- 関
- logistic regression
- display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion"
- the act of representing something (usually on a smaller scale) (同)modelling, modeling
- representation of something (sometimes on a smaller scale) (同)simulation
- a representative form or pattern; "I profited from his example" (同)example
- a person who poses for a photographer or painter or sculptor; "the president didnt have time to be a model so the artist worked from photos" (同)poser
- someone worthy of imitation; "every child needs a role model" (同)role model
- a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process; "the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems" (同)theoretical account, framework
- a type of product; "his car was an old model"
- construct a model of; "model an airplane" (同)mock up
- form in clay, wax, etc; "model a head with clay" (同)mold, mould
- plan or create according to a model or models (同)pattern
- assume a posture as for artistic purposes; "We dont know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often" (同)pose, sit, posture
- create a representation or model of; "The pilots are trained in conditions simulating high-altitude flights" (同)simulate
- a particular functioning condition or arrangement; "switched from keyboard to voice mode"
- the most frequent value of a random variable (同)modal value
- any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave (同)musical mode
- relating to a recently developed fashion or style; "their offices are in a modern skyscraper"; "tables in modernistic designs"; (同)modern, modernistic
- a British teenager or young adult in the 1960s; noted for their clothes consciousness and opposition to the rockers
- handling an operation that involves providing labor and materials be supplied as needed
- resembling sculpture; "her finely modeled features"; "rendered with...vivid sculptural effect"; "the sculpturesque beauty of the athletes bodies" (同)sculptural, sculptured, sculpturesque
- (通名縮小した)(…の)『模型』,ひな型《+『of』+『名』》 / 《単数形で》(…の)『模範』,手本《+『of』+(『for』)+『名』》 / (美術家・作家などの)モデル,ファッションモデル / (自動車・服装などの)型,式《+『of』+『名』》 / 《英》《単数形で》(…と)そっくりな人(物),(…の)生き写し《+『of』+『名』》 / 『模型の』,見本の / 『日範的な』,申し分のない / (ある材料で)…‘の'模型を作る,‘を'型どる《+『名』+『in』+『名』〈材料〉》 / (手本・型に合わせて)…‘を'作る《+『名』+『after』(『on, upon』)+『名』(a person's do『ing』)》 / 〈洋装・髪型などの〉‘の'モデルをする / (…で)(原型)を作る《+『in』+『名』》 / (ファッションショーなどで)モデルをする
- 〈C〉(…の)『方法』,やり方,流儀《+『of』+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(服装などの)『流行』,モード / 〈C〉(動詞の)法,叙法(mood) / 音階(scale)
- モッズふうな(服装・音楽などについて伝統にとらわれない考え方の一つ)[modernの短縮形]
- 兵站(へいたん)学(調達・補給・宿営などの業務に関する兵学)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/05 15:46:29」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Logistic model may refer to:
- Logistic function – a continuous sigmoidal curve
- Logistic map – a discrete version, which exhibits chaotic behavior
- Logistic regression
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English Journal
- Achieving Kaiser Permanente quality.
- McHugh MD1, Aiken LH, Eckenhoff ME, Burns LR.
- Health care management review.Health Care Manage Rev.2016 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: The Kaiser Permanente model of integrated health delivery is highly regarded for high-quality and efficient health care. Efforts to reproduce Kaiser's success have mostly failed. One factor that has received little attention and that could explain Kaiser's advantage is its commitment to
- PMID 26131607
- Correlates of gambling on high-school grounds.
- Foster DW1, Hoff RA2, Pilver CE3, Yau YH2, Steinberg MA4, Wampler J5, Krishnan-Sarin S1, Potenza MN6.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2015 Dec;51:57-64. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.07.006. Epub 2015 Jul 17.
- OBJECTIVE: This study examined adolescent gambling on school grounds (GS+) and how such behavior was associated with gambling-related attitudes. Further, we examined whether GS+ moderated associations between at-risk problem-gambling (ARPG) and gambling behaviors related to gambling partners.METHOD:
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- Youth retail tobacco access in Canada: Regional variation, perceptions, and predictors from YSS 2010/2011.
- Minaker LM1, Soni S2, Nguyen N3, Manske S3.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2015 Dec;51:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.06.047. Epub 2015 Jul 4.
- PURPOSE: Retail tobacco access is an important determinant of youth smoking prevalence. This study examines perceptions of ease in obtaining cigarettes and how prevalence of self-reported retail tobacco access among youth smokers varies by province in Canada. Additionally, relevant retail experience
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Japanese Journal
- Analysis of topography and vegetation distribution using a digital elevation model : case study of a snowy mountain basin in northeastern Japan
- Matsuura Toshiya,Suzuki Wajiro
- Landscape and ecological engineering : official journal of the International Consortium of Landscape and Ecological Engineering (ICLEE) 9(1), 143-155, 2013-01-00
- NAID 40019557354
- データ再配置機構を備えたBSPモデルに基づくデータ並列ミドルウェア
- 伊藤 昭博
- 情報処理学会論文誌 53(12), 2802-2814, 2012-12-15
- データ再配置機構を備え,keyつきおよびkeyなしデータ要素を処理対象とするBulk Synchronous Parallel(BSP)モデルに基づくデータ並列ミドルウェアを開発し,スケーラビリティ性能評価を行った.BSPモデルでは,各サーバ上でデータがローカル処理されるため,サーバ間の負荷を平準化するにはデータの再配置が必要になる.本ミドルウェアは,データ要素間の独立性を利用することで,データ要 …
- NAID 110009493427
- Semi-supervised logistic discrimination via graph-based regularization
- Kawano Shuichi,Misumi Toshihiro,Konishi Sadanori,川野 秀一,三角 俊裕,小西 貞則,カワノ シュウイチ,ミスミ トシヒロ,コニシ サダノリ
- 2012-12-00
- … We address the problem of constructing a nonlinear model based on both classified and unclassified data sets for classification. … A semi-supervised logistic model with Gaussian basis expansions along with technique of graph-based regularization method is presented. … Crucial issues in our modeling procedure are the choices of tuning parameters included in the nonlinear logistic models. …
- NAID 120004903777
- 関
- logistic model、multiple logistic regression、multivariate logistic regression
- 英
- logistic model
- 関
- ロジスティック回帰分析
- 関
- fashion、form、manner、means、mechanism、method、pattern、procedure、process、type、typed、way