- 関
- any of various water-soluble compounds capable of turning litmus blue and reacting with an acid to form a salt and water; "bases include oxides and hydroxides of metals and ammonia" (同)alkali
- (numeration system) the positive integer that is equivalent to one in the next higher counting place; "10 is the radix of the decimal system" (同)radix
- the bottom side of a geometric figure from which the altitude can be constructed; "the base of the triangle"
- situate as a center of operations; "we will base this project in the new lab"
- a place that the runner must touch before scoring; "he scrambled to get back to the bag" (同)bag
- installation from which a military force initiates operations; "the attack wiped out our forward bases" (同)base of operations
- a support or foundation; "the base of the lamp" (同)pedestal, stand
- (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector
- a flat bottom on which something is intended to sit; "a tub should sit on its own base"
- the principal ingredient of a mixture; "glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments"; "he told the painter that he wanted a yellow base with just a hint of green"; "everything she cooked seemed to have rice as the base"
- the place where you are stationed and from which missions start and end (同)home
- (anatomy) the part of an organ nearest its point of attachment; "the base of the skull"
- the bottom or lowest part; "the base of the mountain"
- illegitimate (同)baseborn
- of low birth or station (`base is archaic in this sense); "baseborn wretches with dirty faces"; "of humble (or lowly) birth" (同)baseborn, humble, lowly
- not adhering to ethical or moral principles; "base and unpatriotic motives"; "a base, degrading way of life"; "cheating is dishonorable"; "they considered colonialism immoral"; "unethical practices in handling public funds" (同)immoral
- having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality; "that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble"- Edmund Burke; "taking a mean advantage"; "chokd with ambition of the meaner sort"- Shakespeare; "something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics" (同)mean, meanspirited
- (used of metals) consisting of or alloyed with inferior metal; "base coins of aluminum"; "a base metal"
- debased; not genuine; "an attempt to eliminate the base coinage"
- a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration (同)motive
- a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music (同)motive
- making active and effective (as a bomb)
- stimulation of activity in an organism or chemical
- having a base; "firmly based ice"
- having a base of operations (often used as a combining form); "a locally based business"; "an Atlanta-based company"; "carrier-based planes"
- an amino acid found in most proteins; a precursor of several hormones
- 《文》(人や人の行動・孝えが)『卑しい』,下劣な / (金属が)質の劣った;(貨幣が)粗悪な
- 『基礎』,根拠 / 『基部』,基底,土台 / 『根拠地』,基地 / (野球の)塁,ベース / 主成分;塩基(酸と反応シテ塩(官)を生じる化合物) / (数学で図形の)底;底辺;基線 / (…に)…‘の'『基礎をおく』《+『名』+『on』(『upon』)+『名』》
- モチーフ / 文学・芸術作品の表現の中心となる主題 / 楽曲の主題 / デザインなどに繰り返して用いられる主模様
- 活動化 / (物質の)活性化(化学反応を起こしやすくすること)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/04 14:28:49」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
An immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) (in the antagonistic case ITIM, I for inhibition) is a conserved sequence of four amino acids that is repeated twice in the cytoplasmic tails of certain cell surface proteins of the immune system.[1]
The motif contains a tyrosine separated from a leucine or isoleucine by any two other amino acids, giving the signature YxxL/I.[1] Two of these signatures are typically separated by between 6 and 8 amino acids in the tail of the molecule (YxxL/Ix(6-8)YxxL/I).
T-cell receptor complex with TCR-α and TCR-β chains, CD3 and ζ-chain accessory molecules. ITAMs are represented in blue on the tails of the CD3 subunits.
ITAMs are important for signal transduction in immune cells. Hence, they are found in the tails of important cell signaling molecules such as the CD3 and ζ-chains of the T cell receptor complex,[1] the CD79-alpha and -beta chains of the B cell receptor complex, and certain Fc receptors. The tyrosine residues within these motifs become phosphorylated following interaction of the receptor molecules with their ligands and form docking sites for other proteins involved in the signaling pathways of the cell.
- ^ a b c Abbas, Abul K; Lichtman, Andrew H. (2009), Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune System (3 ed.), Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, ISBN 978-1-4160-4688-2
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English Journal
- Early estrogen-induced gene 1, a novel RANK signaling component, is essential for osteoclastogenesis.
- Choi HK, Kang HR, Jung E, Kim TE, Lin JJ, Lee SY.SourceDivision of Life and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 120-750, Korea.
- Cell research.Cell Res.2013 Apr;23(4):524-36. doi: 10.1038/cr.2013.33. Epub 2013 Mar 12.
- The receptor activator of NF-κB (RANK) and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing adaptors are essential factors involved in regulating osteoclast formation and bone remodeling. Here, we identify early estrogen-induced gene 1 (EEIG1) as a novel RANK ligand (RANKL)-inducibl
- PMID 23478294
- SHPS-1 and a synthetic peptide representing its ITIM inhibit the MyD88, but not TRIF, pathway of TLR signaling through activation of SHP and PI3K in THP-1 cells.
- Kim EJ, Suk K, Lee WH.SourceSchool of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 702-701, Korea.
- Inflammation research : official journal of the European Histamine Research Society ... [et al.].Inflamm Res.2013 Apr;62(4):377-86. doi: 10.1007/s00011-013-0589-0. Epub 2013 Jan 12.
- BACKGROUND: Src homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase substrate (SHPS)-1 is known to have regulatory effects on myeloid cells. However, its role in macrophage activation is not clearly understood.METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to investigate the role of SHPS-1 in Toll-like recepto
- PMID 23314616
Japanese Journal
- An immunoglobulin-like receptor, Allergin-1, inhibits immunoglobulin E–mediated immediate hypersensitivity reactions
- Hitomi Kaori,Tahara-Hanaoka Satoko,Someya Satoru,Fujiki Akira,Tada Hideaki,Sugiyama Tetsuya,Shibayama Shiro,Shibuya Kazuko,Shibuya Akira,田原 聡子,渋谷 和子,渋谷 彰
- Nature immunology 11(7), 601-607, 2010-07
- … However, the regulatory mechanism of mast cell activation is not completely understood. … Here we identify an immunoglobulin-like receptor, Allergin-1, that contains an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM)-like domain, and show it was preferentially expressed on mast cells. … Mouse Allergin-1 recruited the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2 and the inositol phosphatase SHIP. …
- NAID 120002836956
- 樹状細胞に発現するCタイプレクチンdendritic cell immunoreceptor(DCIR)の機能と生体における働き (特集 自然免疫における活性化レセプターと阻止レセプター)
Related Links
- The immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) -related factors are increased in synovial tissue and vasculature of rheumatoid arthritic joints ... Introduction The immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM ...
- An immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) (in the antagonistic case ITIM, I for inhibition) is a conserved sequence of four amino acids that is repeated twice in the cytoplasmic tails of certain cell surface proteins of the immune system
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- 日
- 免疫受容活性化チロシンモチーフ
- 英
- immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif, immunoreceptor tyrosine based activation motifs
- 同
- ARAM, antigen recognition activation motif
- 関
- ITIM immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif、immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activating motifs ITAMs
- Fc受容体をもつ肥満細胞、マクロファージ、単球、好中球、NK細胞
- チロシンを持ち、共役するキナーゼによりリン酸化される。
- ....YXX[L/I]X6-9YXX[L/I]....
- 関
- immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif, ITIM。immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif, ITAM
- チロシンを持ち、共役するキナーゼによりリン酸化される。
- ....[I/V]XYXX[L/I]....
- 関
- basal、base、basement、basic、basis、element、elementary、evidence、foundation、fundamental、fundamentals、fundus、ground、infrastructure、reason
- 関
- activate、activated、turn on
- 関
- immunologic receptor