クロキサシリン、メチルクロルフェニルイソキサゾリルペニシリン methylchlorophenyl-isoxazolyl penicillin
English Journal
- Case of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis caused by ampicillin/cloxacillin sodium in a pregnant woman.
- Matsumoto Y1, Okubo Y, Yamamoto T, Ito T, Tsuboi R.
- The Journal of dermatology.J Dermatol.2008 Jun;35(6):362-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1346-8138.2008.00484.x.
- We report a case of acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP) induced by ampicillin/cloxacillin sodium (ABPC/MCIPC) in a pregnant woman. AGEP is caused mostly by drugs. Among them, beta-lactam antibiotics account for a high proportion of the cases, predominantly by amoxicillin. To our knowle
- PMID 18578714
- Application of ion-exchange cartridge clean-up in food analysis. VI. Determination of six penicillins in bovine tissues by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry.
- Ito Y1, Goto T, Oka H, Matsumoto H, Takeba K.
- Journal of chromatography. A.J Chromatogr A.2004 Jul 9;1042(1-2):107-11.
- A multiresidue analytical method was developed for the quantification of benzylpenicillin (PCG), phenoxymethylpenicillin (PCV), oxacillin (MPIPC), cloxacillin (MCIPC), nafcillin (NFPC) and dicloxacillin (MDIPC) in bovine tissues using liquid chromatography- electrospray ionization tandem mass spectr
- PMID 15296394
- Application of ion-exchange cartridge clean-up in food analysis IV. Confirmatory assay of benzylpenicillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin, oxacillin, cloxacillin, nafcillin and dicloxacillin, in bovine tissues by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry.
- Ito Y1, Ikai Y, Oka H, Matsumoto H, Miyazaki Y, Takeba K, Nagase H.
- Journal of chromatography. A.J Chromatogr A.2001 Mar 16;911(2):217-23.
- A multiresidue analytical method was developed for the confirmation of benzylpenicillin (PCG), phenoxymethylpenicillin (PCV), oxacillin (MPIPC), cloxacillin (MCIPC), nafcillin (NFPC) and dicloxacillin (MDIPC) in bovine tissues using electrospray ionization liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrome
- PMID 11293583
Japanese Journal
- ABPC/MCIPC (A/M) 使用による術後感染MRSA感染症の発生予防効果について
- 1 Prevotella intermedia MA1とMA1-V2由来β-lactamaseの基質特異性
- 船岡 勝博,尾上 孝利,佐川 寛典
- 歯科医学 60(1), 70-71, 1997-03-25
- 閉鎖性膿腫や歯周炎から分離した嫌気性グラム陰性桿菌のある株はβ-lactam薬に耐性を示し, これら疾患の治療を困難にしている. β-Lactam薬耐性株はβ-lactamaseを産生し, 投与β-lactam薬を分解することによって耐性を示すと考えられている. β-Lactam薬に対する Prevotella intermedia(Pi)の感受性は菌株によって異なるが, 一般にpenicilli …
- NAID 110001723225
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- 英
- cloxacillin
- ラ
- cloxacillinum
- 同
- メチルクロルフェニルイソキサゾリルペニシリン methylchlorophenyl-isoxazolyl penicillin MCIPC
- 化
- クロキサシリンナトリウム cloxacillin sodium、クロキサシリンベンザチン cloxacillin benzathine
- 商
- Tegopen
- 関
- 抗菌薬
クロキサシリン、メチルクロルフェニルイソキサゾリルペニシリン MCIPC
クロキサシリン = methylchlorophenyl-isoxazolyl penicillin, MCIPC