- a special situation; "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remarkable thing"
- a separate and self-contained entity
- an action; "how could you do such a thing?"
- an artifact; "how does this thing work?"
- an entity that is not named specifically; "I couldnt tell what the thing was"
- any attribute or quality considered as having its own existence; "the thing I like about her is ..."
- a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion; "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him"
- a special abstraction; "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart"
- a special objective; "the thing is to stay in bounds"
- a statement regarded as an object; "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing?"
- an event; "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."
- of or characteristic of high rank or importance; "a superior ruler"
- one of greater rank or station or quality (同)higher-up, superordinate
- the head of a religious community
- (often followed by `to'
- (sometimes followed by `to'
- having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earths orbit; "Mars and Jupiter are the closest in of the superior planets"
- of high or superior quality or performance; "superior wisdom derived from experience"; "superior math students"
- of critical importance and consequence; "an acute (or critical) lack of research funds"
- having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions; "an acute observer of politics and politicians"; "incisive comments"; "icy knifelike reasoning"; "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang"; "penetrating insight"; "frequent penetrative observations" (同)discriminating, incisive, keen, knifelike, penetrating, penetrative, piercing, sharp
- extremely sharp or intense; "acute pain"; "felt acute annoyance"; "intense itching and burning" (同)intense
- having or experiencing a rapid onset and short but severe course; "acute appendicitis"; "the acute phase of the illness"; "acute patients"
- of an angle; less than 90 degrees
- 〈C〉(形のある)『物』,物体;(生物に対しての)『無生物』 / 〈C〉(形のない)『もの』,事,事柄,でき事 / 《複数形で》事情,事態,状勢,状況 / 《複数形で》(すべての)事物,事柄 / 《通例 the~》(努力・活動などの)目的,目標 / 〈C〉衣服,衣類・《one's things》持ち物,所持品,身の回り品 / 《複数形で》道具,用具・〈C〉《親愛・哀れみ・軽べつなどの感情をこめて》人,者,やつ / 《the~》《話》(…の)流行《+in+名》
- (程度・質が)『普通(平均)以上に優れた』,優秀な / (地位・階級などが)『上位の』,上級の,目上の / (数量的に)勝る,優勢な / (用動が)偉ぶった,高慢な / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…に)屈しない,動じない《+to+名》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(動・植物の器官や部分が)上位の,上についている / (地位・階級などが)『上位の人』,上役,上司,先輩 / 『いっそう優れた人』 / 《しばしば S-》修道院長
- (先の)『鋭い』,とがった / (痛み・感情などが)『激しい』,強い / (知力・感覚などが)『鋭い』,鋭敏な / (事態が)重大な / (病気が)急性の / (音が)高い,鋭い / 鋭角の
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 《前述の名詞または文脈でそれと分かる名詞に付けて》『その』,あの,名の / 《唯一の事物に付けて》 / 《方角・自然現象に付けて》 / 《用具・楽器・特定の病気などに付けて》 / 《修飾吾[句]を伴う名詞に付けて》 / 《単数普通名詞に付けて》(1)《種族全体》…『というもの』 / 《複数名詞または集合名詞に付けて》 / 《単位》『…につき;…単位[で]』 / 《身体の一部に付けて,所有格に代わる》 / 《形容詞に付けて》 / 《固有名詞に付けて》 / 《強意用法に》『随一の』,典型的な / 《「the+比較級,the+比較級」の形で》『…すればするほどそれだけ』 / 《比較級の前に》(…につれて,のために)『それだけ』,ますます
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English Journal
- Single Centre Results of Total Endovascular Repair of Complex Aortic Aneurysms with Custom Made Anaconda Fenestrated Stent Grafts.
- Shahverdyan R1, Gray D1, Gawenda M1, Brunkwall J2.
- European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery.Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg.2016 Aug 20. pii: S1078-5884(16)30246-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejvs.2016.07.005. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: Fenestrated endovascular aneurysm repair (F-EVAR) has increased the number of patients with aneurysmal disease and a short or no existing neck being eligible for endovascular treatment. The aim of the study is to report experience using the Anaconda fenestrated device with special emphasi
- PMID 27552931
- Role of matrix metalloproteinase-8 as a mediator of injury in intestinal ischemia and reperfusion.
- Daly MC1, Atkinson SJ2, Varisco BM3, Klingbeil L2, Hake P4, Lahni P4, Piraino G4, Wu D5, Hogan SP5, Zingarelli B3, Wong HR6.
- FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.FASEB J.2016 Jul 19. pii: fj.201600242R. [Epub ahead of print]
- Acute mesenteric ischemia is associated with high morbidity and mortality. In recent studies, we found that the intestine is an important source of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)8 during intestinal injury. We hypothesized that genetic ablation or pharmacological inhibition of MMP8 would reduce intes
- PMID 27435263
- Regarding "Endovascular Management of Acute Embolic Occlusion of the Superior Mesenteric Artery: A 12-year Single Centre Experience".
- Raupach J1, Guňka I2.
- Cardiovascular and interventional radiology.Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol.2016 Jul;39(7):1082-3. doi: 10.1007/s00270-016-1342-1. Epub 2016 Apr 19.
- PMID 27094690
Japanese Journal
- Delayed Intestinal Ischemia after Surgery for Type A Acute Aortic Dissection
- Acute Multiple Arteriovenous Thromboses in a Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Delayed Intestinal Ischemia after Surgery for Type A Acute Aortic Dissection
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- 英
- acute occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery
- 同
- 急性上腸間膜動脈閉塞
- 関
- 急性腸間膜虚血、上腸間膜動脈閉塞症、急性腸間膜動脈閉塞症
- 上腸間膜動脈
- 関
- occlude
- 関
- atresia、close、closure、dental articulation、disturb、disturbance、hamper、hindrance、impede、impediment、intercept、interception、interfere、interrupt、interruption、obliteration、obstruct、obstruction、occlude、preclusion
- 関
- dominance、dominant、dominantly、epi、epistasis、epistatic、excellent、good、predominately、senior、superio、superiorly、supra
- (疾患)急性の、急性型の、急性的な。(形状が)鋭い、鋭角の。(感覚、才知などが)鋭い。明敏な、鋭い眼識のある。
- 関
- acutely、quick、sharp
- 関
- epi、epistasis、epistatic、senior、superior、supra
- 関
- mesenterium、mesentery