- place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed"
- (medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease; "there were no signs of asphyxiation"
- a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened); "he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring" (同)mark
- a character indicating a relation between quantities; "dont forget the minus sign"
- a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified; "The bond between the signifier and the signified is arbitrary"--de Saussure
- a gesture that is part of a sign language
- a public display of a message; "he posted signs in all the shop windows"
- engage by written agreement; "They signed two new pitchers for the next season" (同)contract, sign on, sign_up
- approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation; "All parties ratified the peace treaty"; "Have you signed your contract yet?" (同)ratify
- communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu" (同)signal, signalize, signalise
- mark with ones signature; write ones name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off"; "Please sign here" (同)subscribe
- be engaged by a written agreement; "He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18"; "The soprano signed to sing the new opera"
- communicate in sign language; "I dont know how to sign, so I could not communicate with my deaf cousin"
- to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be"
- work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher" (同)follow
- have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war" (同)live
- be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house"
- happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
- have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
- occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
- spend or use time; "I may be an hour"
- any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods (同)bean plant
- any of various seeds or fruits that are beans or resemble beans
- hit on the head, especially with a pitched baseball
- any of various edible seeds of plants of the family Leguminosae used for food (同)edible bean
- any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans (同)coffee_tree
- a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans; "he ordered a cup of coffee" (同)java
- a seed of the coffee tree; ground to make coffee (同)coffee berry, coffee
- (ある事実・状態・感情などの)『表れ』,印,気配,徴侯(indication);(…の)こん跡,計跡《+『of』+『名』》・『身ぶり』,手まね,合図 / 『標識』,看板 / (数学・音楽などの)記号 / (…の)『象徴』,シンボル(symbol)《+『of』+『名』》・《文》(…の)『前兆』,きざし《+『of』+『名』》・宮(きゅう)(黄道12区分の一つ) ・〈手紙・書類・作品など〉‘に'『署名する』・(…に)〈名前など〉‘を'書く《+『名』+『on』(『to』)+『名』》 / …‘を'雇う契約に署名する・…‘を'合図する,知らせる;…に合図する・署名する・契約書に署名して雇われる
- 《連結語として補語を伴なって…『である』,…だ,…です / 《位置・場所を表す語句を伴って》(…に)『ある』,いる(occupy a place or situation) / 〈物事が〉『存在する』,ある(exist);〈生物が〉生存する,生きている(live) / 行われる,起こる,発生する(take place, occur) / 存続する,そのままでいる(remain as before) / 《『be to』 do》 / …する予定である,…することになっている / …すべきだ / 《受動態の不定詞を伴って》…できる / 《命令》…するのだ / 《条件節に》…する意図がある / 《『if…were to』 do》…するとしたなら / 《『be』 do『ing』》《進行形》 / 《進行中の動作》…している,しつつある / 《近い未来》…しようとしている,するつもり / 《動作の反復》(いつも)…している / 《『be』+『他動詞の過去分詞』》《受動態》…される,されている / 《『be』+『自動詞の過去分詞』》《完了形》…した[状態にある]
- 『豆』(おもにいんげん豆・そら豆など大きめの豆類) / 豆のさや(pod) / 豆に似た実 / 《俗》頭 / 《俗》(野球で)ビーンボールを投げる
- 〈U〉『コーヒー』[『飲料』];〈C〉《話》(1杯の)コーヒー / 〈U〉コーヒー豆,コーヒーの粉末 / 〈C〉=coffee tree / 〈U〉コーヒー色,濃褐色
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English Journal
- The coffee bean sign in sigmoid volvulus.
- Salati U, McNeill G, Torreggiani WC.
- Radiology.Radiology.2011 Feb;258(2):651-2.
- PMID 21273530
- [Analyses of air enema and radiographic film for acute intussusception in children].
- Guo WL, Zhou M, Wang J, Sheng M.SourceImaging Department, Affiliated Children's Hospital, Soochow University, Soochow 215003, China.
- Zhonghua yi xue za zhi.Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi.2010 Dec 21;90(47):3359-61.
- OBJECTIVE: To analyze the different success rates of air enema in intussusception cases at different ages and evaluate the value of plain film in assessing the pathogenetic condition of intussusception and intussusception with vascular compromise in children.METHODS: A retrospective analysis was per
- PMID 21223754
Japanese Journal
- Cecal Volvulus: Report of a Case
- Nakagoe Tohru,Ohara Hiroshi,Nakahara Nobuya,Shimokawa Isao. et.al.
- Acta medica Nagasakiensia 53(3), 73-76, 2009-03
- … Her abdomen showed distention with muscle rigidity and positivity for Blumberg's sign. … An abdominal computed tomography showed extremely dilated bowel in the right lower abdomen that resembled a "coffee bean" in appearance. …
- NAID 110007027367
- 画像診断の key words/Coffee bean sign Rigler's triad
Related Links
- 図1は典型的な“coffee bean sign”(↑,“bent inner tube”,“omega loop sign”) または“Freeman-Dahl sign”(図C:S状結腸loopの腸管壁が下方に,正中線より左方の1 点▲に収束し,そこが捻転部位である)を呈しているのでS状結腸捻転の可能性は極めて ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- sigmoid volvulus, sigmoid twisting
- 同
- S状結腸軸捻症、S状結腸軸捻転症、S状結腸軸捻、S状結腸軸捻転
- 関
- S状結腸、コーヒー豆徴候。絞扼性イレウス
[show details]
- 絞扼性腸閉塞(複雑性腸閉塞)の原因となりうる緊急性治療の必要がある疾患。
- 好発:便秘症の高齢者、S状結腸過長症、精神神経疾患患者
- その他、妊婦や腸管固定不良のある人にも好発する。
- 男性に多い傾向。女性は広い骨盤が捻転の自然解除に有利であろう考えられている。
- 発症平均年齢は60歳後半
- 腸管の絞扼があれば、複雑性イレウスに準じて腹痛、嘔吐、腹膜刺激症状、発熱、ショック症状を来しうる。
- 非観血的治療:内視鏡的整復
- 観血的治療:腹腔鏡下S状結腸切除術
- 腸管穿孔や腹膜炎の所見がない場合には内視鏡的整復が第一選択。腸管穿孔や腹膜炎の所見があるいか、あるいは内視鏡的整復が失敗した場合には観血的手術を行う。
- 内視鏡的整復の問題は再発の可能性が30-90%と高いことである。
- 当科におけるS状結腸軸捻転症に対する治療方針 - 小西真理世ら
- https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pde/72/2/72_38/_pdf
- 英
- coffee bean sign, coffee-bean sign
- 同
- coffee bean徴候
- 関
- S状結腸軸捻転
- 図:画像診断 FIRST AID p.187
- 絞扼性イレウス
- 完全に絞扼された腸管はpseudotumor signを示し、腸管がΩ字状に不完全絞扼され、その絞扼された腸係蹄がガスで充満した時に出現するとコーヒー豆様のガス陰影 (SRA.385)
- http://medielicious.blogspot.com/2011/01/on-coffee-bean-sign.html
- http://nypemergency.org/radiology/radiology_2009/case-of-the-month-0409.html
- http://www.nurs.or.jp/~academy/igaku/s5/s5331.htm
- 関
- indication、manifestation、signature、stigma、stigmata、symptom、symptomatic
- 関
- ceratonia、Fabaceae、legume、Leguminosae
- 関
- Coffea、Coffea arabica