- an artist who makes a deliberate break with previous styles
- 現美主義[者]の;現代的な,新しい
- 現代主義者,現代替美者,モダニスト
English Journal
- Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin (1872-1915): Enlightenment or illness?
- Witztum E1, Lerner V2.
- Journal of medical biography.J Med Biogr.2014 Jun 6. pii: 0967772014537151. [Epub ahead of print]
- The similarity between psychotic symptoms and aspects of mystical experiences is well known. It has long been recognized that there are similarities between mystical and spiritual and psychotic experiences. The content of an experience alone usually does not determine whether an individual is psycho
- PMID 24906401
- Mapping the organizational culture research in nursing: a literature review.
- Scott-Findlay S1, Estabrooks CA.
- Journal of advanced nursing.J Adv Nurs.2006 Dec;56(5):498-513.
- AIM: This paper reports a critical review of nursing organizational culture research studies with the objectives of: (1) reviewing theoretical and methodological characteristics of the studies and (2) drawing inferences specific to the state of knowledge in this field.BACKGROUND: Organizational cult
- PMID 17078826
- Herzl's Altneuland: Zionist utopia, medical science and public health.
- Davidovitch N1, Seidelman R.
- Ḳorot (Jerusalem : 1952).Korot.2003-2004;17:1-21, ix.
- In this article we explore how the vision uniting Zionism, science, medicine and public health is depicted in Herzl's novel Altneuland (Old-New Land). Altneuland, which belongs to the genre of fin-de-siècle utopian novels, presents a modernistic vision of progress, integrating science with a humani
- PMID 17153576
Japanese Journal
- 7490 歴史的景観規制地区における現代建築の「すり寄り」ファサード形成の分析と評価 : 京都市旧市街地型美観地区・田の字地区を事例として(街路ファサードの景観分析,都市計画,学術講演会・建築デザイン発表会)
- モダンデザインの背景を探る : 1920-30年代諸事情その8 : アールデコ再考
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