- somewhat indefinite; "bearing a general resemblance to the original"; "a general description of the merchandise"
- a general officer of the highest rank (同)full general
- the head of a religious order or congregation (同)superior general
- a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular); "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"
- affecting the entire body; "a general anesthetic"; "general symptoms"
- applying to all or most members of a category or group; "the general public"; "general assistance"; "a general rule"; "in general terms"; "comprehensible to the general reader"
- command as a general; "We are generaled by an incompetent!"
- not specialized or limited to one class of things; "general studies"; "general knowledge"
- prevailing among and common to the general public; "the general discontent"
- of nerves and nerve impulses; conveying sensory information from the sense organs to the CNS; "afferent nerves"; "afferent impulses"
- relating to or affecting the viscera; "visceral bleeding"; "a splanchnic nerve" (同)splanchnic
- internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity); "`viscera is the plural form of `viscus" (同)entrails, innards
- (あるグループ)『全部の』,全部を含む / 『世間一般の』,広く行き渡った / 『一般の』,専門的でない / 『大体の』,概略の / 『陸軍大将』;(陸軍の)『将軍』,将官 / 概して,一般に
- (神経・血管などが)求心性の(末梢(まっしょう)から中枢に向かうこと)
- 内臓の,腸の / 《米》本能的な,感情的な
- 内臓 / 《話》腸
- genusの複数形
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English Journal
- Ex vivo use of a Rho-kinase inhibitor during renal preservation improves graft function upon reperfusion.
- Kirchner C1, Lüer B2, Efferz P3, Wohlschlaeger J4, Paul A5, Minor T6.
- Cryobiology.Cryobiology.2015 Feb;70(1):71-5. doi: 10.1016/j.cryobiol.2014.12.008. Epub 2014 Dec 31.
- BACKGROUND: Activation of the Rho-Rho-kinase pathway has been shown to cause vasoconstriction in renal afferent arterioles. Vascular dysfunction plays a pivotal role in triggering reperfusion injury after kidney transplantation. Therefore, the effect of a Rho-kinase inhibitor, added to the preservat
- PMID 25555715
- Connections of the commissural nucleus of Cajal in the goldfish, with special reference to the topographic organization of ascending visceral sensory pathways.
- Uezono S1, Yamada Y, Kato T, Abe H, Yamamoto N.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2015 Feb 1;523(2):209-25. doi: 10.1002/cne.23675. Epub 2014 Sep 30.
- The primary general visceral nucleus of teleosts is called the commissural nucleus of Cajal (NCC). The NCC of goldfish has been divided into the medial (NCCm) and lateral (NCCl) subnuclei that receive inputs from subdiaphragmatic gastrointestinal tract and the posterior pharynx, respectively. Fiber
- PMID 25209308
- A method of nodose ganglia injection in Sprague-Dawley rat.
- Calik MW1, Radulovacki M2, Carley DW3.
- Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.J Vis Exp.2014 Nov 25;(93):e52233. doi: 10.3791/52233.
- Afferent signaling via the vagus nerve transmits important general visceral information to the central nervous system from many diverse receptors located in the organs of the abdomen and thorax. The vagus nerve communicates information from stimuli such as heart rate, blood pressure, bronchopulmonar
- PMID 25490160
Japanese Journal
- 畝山 寿之,田中 達朗,鳥居 邦夫
- 日本薬理学雑誌 124(4), 210-218, 2004
- 内臓を支配する迷走神経求心路に伝わる内臓感覚は,消化管内容物の消化状態に関する情報や個々の栄養素(グルコース,アミノ酸等)に関する情報であり,栄養素の生体恒常性維持に欠かすことのできない“意識されない感覚”である.この迷走神経を介する内臓感覚を誘発する栄養素の消化管粘膜上での化学受容機構(gutchemical sensing)の実態に関してはこれまで不明であったが,近年の味覚受容研究の急速な展開 …
- NAID 130000088786
Related Links
- The general visceral afferent fibers (GVA) conduct sensory impulses (usually pain or reflex sensations) from the viscera, glands, and blood vessels to the central nervous system. They are considered to be part of the autonomic nervous system.
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- 英
- general visceral afferent
- 一般の、総体的な、全般/総合的な、包括的な、普遍的な(opp. special)
- (専門的でなく)一般的な。通常の。雑多な、雑用の
- (詳細でなく)概括的な、大体の、概略の(opp. particular)。漠然とした、あいまいな(vague)
- 関
- common、commonly、conventional、generally、generic、generically、in general、normal、normally、ordinarily、ordinary、popular、prevailing、systemic、total body、universal、universally、usual、usually、whole body、whole-body
- 関
- afferent fiber、afferent fibre、afferent neuron、afferent pathway、afferents、centripetal、concentric、import、importation
- 関
- splanchnic、viscera、viscus
- 関
- (adj.)visceral
- 関
- splanchnic、visceral、viscus
- 関
- afferent、afferent pathway