- 関
- inactivated form、inactivated state
- develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape" (同)take form, take shape, spring
- assume a form or shape; "the water formed little beads"
- the visual appearance of something or someone; "the delicate cast of his features" (同)shape, cast
- a mold for setting concrete; "they built elaborate forms for pouring the foundation"
- a particular mode in which something is manifested; "his resentment took the form of extreme hostility"
- a perceptual structure; "the composition presents problems for students of musical form"; "a visual pattern must include not only objects but the spaces between them" (同)shape, pattern
- (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; "a new strain of microorganisms" (同)variant, strain, var.
- the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached" (同)word form, signifier, descriptor
- a printed document with spaces in which to write; "he filled out his tax form"
- an ability to perform well; "he was at the top of his form"; "the team was off form last night"
- an arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse; "the essay was in the form of a dialogue"; "he first sketches the plot in outline form"
- to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"; "The branches made a roof"; "This makes a fine introduction" (同)constitute, make
- create (as an entity); "social groups form everywhere"; "They formed a company" (同)organize, organise
- not exerting influence or change
- not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest" (同)motionless, static, still
- (chemistry) not participating in a chemical reaction; chemically inert; "desired amounts of inactive chlorine"
- (pathology) not progressing or increasing; or progressing slowly
- lacking activity; lying idle or unused; "an inactive mine"; "inactive accounts"; "inactive machinery"
- not active physically or mentally; "illness forced him to live an inactive life"; "dreamy and inactive by nature"
- not engaged in full-time work; "inactive reserve"; "an inactive member"
- having or given a form or shape
- 〈C〉〈U〉(色・材質に対して)『形』,形状,姿 / 〈C〉『人体』,体つき / 〈C〉〈U〉『外観』,格好,人影 / 〈C〉〈U〉(ものの現れる)『形態』,形式 / 〈C〉(生物などの)『種類』,品種 / 〈U〉(芸術作品の)表現形式 / 〈U〉(特にスポーツで)(競技者の)フォーム / 〈U〉(心身の)調子,元気 / 〈C〉(印刷された)書き込み用紙,ひな形 / 〈U〉《話》(ある集団などの)やり方,仕方,方式 / 〈C〉〈U〉しきたり,伝統的な儀式 / 〈C〉(英国の学校・米国のある学校で)学年,学級 / 〈U〉〈C〉(意味に対する)形態,形;語形 / 〈C〉(通例寄りかかりのない)長い木のいす / 〈素材〉‘に'形を与える,(…に)…‘を'形作る《+『名』+『into』+『名』》 / (素材から)…‘を'形作る《+『名』+『out of』+『名』》 / …‘を'組織する,構成する / 〈考えなど〉‘を'まとめる,思い付く;〈計画など〉‘を'立てる / 〈習慣など〉‘を'身に付ける;〈交際など〉‘を'結ぶ / 〈文章など〉‘を'組み立てる;〈複数形など〉‘を'作る / (ある順序に)配列する,整列させる / 〈物が〉形を成す / 生じる,現れる / (…に)なる《+『into』+『名』》
- 《時間・距離》『…の間』 / 《利益・貢献》『…のために』 / 《適応・用途》『…向きの(に);』…用の(に);…のための(に) / 《目的・意向》『…のために,』に / 《敬意・記念》『…のために;』…を記念して / 《獲得・追求》『…を得るために』,を求めて / 《行く先・方向》『…あてに;』…[方面]行きの,に向けて / 《交換・報償など》『…に対して』;…と引き換えに;…のお返しに / 《原因・理由》『…のために』,なので / 《代理・代表》『…の代わりに;』…を代表して / 《形容詞の後に用いて》『…にとって,』には / 《比較級の後に用いて》『…の結果として,』…のために / 《対比》『…としては,』のわりには / 《関連》『…について,』の点では / 《資格・属性》『…として』 / 《賛成・支持》…『に賛成して』,を支持して / 《傾向・好み》…『に対する』,には / 《模倣》《おもに米》《英文》…の名を取って(after) / 《割合》…に対して / 《『for』+『名』〈人〉+『to』 doの形で,〈人〉が不定詞to doの意味上の主語を表して》…が(…することは,…するために) / […というのは]…だから
- 活動しない,働いていない;活発でない
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English Journal
- Factor XIIIA transglutaminase expression and secretion by osteoblasts is regulated by extracellular matrix collagen and the MAP kinase signaling pathway.
- Piercy-Kotb SA, Mousa A, Al-Jallad HF, Myneni VD, Chicatun F, Nazhat SN, Kaartinen MT.SourceDivision of Experimental Medicine, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
- Journal of cellular physiology.J Cell Physiol.2012 Jul;227(7):2936-46. doi: 10.1002/jcp.23040.
- Osteoblast differentiation is regulated by the presence of collagen type I (COL I) extracellular matrix (ECM). We have recently demonstrated that Factor XIIIA (FXIIIA) transglutaminase (TG) is required by osteoblasts for COL I secretion and extracellular deposition, and thus also for osteoblast diff
- PMID 21959563
- Positive feedback in the Akt/mTOR pathway and its implications for growth signal progression in skeletal muscle cells: An analytical study.
- López-Caamal F, García MR, Middleton RH, Huber HJ.SourceHamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
- Journal of theoretical biology.J Theor Biol.2012 May 21;301:15-27. Epub 2012 Feb 2.
- The IGF-1 mediated Akt/mTOR pathway has been recently proposed as mediator of skeletal muscle growth and a positive feedback between Akt and mTOR was suggested to induce homogeneous growth signals along the whole spatial extension of such long cells. Here we develop two biologically justified approx
- PMID 22314407
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- Inactive Form Blog MACSA will be closed for Summer break from June 23 through July 5. Lessons will resume July 6. Inactive Form Proudly powered by WordPress ...
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- 英
- inactive form、inactivated form
- 関
- 不活性化状態
- 英
- inactivated state、inactive form
- 関
- 不活性型
- 関
- inactive form
- 関
- inactive form
- Progression rates are variable and an acute aggressive form with death in 6 months can occur.(疾患の進展速度は症例により様々で、6ヶ月で死亡する急性増悪も起こりうる)(CASES.244)
- 関
- appearance、breed、configure、cultivar、figure、formation、mode、morphology、orchestrate、pattern、race、shape、topology、type、typed
- 関
- inactivity、inert、noble