- tending to penetrate; having the power of entering or piercing; "a toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface"; "a cold penetrating wind"; "a penetrating odor" (同)penetrating
- 浸透性の,入り込む,鋭い,鋭敏な;感銘を与える
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English Journal
- An Enzyme-Responsive Nanogel Carrier Based on PAMAM Dendrimers for Drug Delivery.
- Wang Y1, Luo Y1, Zhao Q1, Wang Z1, Xu Z1, Jia X1.
- ACS applied materials & interfaces.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2016 Aug 10;8(31):19899-906. doi: 10.1021/acsami.6b05567. Epub 2016 Jul 26.
- G4 PAMAM dendrimer molecules were modified via covalently conjugating RGDC, RAADyC, and PEG chains on the periphery (Mac-1), by which a nanogel drug carrier with enzyme-sensitivity (NG-1) was constructed through an oxidation reaction by using NaIO4 to initiate the chemical cross-link of the function
- PMID 27420576
- Human Papillomavirus Prevalence among 88 Male Virgins Residing in Brazil, Mexico, and the United States.
- Liu Z1, Nyitray AG2, Hwang LY2, Swartz MD3, Abrahamsen M4, Lazcano-Ponce E5, Salmerón J6, Quiterio M5, Villa LL7, Giuliano AR8, Baggio ML9, Silva RJ10.
- The Journal of infectious diseases.J Infect Dis.2016 Aug 3. pii: jiw353. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study determined the prevalence and risk factors for genital HPV among men who deny ever engaging in penetrative sex. A questionnaire was administered to 4123 men from a cohort study of HPV natural history. Genital exfoliated cells were collected and genotyped for 36 HPV types. Eighty-eight men
- PMID 27489299
- Intracellular delivery of peptide cargos using polyhydroxybutyrate based biodegradable nanoparticles: Studies on antitumor efficacy of BCL-2 converting peptide, NuBCP-9.
- Kapoor S1, Gupta D2, Kumar M3, Sharma S4, Gupta AK5, Misro MM6, Singh H7.
- International journal of pharmaceutics.Int J Pharm.2016 Aug 1;511(2):876-889. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.07.077. [Epub ahead of print]
- Faster biodegradation, immunogenicity and lack of cell penetrative capabilities are hurdles in development of peptidyl drugs for cancer therapy. Polymeric carriers can be used to overcome these problems. The present study is focused on the use of polyhydroxybutyrate as a potential nanovehicle for th
- PMID 27492021
- "I am yet to encounter any survey that actually reflects my life": a qualitative study of inclusivity in sexual health research.
- Carrotte ER1, Vella AM2, Bowring AL2,3, Douglass C2,3, Hellard ME2,3, Lim MS2,3,4.
- BMC medical research methodology.BMC Med Res Methodol.2016 Jul 27;16:86. doi: 10.1186/s12874-016-0193-4.
- BACKGROUND: Heteronormativity describes a set of norms and assumptions pertaining to heterosexual identities and binary gender. In 2015, we conducted our annual Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll study, an online health survey of over 1000 Victorians aged 15-29 years. Feedback from participants suggested th
- PMID 27465507
Japanese Journal
- カチオン性ポリマーの膜透過現象を利用した光による酵素活性の評価
- Reaction behavior of slag and spinel in steel ladle castables
- Sadatomi Yoshitaka,Enomoto Naoya,Hojo Junichi
- Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 119(1391), 595-600, 2011
- … The increase in alumina content seemed to increase the viscosity of the slag, leading to retardation of penetrative wetting of slag to the alumina-rich spinel. …
- NAID 130000784437
- 小森 正博,下分 章裕,柳原 尚明 [他],樫葉 恵子,表原 慶典,貞本 昌規
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 103(10), 967-969, 2010-10-01
- … With surface anesthesia often unsatisfactory and penetrative anesthesia, e.g., with an iontophoresers not usable in tympanic membrane perforation, local anesthetic injection may also cause fear and anxiety about pain in subjects or limit the operative field due to external auditory canal swelling. …
- NAID 10026686260
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- While speaking, he still bent his penetrative eye upon them, nor withdrew it till they had reached the bottom of the stairs. ... While speaking he still bent his penetrative eye upon them, nor withdrew it till they had reached the bottom ...
- Her penetrative virginity exalted and disguised his own emotions, elevating his thoughts to a star-cool chastity, and he would have been startled to learn that there was that shining out of his eyes, like warm waves, that flowed through ...
- penetrativeとは。意味や和訳。[形容詞]1 入り込む,侵入する;浸透する,浸透性[力]のある,よくしみ込む.2 〈人・発言などが〉鋭い,鋭敏な,洞察力のある,眼力のある,(頭の)切れる,鋭い.3 〈人・言動が〉感動的な,印象深い,身 ...
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