- 関
- adversely、backward、converse、conversely、inverse、opposite、oppositely、retro、reverse
- in an inverse or contrary manner; "inversely related"; "wavelength and frequency are, of course, related reciprocally"- F.A.Geldard (同)reciprocally
- of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle; "in reverse gear"
- a relation of direct opposition; "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true" (同)contrary, opposite
- the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed (同)reverse gear
- the side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design (同)verso
- (American football) a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite direction
- an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating (同)reversal, setback, blow, black_eye
- the other one of a complementary pair; "the opposite sex"; "the two chess kings are set up on squares of opposite colors"
- of leaves etc; growing in pairs on either side of a stem; "opposite leaves" (同)paired
- altogether different in nature or quality or significance; "the medicines effect was opposite to that intended"; "it is said that opposite characters make a union happiest"- Charles Reade
- being directly across from each other; facing; "And I on the opposite shore will be, ready to ride and spread the alarm"- Longfellow; "we lived on opposite sides of the street"; "at opposite poles"
- moving or facing away from each other; "looking in opposite directions"; "they went in opposite directions"
- having made less than normal progress; "an economically backward country"
- in a manner or order or direction the reverse of normal; "its easy to get the `i and the `e backward in words like `seize and `siege"; "the child put her jersey on backward" (同)backwards
- retarded in intellectual development (同)half-witted, slow-witted, feebleminded
- (used of temperament or behavior) marked by a retiring nature; "a backward lover"
- directed or facing toward the back or rear; "a backward view"
- of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other; "`parental and `filial are converse terms"
- a proposition obtained by conversion
- carry on a conversation (同)discourse
- turned about in order or relation; "transposed letters" (同)reversed, transposed
- with the terms of the relation reversed; "conversely, not all women are mothers"
- opposite in nature or effect or relation to another quantity ; "a term is in inverse proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other decreases (or increases)"
- something inverted in sequence or character or effect; "when the direct approach failed he tried the inverse" (同)opposite
- reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect (同)reverse
- (位置・方向・順序などにおいて)『逆の』;裏側の』 / 逆に動かす(動く),バックの / 〈U〉《the reverse》(…の)『反対』,『逆』《+『of』+『名』(『wh』‐節)》》 / 〈U〉《the reverse》(貨幣・メダルなどの)『裏側』,(一般に)(…の)裏面《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(運命などの)逆転,不運 / 〈U〉後退[装置],逆転[装置] / …‘を'『逆にする』,反対にする;…‘を'裏返す / 〈機械など〉‘を'逆転させる,逆方向に動かす / 〈判決など〉‘を'取り消す,破棄する / (ダンスで)逆に回る / 〈機械などが〉逆方向に動く
- (位置が)『向こう側の』,反対側の,向かい合わせの / (動く方向が)反対の / (性質上)『正反対の』,相入れない / (…の)『正反対の人』(『物』),相入れないもの《+『of』+『名』》 / …に向かい合って
- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(方向が)『後方への』,もとへの / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『逆の』,反対からの / 進歩(発達)が遅れている / (性格が)内気な(shy),隠っ込み祉案の / 『後方へ』,後ろ向きに / (方向・順序・時間が)『逆に』,反対に
- (…について…と)話す《+『with』+『名』+『on』(『about』)+『名』》
- (方向・動き・順序などが)『反対の』,逆の(opposite, contrary) / 反対のもの,逆 / (論理学で)反対(転換)命題
- 逆に / 《文全体を修飾して》逆に言えば
- (順序・位置・方向などが)逆の,反対の / (…の)逆,反対[のもの]《+『of』+『名』》 / 逆数
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English Journal
- Making Homes Healthy: International Code Council Processes and Patterns.
- Coyle EC 3rd1, Isett KR, Rondone J, Harris R, Howell MC, Brandus K, Hughes G, Kerfoot R, Hicks D.
- Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.J Public Health Manag Pract.2016 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]
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- Auto- immunity highlights.Auto Immun Highlights.2016 Dec;7(1):5. doi: 10.1007/s13317-016-0077-y. Epub 2016 Feb 15.
- PURPOSE: Nailfold videocapillaroscopy (NVC) identifies the microvascular hallmarks of systemic sclerosis (SSc) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and may play a pivotal role in the associated vasculopathy. The aim of the present study was to compare NVC alterations with clinical subsets,
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- BACKGROUND: Chronic migraine is a disabling, under-recognized, and undertreated disorder that increases health burdens. The aim of this study was to evaluate phenotypic features and the relevance of accompanying symptoms of migraine attacks in chronic migraine.METHOD: This study was conducted as par
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Japanese Journal
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- Takehiro Shin-ichi
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- , ,
- Acoustical Science and Technology 36(3), 208-215, 2015
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- Dietary Patterns and Serum Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase in Japanese Men and Women
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- Journal of Epidemiology 25(5), 378-386, 2015
- … The healthy pattern was inversely related to GGT in men (odds ratio [OR] for highest vs lowest quartile, 0.72; …
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- 関
- adverse、adversely、against、allelism、allelomorphism、backward、contrary、converse、conversely、dichotomy、disagree、disagreement、inverse、inversely、object、objection、oppose、opposite phyllotaxis、oppositely、opposition、retro、reverse
- 英
- reverse、opposite、inverse、backward、converse、conversely、inversely、adversely、oppositely、retro
- 関
- インバース、逆性、逆転、逆行、後方、正反対、対生、対立性、反対、反転、不利、レトロ、逆戻り、リバース
- 関
- adversely、backward、converse、conversely、inverse、inversely、opposite、oppositely、retro、reversal
- 関
- backward、converse、conversely、disadvantage、disadvantageous、inverse、inversely、opposite、oppositely、retro、reverse
- 関
- adversely、converse、conversely、inverse、inversely、opposite、oppositely、posterior、retro、reverse
- 関
- adversely、backward、converse、conversely、inversely、inversion、invert、opposite、oppositely、retro、reversal、reverse