- dispose of; "Get rid of these old shoes!"; "The company got rid of all the dead wood" (同)remove
- reach by calculation; "What do you get when you add up these numbers?"
- cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; "He got his squad on the ball"; "This let me in for a big surprise"; "He got a girl into trouble" (同)let, have
- a return on a shot that seemed impossible to reach and would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent
- come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work" (同)acquire
- reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot; "the rock caught her in the back of the head"; "The blow got him in the back"; "The punch caught him in the stomach" (同)catch
- succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase; "We finally got the suspect"; "Did you catch the thief?" (同)catch, capture
- irritate; "Her childish behavior really get to me"; "His lying really gets me" (同)get under one''s skin
- receive as a retribution or punishment; "He got 5 years in prison" (同)receive
- acquire as a result of some effort or action; "You cannot get water out of a stone"; "Where did she get these news?"
- communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone; "Bill called this number and he got Mary"; "The operator couldnt get Kobe because of the earthquake"
- evoke an emotional response; "Brahmss `Requiem gets me every time"
- overcome or destroy; "The ice storm got my hibiscus"; "the cat got the goldfish"
- purchase; "What did you get at the toy store?"
- reach and board; "She got the bus just as it was leaving"
- travel by being carried on horseback (同)horseback riding
- the sport of siting on the back of a horse while controlling its movements (同)horseback riding, equitation
- relieve from; "Rid the house of pests" (同)free, disembarrass
- a unit of force equal to the force exerted by gravity; used to indicate the force to which a body is subjected when it is accelerated (同)gee, g-force
- …‘を'『受け取る』,もらう(受動態にできない) / …‘を'『手に入れる』,得る(受動態にできない) / …‘を'『取ってくる』,持ってくる / 〈人〉‘に'『させる』,『してもらう』 / …‘を'『する』 / 《目的語の名詞の意味を受けて》…『する』,『される』 / 〈病気〉‘に'かかる(受動態にできない) / …‘を'捕らえる,捕まえる / …‘を'覚える,知る / …‘を'聞く,聞き取る(hear);《話》…‘を'理解する,了解する,分かる / 〈放送局〉‘を'キャッチする;…‘と'連絡がつく / 〈食事〉‘の'準備をする,したくする / 《話》《『have got』+『名』》…‘を'持っている(have) / 《話》《『have got to』 do》…しなくてはならない / 〈人〉‘を'やっつける,参らせる / 《副詞[句]を伴って》(ある場所に)『着く』,達する;(ある場所・方向に)動く / (ある状態に)『なる』 / 《『get』+『過分』〈補〉》(…)『される』 / 《話》《『get to』 do=『get』 do『ing』》『やっと』(…)『するようになる』,(…)しだす,し始める
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 乗ること,乗馬,乗車
- ライディング 《1974 年までの Yorkshire 州の行政区画》・(カナダの)選挙区
- 《『rid』+『名』〈場所・人〉+『of』+『名』》(やっかいなものを)〈場所・人〉‘から'『取り除く』
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English Journal
- Time to Get Rid of the Clock: Intraobserver and Interobserver Reliability in Determination of the O'clock Position of the Femoral Tunnel in ACL Reconstruction.
- Wittstein JR1, Garrett WE2.Author information 1Department of Surgery, Bassett Healthcare Network, Cooperstown, New York.2Duke Sports Medicine Center, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.AbstractThis study evaluates intraobserver and interobserver agreement in reporting the o'clock position of the femoral tunnel during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Four PGY2 residents, four PGY5 residents, and four sports medicine orthopedic surgeons reported the o'clock position of the femoral ACL tunnel in 10 arthroscopic pictures on two occasions 3 months apart. Intraobserver agreement was determined using the intraobserver correlation coefficient (r > 0.576 for 0.05 significance level). Interobserver agreement between members of each group and between reviewer groups was evaluated with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC > 0.75 considered good agreement). Poor interobserver agreement was demonstrated between the attending and PGY2 groups (ICC = 0.1685), between the attending and PGY5 groups (ICC = 0.2982), and between the PGY5 and PGY2 groups (ICC = 0.267). Attending surgeons, PGY5s, and PGY2s demonstrated poor interobserver agreement amongst themselves (ICC = 0.2244, 0.471, and 0.0859, respectively). PGY2s and PGY5s demonstrated good intraobserver agreement, but attending surgeons demonstrated poor intraobserver agreement. Attending orthopedic surgeons and residents of different levels of training interpret the o'clock position of the femoral tunnel differently. Greater years of experience does not improve intraobserver or interobserver agreement on the o'clock position. The clock face terminology for femoral tunnel placement may not be a reliable descriptor for scientific investigations or clinical instruction.
- The journal of knee surgery.J Knee Surg.2014 Feb;27(1):89-92. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1360651. Epub 2013 Nov 13.
- This study evaluates intraobserver and interobserver agreement in reporting the o'clock position of the femoral tunnel during anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Four PGY2 residents, four PGY5 residents, and four sports medicine orthopedic surgeons reported the o'clock position of the f
- PMID 24227399
- The cyclic ground state structure of the HF trimer revealed by far infrared jet-cooled Fourier transform spectroscopy.
- Asselin P, Soulard P, Madebène B, Goubet M, Huet TR, Georges R, Pirali O, Roy P.Author information Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR 8233, MONARIS, F-75005, Paris, France. pierre.asselin@upmc.fr.AbstractThe rovibrationally resolved Fourier transform (FT) far infrared (FIR) spectra of two intermolecular librations of (HF)3, namely the in-plane ν6 and out-of-plane ν4 bending fundamentals centered, respectively, at about 494 cm-1 and 602 cm-1, have been recorded for the first time under jet-cooled conditions using the supersonic jet of the Jet-AILES apparatus. The simultaneous rotational analysis of 245 infrared transitions belonging to both bands enabled us to determine the ground state (GS), ν6 and ν4 rotational and centrifugal distortion constants. These results provided definite experimental answers to the structure of such a weakly bound trimer: firstly the vibrationally averaged planarity of cyclic (HF)3, also supported by the very small value of the inertia defect obtained in the GS, secondly the slight weakening of the hydrogen bond in the intermolecular excited states evidenced from the center of mass separations of the HF constituents determined in the ground, ν6 = 1 and ν4 = 1 states of (HF)3 as well as the decrease of the fitted rotational constants upon excitation. Finally, lower bounds of about 2 ns on ν6 and ν4 state lifetimes could be derived from the deconvolution of experimental linewidths. Such long lifetimes highlight the interest in probing low frequency intermolecular motions of molecular complexes to get rid of constraints related to the vibrational dynamics of coupled anharmonic vibrations at higher energy, resulting in loss of rotational information.
- Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.Phys Chem Chem Phys.2014 Jan 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- The rovibrationally resolved Fourier transform (FT) far infrared (FIR) spectra of two intermolecular librations of (HF)3, namely the in-plane ν6 and out-of-plane ν4 bending fundamentals centered, respectively, at about 494 cm-1 and 602 cm-1, have been recorded for the first time under jet-cooled c
- PMID 24469411
- Anxiety and surplus in nursing practice: lessons from Lacan and Bataille.
- Evans AM, Glass N, Traynor M.Author information School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia.AbstractIt is well established, following Menzies' work, that nursing practice produces considerable anxiety. Like Menzies, we bring a psychoanalytic perspective to a theorization of anxiety in nursing and do so in order to consider nursing practice in the light of psychoanalytic theory, although from a Lacanian perspective. We also draw on Bataille's notion of 'surplus'. These concepts provide the theoretical framework for a study investigating how some clinical nurses are able to remain in clinical practice rather than leave the profession or seek work at a distance from the bedside. We conducted focus groups and present here an analysis of two fragments of nurses' speech. We found the nurses responded from one of two positions. In the first position, the nurses focus on doctors, complain about the surplus afforded them, and call for it to be eliminated. In this way, the nursing group is similar to other groups, considered by Bataille, who also attempt to get rid of a surplus. However, in the second position, the nurses stay with the surplus, tolerating it as they nurse the patient. This latter position is one where the nurse practises with a focus on the patient rather than being distracted by their dispute over the doctor's privilege. The importance of this paper is in its illustration of two distinct positions from which the nurse can practise: one that is not optimal because the nurse is distracted and the other that is more focused on practice, and thus the nurse is in a position to provide the best care possible to patients.
- Nursing philosophy : an international journal for healthcare professionals.Nurs Philos.2014 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/nup.12049. [Epub ahead of print]
- It is well established, following Menzies' work, that nursing practice produces considerable anxiety. Like Menzies, we bring a psychoanalytic perspective to a theorization of anxiety in nursing and do so in order to consider nursing practice in the light of psychoanalytic theory, although from a Lac
- PMID 24460865
Japanese Journal
- 森田療法の要点と治療への導入(森田療法の心身医療への展開-森田療法の要点と治療の実践へ向けて-,2014年,第55回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会(千葉))
- 伊藤 克人
- 心身医学 55(4), 333-338, 2015-04-01
- 森田療法は1920年代に森田正馬によって確立された精神療法である.森田は,人間には生存欲があり,それにはよりよく生きたいという「生の欲望」と不快な症状をなくしたいという「死の恐怖」の両面があることを示した.いったん不快な症状を感じれば,何とかなくしたいという意識がみられる.しかし,それが思うようにいかないと,症状への注意の集中,感覚の鋭敏化,そして意識の狭窄という心の悪循環に陥る.森田はこれを「精 …
- NAID 110009923716
- ブルーカラー,ホワイトカラーの男性における抑うつと関連する要因
- 川崎 ゆりか,西谷 直子,榊原 久孝
- 産業衛生学雑誌 57(4), 130-139, 2015
- 目的:産業現場ではメンタルへルスの不調を訴える労働者が増加傾向にあるとされ,生産性への影響が危惧されている.しかし,製造業のブルーカラー,ホワイトカラーにおける抑うつに関する調査は十分とはいえない.本研究の目的は特に睡眠状況や生活習慣に注目してブルーカラー,ホワイトカラーの職種別に抑うつと関連する要因を明らかにすることである.対象と方法:製造業A社社員1,963名を対象に,定期健康診断時に同意を得 …
- NAID 130005093733
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- 関
- acquire、become、come、gain、go、obtain、procure、take、turn、yield
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- receptor internalization and degradation
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- gram