- 関
- general、generally、generic、popular、prevailing、universal
- without a trademark or brand name; "we market these drugs generically"
- as sharing a common genus; "these animals are not related generically"
- somewhat indefinite; "bearing a general resemblance to the original"; "a general description of the merchandise"
- a general officer of the highest rank (同)full general
- the head of a religious order or congregation (同)superior general
- a fact about the whole (as opposed to particular); "he discussed the general but neglected the particular"
- affecting the entire body; "a general anesthetic"; "general symptoms"
- applying to all or most members of a category or group; "the general public"; "general assistance"; "a general rule"; "in general terms"; "comprehensible to the general reader"
- command as a general; "We are generaled by an incompetent!"
- not specialized or limited to one class of things; "general studies"; "general knowledge"
- prevailing among and common to the general public; "the general discontent"
- applicable to or common to all members of a group or set; "the play opened to universal acclaim"; "rap enjoys universal appeal among teenage boys"
- (linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages (同)linguistic universal
- (logic) a proposition that asserts something of all members of a class (同)universal proposition
- a behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all members of a particular culture or of all human beings; "some form of religion seems to be a human universal"
- adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations; "universal wrench", "universal chuck"; "universal screwdriver"
- relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus; "the generic name"
- any product that can be sold without a brand name
- a wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating; a wine that does not carry the name of any specific grape (同)generic wine
- (of drugs) not protected by trademark; "`Acetaminophen is the generic form of the proprietary drug `Tylenol"
- applicable to an entire class or group; "is there a generic Asian mind?"
- regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public; "a popular tourist attraction"; "a popular girl"; "cabbage patch dolls are no longer popular"
- (of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people) (同)pop
- carried on by or for the people (or citizens) at large; "the popular vote"; "popular representation"; "institutions of popular government"
- without distinction of one from others; "he is interested in snakes in general" (同)in_general, in the main
- 属に関して,属的に / 一般的に
- (あるグループ)『全部の』,全部を含む / 『世間一般の』,広く行き渡った / 『一般の』,専門的でない / 『大体の』,概略の / 『陸軍大将』;(陸軍の)『将軍』,将官 / 概して,一般に
- 『すべての人々の』,万人共通の;全世界の / 普遍的な,一般的な,全般的な
- (生物分類上の)属(genus)の / ある種類(群)全体にあてはまる / (商品が)特定銘柄品でない / (文法で)総称的な
- 『人気がある』,評判のよい;好かれている / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『一般人の』・『民衆の』,大衆の,人民の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》大衆向きの,俗受けする / 一般的な,民間に広まった / 大衆の手の突く,安い
- 『普通は』(usually) / 『大部分は』 / 『概して』,『一般的に』
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English Journal
- Real-time PCR detection of Campylobacter spp.: A comparison to classic culturing and enrichment.
- de Boer P1, Rahaoui H2, Leer RJ2, Montijn RC2, van der Vossen JM2.
- Food microbiology.Food Microbiol.2015 Oct;51:96-100. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2015.05.006. Epub 2015 May 27.
- The major disadvantage of the current gold standard for detection of the food pathogen Campylobacter, i.e. culturing, is the lengthy procedure. In this study we assessed the use of real-time PCR for detection of Campylobacter. To this end, 926 poultry samples, taken from transport containers and bro
- PMID 26187833
- Heme Oxygenase-1 Is Not Decreased in Preeclamptic Placenta and Does Not Negatively Regulate Placental Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 or Soluble Endoglin Secretion.
- Tong S1, Kaitu'u-Lino TJ1, Onda K1, Beard S1, Hastie R1, Binder NK1, Cluver C1, Tuohey L1, Whitehead C1, Brownfoot F1, Silva M1, Hannan NJ1.
- Hypertension.Hypertension.2015 Aug 31. pii: HYPERTENSIONAHA.115.05847. [Epub ahead of print]
- Elevated placental release of the antiangiogenic factors, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and soluble endoglin (sENG), is central to the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. It is widely accepted that heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is decreased in preeclamptic placenta and negatively regulates sFlt
- PMID 26324507
- An Early Folding Contact between Phe19 and Leu34 is Critical for Amyloid-β Oligomer Toxicity.
- Das AK1, Rawat A1, Bhowmik D1, Pandit R1, Huster D2, Maiti S1.
- ACS chemical neuroscience.ACS Chem Neurosci.2015 Aug 19;6(8):1290-5. doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.5b00074. Epub 2015 May 20.
- Small hydrophobic oligomers of aggregation-prone proteins are thought to be generically toxic. Here we examine this view by perturbing an early folding contact between Phe19 and Leu34 formed during the aggregation of Alzheimer's amyloid-β (Aβ40) peptide. We find that even conservative single mutat
- PMID 25951510
- Generalization of motor resonance during the observation of hand, mouth and eye movements.
- Finisguerra A1, Maffongelli L1, Bassolino M, Jacono M2, Pozzo T3, D'Ausilio A4.
- Journal of neurophysiology.J Neurophysiol.2015 Aug 19:jn.00433.2015. doi: 10.1152/jn.00433.2015. [Epub ahead of print]
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex shows that hand Action Observation (AO) modulates Corticospinal Excitability (CSE). CSE modulation alternatively maps low-level kinematic characteristics or higher-level features, like object-directed action goals. However, action execution
- PMID 26289463
Japanese Journal
- 迅速な危機回復を目的とする大規模環境向け障害原因解析システム
- 永井 崇之,名倉 正剛
- 情報処理学会論文誌 54(3), 1109-1119, 2013-03-15
- ITシステムが大規模化する一方で,各企業では経験が十分なシステム管理者を必要な人数だけ確保できずに,障害発生時に危機回復を迅速に実現できないことが多い.迅速な危機回復のためには,障害検出から原因特定までに要する時間を短縮することが重要である.そこで本研究では,大規模ITシステムを対象に,障害事象と原因の対応をパターン化し,障害発生時にそれを利用して原因機器を特定する障害原因解析手法を提案する.既存 …
- NAID 110009552598
- 低消費電力化のための実行タスクの動的なプロセッサリソース割り当て機構
- 榊原 宏章,白石 善明,岩田 彰
- 情報処理学会研究報告. GN, [グループウェアとネットワークサービス] 2013-GN-86(38), 1-8, 2013-01-09
- 専門家による遠隔診断等の動画像通信などのように,汎用携帯端末を長時間利用できるように低消費電力化の需要が高まっている.汎用携帯端末には多種のプロセッサが搭載されてきており,消費電力当りの処理能力向上にはヘテロジニアスコンピューティング技術の利用が考えられる.しかし,ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング分野で行われている負荷分散や自動調節等の研究成果は互換性の点から汎用端末にそのまま適用できない.本 …
- NAID 110009509308
- Higgs-Like Scalars from Non-Perturbative Yang-Mills Dynamics(Shoichi Sakata Centennial Symposium)
- Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement (197), 92-106, 2012-11-07
- … Moreover, generically their properties are close to the stringy scalars, like the thermal scalar. …
- NAID 110009553558
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- Define generically. generically synonyms, generically pronunciation, generically translation, English dictionary definition of generically. adj. 1. a. Relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class: Cancer is a generic term for a ...
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- 一般の、総体的な、全般/総合的な、包括的な、普遍的な(opp. special)
- (専門的でなく)一般的な。通常の。雑多な、雑用の
- (詳細でなく)概括的な、大体の、概略の(opp. particular)。漠然とした、あいまいな(vague)
- 関
- common、commonly、conventional、generally、generic、generically、in general、normal、normally、ordinarily、ordinary、popular、prevailing、systemic、total body、universal、universally、usual、usually、whole body、whole-body
- 関
- common、commonly、conventional、general、generic、generically、in general、normal、normally、ordinarily、ordinary、popular、prevailing、universal、universally、usual、usually
- 英
- 関
- 一般、全身、属、通常、ジェネリック、普遍的、支配的、全世界、人気、ユニバーサル、全般、・ピュラー
- 関
- general、generally、generic、generically、popular、prevailing、universally
- 関
- genera、general、generally、generically、genus、popular、prevailing、universal