)。
- 知能指数は正常。発育障害はない。
- 甲状腺内のペルオキシダーゼ活性の減少はない。
- 三徴:甲状腺腫、高度感音難聴、過塩素酸塩放出試験陽性(SOTO.191)
- 診察
- CTによる前庭水管の拡張(SOTO.191)。両側性(NEL.2621)に拡張が見られる。蝸牛の低形成はある場合も、無い場合もある(NEL.2621)。
- 蝸牛の奇形を伴っていることがある(Mondini cochlea)。普通は蝸牛は2.5回転するが、Mondini cochleaでは1.5回転しかしない。(1)
- 過剰量のヨードが甲状腺でのヨードの不足を補償する。(2)
- 1. Pearce JM. et al., Pendred's syndrome., Eur Neurol. 2007;58(3):189-90
- PMID 17622729
- 2 Arwert LI et al., Goitre and hearing impairment in a patient with Pendred syndrome, Neth J Med. 2008 Mar;66(3):118-20
- PMID 18349467
- 英
- perchlorate discharge test
- 同
- パークロレイト放出試験、パークロレート放出試験
[show details]
- 甲状腺のヨードの有機化障害の有無を検査する甲状腺核医学検査法。
- (荷を)おろす、陸揚げする(城郭を)おろす
- (水などを)放出する(intop)。外に出す、吐き出す、発する。排出する、排泄する。
- 荷揚げ、荷下ろし
- 発射、発砲。放電。吐き出し。放出、流出、吐出。排出物、分泌物。流出量
- 関
- desorb、diapedesis、efflux、egress、ejection、emission、excrement、excreta、extrusion、feces、firing、hospital discharge、leak、leakage、outflow、patient discharge、release、runoff、secrete、secretion、shot
- 関
- assessment、data quality、exam、examination、examine、experimental design、matched group、measurement、research design、scoring method、test、trial
- 関
- HClO、perchloric acid