- the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)t
- tritiumの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/03/08 22:04:03」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 東京国際アニメフェア (Tokyo International Anime Fair)
- テレコム・アニメーションフィルム (Telecom Animation Film Co., Ltd.)
- 飛行場予報気象通報式 (terminal aerodrome forecast)
- TBP結合因子 (TBP-associated factor)
- 財団法人電気通信普及財団 (The Telecommunication Advancement Foundation)
- ダイハツ工業の衝突安全ボディー (Total Advanced Function)
- トルコ空軍 (Turkish Air Force)
- 戦術空軍 (tactical air force) - 第二次世界大戦中に英連邦諸国で編成された空軍。
- TAF航空 (TAF Linhas Aéreas) - ブラジルの航空会社。
- 台美文教基金会 (Taiwanese American Foundation) - 台湾系アメリカ人団体。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up taf in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
TAF may refer to:
- Tactical air force, a formation of the air forces of the British Commonwealth during and after World War II:
- Australian First Tactical Air Force - South West Pacific Area
- Desert Air Force (later known as the First Tactical Air Force) - North Africa and later Italy
- RAF Second Tactical Air Force - Northern Europe
- RAF Third Tactical Air Force - South Asia
- Northwest African Tactical Air Force
- River Taf, in South Wales, UK
- TAF Linhas Aéreas, a Brazilian airline
- Taiwanese American Foundation, an organization working in the Taiwanese immigrant community of the US
- Tav/Taf/Taph/Taw, the final letter of many Semitic abjads
- TBP-associated factors, a term used in genetics
- Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, a drug use in the treatment of HIV infection
- Term Auction Facility, an instrument of monetary policy introduced in US financial markets
- Terminal aerodrome forecast, format for reporting weather forecast information in aviation
- Test automation framework, in computer software testing
- The American Friend, 1977 film
- The Athlete's Foot, a retail supplier of shoes and other sports apparel
- Thousand acre-feet, a quantity of water used in resource planning
- Tiger Athletic Foundation, private, non-profit corporation supporting Louisiana State University and its athletics program
- Tokyo International Anime Fair, an anime trade fair held annually in Japan
- Trade Association Forum, an umbrella group for trade organisations in the UK
- Treno ad alta frequentazione, an Italian railway vehicle
- Trim and Fit, a former school anti-obesity program in Singapore
- Tunisian Armed Forces
- Tunisian Air Force
- Turkish Air Force
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Study of obsessive compulsive beliefs: relationship with eating disorders.
- Roncero M, Perpina C, Garcia-Soriano G.SourceUniversidad de Valencia, Spain.
- Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy.Behav Cogn Psychother.2011 Jul;39(4):457-70. Epub 2011 Apr 4.
- Background: The relationship between Eating Disorders (ED) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has been extensively studied in the last few years. However, little effort has been devoted to studying the link between these disorders with regard to their distorted beliefs. Aims: The first objectiv
- PMID 21457607
- A tool-kit for the quantitative assessment of proficiency in laparoscopic colorectal surgery.
- Shah PR, Haray PN.SourceCwm Taf NHS Trust, Prince Charles Hospital, Merthyr Tydfil, UK.
- Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.Colorectal Dis.2011 May;13(5):576-82. doi: 10.1111/j.1463-1318.2010.02204.x.
- PMID 20070329
Japanese Journal
- The CKH1/EER4 gene encoding a TAF12-like protein negatively regulates cytokinin sensitivity in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Kubo Minoru,Furuta Kaori,Demura Taku [他]
- Plant and Cell Physiology 52(4), 629-637, 2011-04
- NAID 40018765548
- Analysis of cancer testis antigens containing BORIS in oral cancer cell lines
- Inoue Hiroshi,Ohnishi Yuichi,Minamino Yuki,Ugaki Yoshihide,Dateoka Suguru,Kubo Hirohito,Inoue Masahiro,Sugitatsu Mitsuchika,Nakajima Masahiro,Kakudo Kenji
- Journal of Osaka Dental University 44(2), 111-117, 2010-10
- … In order to detect CTAs in oral cancer, we used the methylation pattern to select six genes containing BORIS, ACTL7B, PPP3R2, SYCP1, DAZL, and TAF7L. …
- NAID 110007811660
Related Links
- 東京国際アニメフェア 2011. 公式キャラクター「TAFちゃん」. 会場へのアクセス · よくあるご質問 · お問い合わせ · サイトマップ · アニメフェアについて · ご挨拶 · 実行委員一覧 · 公式キャラクター · 過去の開催情報 · プライバシーポリシー ...
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- 英
- chronic hepatitis B
- 同
- 慢性B型肝炎
- 関
- B型肝炎ウイルス。慢性ウイルス性肝炎
[show details]
- 無症候性キャリアや非活動性キャリアは治療適応ではない。
- HBV DNA≧3.3 logIU/mLかつALT31U/Lである慢性肝炎では、HBe抗原陽性・陰性に関わらず治療開始を検討する。
- またALTに関わらず、HBV DNAが陽性で線維化が進行している場合には、治療を開始する。
- 慢性肝炎例では、ペグインターフェロンが第一選択となる。反応しない場合には核酸アナログで治療する。
- 肝硬変例では核酸アナログで治療する。
- 英
- tenofovir
- 化
- テノホビルジソプロキシルフマル酸塩 tenofovir disoproxil fumarate
- 商
- Viread, TDF
- ゲンボイヤ配合、コムプレラ配合、シムツーザ配合、スタリビルド配合、ツルバダ配合、デシコビ配合、ビクタルビ配合、ビリアード、ベムリディ、オデフシィ配合、テノゼット
- 関
- B型肝炎ウイルス
- 関
- TAF、TATA-binding protein associated factor
- 英
- TATA-binding protein associated factor、TBP-associated factor、TAF
- 関
- TATA結合タンパク質付随因子、TBP付随因子
- 英
- TBP-associated factor、TAF
- 関
- TATA結合タンパク質付随因子、TATA結合タンパク質関連因子
- 関
- See TBP-associated factors