- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Marine Corps海兵隊 / Medical Corps医療隊 / Member of Congress(米国の)国会議員
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/20 13:20:06」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- アメリカにあった大手通信会社。MCI (電気通信事業者)を参照。
- 軽度認知機能障害(Mild Cognitive Impairment)。認知症を参照。
- アメリカ軍が1960年代から1980年にかけて製造、配給したレーション(戦闘糧食)。正式名は"Meal, Combat Individual"。
- カンザス・シティ国際空港のIATAコード
- mCi、ミリキュリー、1/1000キュリー。放射能の古い単位である。1 mCiは、1 mgのラジウムが持つ放射能に相当。1 mCi=3.7×107ベクレル。
- モーターコーチインダストリーズ(Motor Coach Industries)。米国イリノイ州シャンバーグに本社を置く、バスを製造・販売している自動車会社。モーターコーチインダストリーズを参照。(→en:Motor_Coach_Industries)
- Microsoft Windowsに搭載されているAPIのひとつ、メディア制御インターフェイス(英語版)。(Media Control Interface)
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[Wiki en表示]
MCI may refer to:
- mCi, millicurie, 1/1000 of a curie, a non-SI unit of radioactivity
- MCi, megacurie, 1,000,000 times a curie, a non-SI unit of radioactivity, 1 MCi = 3.7×1016 decays per second or becquerels.
- 1101 in Roman numerals
- 1 Companies
- 2 Institute
- 3 University
- 4 Health and Science
- 5 Computer
- 6 Other
- MCI Inc., a former American telecommunications company now acquired by Verizon Communications
- MCI Communications, originally Microwave Communications Inc., the corporation that operated as MCI from 1963 to 1998
- Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran
- MCI Group Holding SA, event, communication and association management company
- Motor Coach Industries, a coach/bus manufacturing company
- Music Center Incorporated, later known as Music Consultants Incorporated, a company that manufactured multi-track audiotape recorders and mixing consoles for professional studio recording
- Mirror Controls international, Dutch supplier to the Automotive industry.
- Maine Central Institute, a boarding school in Maine, founded in 1866
- Marine Corps Institute, a coursework of Marine Corps education and training programs
- Martingrove Collegiate Institute, a secondary school located in Toronto, Ontario
- Medical Council of India
- Mennonite Collegiate Institute, a private, religious school in the town of Gretna, in Southern Manitoba
- Museum Conservation Institute, of the Smithsonian Institution
- Motek Cultural Initiative, a Toronto based nonprofit organization promoting Israeli music and culture
- MCI Management Center Innsbruck, a university located in Innsbruck, Austria
Health and Science
- Medical Council of India
- Mild cognitive impairment, a neurological affliction often associated with Alzheimer's disease
- Mass casualty incident, a medical emergency involving more patients than can be easily handled by the crews initially assigned to the incident
- Magnetic current imaging using a scanning SQUID microscope
- Modulation contrast imaging, a term related to optical imaging
- Muconate lactonizing enzyme, an enzyme
- Media Control Interface/Multimedia Control Interface, an API for controlling multimedia peripherals connected to a Microsoft Windows or OS/2 computer
- MCI, MCI Records, Frank Farian's record label
- Meal, Combat, Individual, the successor to the US Army C-ration
- Monetary conditions index, a macroeconomic index number relevant for monetary policy.
- Malicious caller identification, a type of enhanced telephone service
- Macroinvertebrate community index, a measure used in New Zealand for the environmental status of streams
- Miss Chinese International Pageant, an annual pageant where International women of Chinese descent compete for the crown of Miss Chinese International
- MCI, The IATA airport code for the Kansas City International Airport in Kansas City, Missouri, US
- Michigan City (Amtrak station), Indiana, United States; Amtrak station code MCI
- Motion Clarity Index, dimensionless value which describes the quality of LCD to show a moving picture, MCI is term from LG, the others same are Samsung—Clear Motion Rate (CMR); Philips—Perfect Motion Rate (PMR); Sony—Motionflow XR; and Panasonic—Back Light Scanning (BLS). All use native panel refresh rate at least 100 Hz, but backlights and processors rates may be different, with aim to reduce or omit motion blur and all of it are relatively same
- Multiple Casualty Incident (MCI), emergency dispatcher abbreviation
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English Journal
- Sensitization to methylisothiazolinone in a group of methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone allergic patients.
- Macias VC, Fernandes S, Amaro C, Santos R, Cardoso J.SourceDermatology and Venereology Department, Hospital de Curry Cabral, Lisbon, Portugal. vmcmacias@gmail.com
- Cutaneous and ocular toxicology.Cutan Ocul Toxicol.2013 Jun;32(2):99-101. doi: 10.3109/15569527.2012.707266. Epub 2012 Aug 10.
- In the EU, Methylisothiazolinone (MI) was approved as a preservative in cosmetics and household products in 2005. Since then, several cases of MI contact allergy have been reported. We studied the prevalence of MI sensitization in patients allergic to Methylchloroisothiazolinone/Methylisothiazolinon
- PMID 22876970
- C9orf72 G4C2 repeat expansions in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.
- Cacace R, Van Cauwenberghe C, Bettens K, Gijselinck I, van der Zee J, Engelborghs S, Vandenbulcke M, Van Dongen J, Bäumer V, Dillen L, Mattheijssens M, Peeters K, Cruts M, Vandenberghe R, De Deyn PP, Van Broeckhoven C, Sleegers K.SourceDepartment of Molecular Genetics, VIB, Antwerp, Belgium; Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Neurobiology of aging.Neurobiol Aging.2013 Jun;34(6):1712.e1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2012.12.019. Epub 2013 Jan 24.
- C9orf72 GC repeat expansion is a major cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal lobar degeneration. Its role in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is less clear. We assessed the prevalence of GC pathogenic repeat expansions in Flanders-Belgian patients with clinical AD or mild cognitive impai
- PMID 23352322
- Memory training (MT) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) generates change in cognitive performance.
- Olchik MR, Farina J, Steibel N, Teixeira AR, Yassuda MS.SourceDepartment of Surgery and Orthopedics, School of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
- Archives of gerontology and geriatrics.Arch Gerontol Geriatr.2013 May-Jun;56(3):442-7. doi: 10.1016/j.archger.2012.11.007. Epub 2012 Dec 20.
- BACKGROUND: Longevity can be accompanied by several challenges, among them cognitive decline. The early identification of cognitive impairment offers the opportunity to act with the aim of preventing or delaying dementia. One potential intervention measure is MT.OBJECTIVES: To test the effect of MT
- PMID 23260332
Japanese Journal
- Metabolism of amyloid β peptide and pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease
- SAIDO Takaomi C.
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. B, Physical and Biological Sciences 89(7), 321-339, 2013-07
- NAID 40019724998
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- 認知症(旧痴呆症)の基本情報、高齢者介護のコツなどを掲載。認知症患者や認知症介護家族と介護関係者(ヘルパーやケアマネージャーなど)が、意見を交換する掲示板「認知症相談室」を公開しています。
- MCIはヘルスケア業界に特化したコンサルティング会社です。MCIではマーケティングリサーチやCRMなどのマーケティングコンサルティングを行っています ... 2014 1/7 Detail Solution 『医師の新薬処方意向別に見た薬剤情報取得行動の違い ...
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- 78歳の女性。異常行動を主訴に来院した。2年前から徐々に物忘れが目立つようになり、1年前に軽度認知機能障害(MCI)と診断された。日常生活に支障がないため経過観察されていた。1か月前、自宅で夫と昼食中に急に箸を落とした際に、夫が声をかけたが返事をせず、動作が止まって中空を見つめ、唾をコックンコックンと飲み込むような動作を繰り返していた。1分程してから突然立ち上がり、部屋の中を行ったり来たりするため、夫が制止しようとすると激しく抵抗した。30分程して徐々に会話が可能となり、普段通りの状態に戻ったが、本人はこの間のことを覚えていなかったという。このような異常行動が1週間に2、3回みられるため、心配した夫に付き添われて受診した。意識は清明。身長 148cm、体重 46kg。体温 36.2℃。脈拍 64/分、整。血圧 116/68mmHg。呼吸数 18/分。心音と呼吸音とに異常を認めない。腹部は平坦、軟で、肝・脾を触知しない。改訂長谷川式簡易知能評価スケール 21点(30点満点)。脳神経に異常を認めない。腱反射は正常で運動麻痺、感覚障害および運動失調を認めない。
- 考えられるのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [114A045]←[国試_114]→[114A047]
- 英
- mild cognitive impairment、MCI
- 同
- 軽度認知障害
- 関
- 認知症、アルツハイマー病
[show details]
- 英
- metacarpal index MCI
- 関
- 慢性腎不全、腎性骨ジストロフィー
軽度認知機能障害 MCI
クロキサシリン、メチルクロルフェニルイソキサゾリルペニシリン methylchlorophenyl-isoxazolyl penicillin
- 同
- integrated management of childhood illness
メチオニン methionine