- 英
- electrogustometry, electric gustometry
- 関
- 味覚検査法
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- 1. 成人の味覚・臭覚障害:評価と管理taste and olfactory disorders in adults evaluation and management [show details]
… Whole-mouth taste test – Whole-mouth taste testing assesses the patient ability to detect, identify, and rate the intensity of various concentrations of sweet, sour, salty, and bitter taste solutions . …
- 2. 成人の味覚および嗅覚障害:解剖学および病因taste and olfactory disorders in adults anatomy and etiology [show details]
… ion channels . Four classic taste qualities are described and typically tested for: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. A fifth taste, umami, the taste of glutamate, is also described . Although it has generally …
- 3. 成人や青年の神経性食思不振症:内科的合併症およびそのマネージメントanorexia nervosa in adults and adolescents medical complications and their management [show details]
…complications, which can occur in many organ systems . The evaluation should include a history, physical examination, and laboratory testing, and is discussed separately. The general medical complications of …
- 4. ベル麻痺:成人における病因、臨床的特徴、および診断bells palsy pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis in adults [show details]
… Nerve excitability threshold testing is an additional electrodiagnostic technique used to guide prognosis by quantifying the electrical current required to produce… The patient is asked to compare the taste between sides to identify lateralizing impairment of taste. The evaluation also includes a general physical…
- 5. 全身性抗がん剤による経口毒性oral toxicity associated with systemic anticancer therapy [show details]
…pathways that mediate taste . In some cases, taste changes may persist after drug clearance, presumably due to direct damage to the taste buds . The diagnosis and treatment of disorders of taste and smell are …
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- 「電気味覚検査」では舌の神経の働きをみます。舌に電極をあて、電流の強さを変えて、かすかな電気刺激で味覚を調べます。「ろ紙ディスク法 ...
- 電気味覚検査と同様、左右に分布する3つの味覚支配神経別に閾値を測定する。 ①鼓索神経領域 最も検査が容易であるため、最初にこの部位から検査を開始する。 測定時の注意:測定時、舌を軽く前方に突き出させ、上下の口唇で ...
- 味覚の検査は、4味を種々の濃度でしみ込ませたろ紙を舌の上に置き、各々の味に対する味覚障害の程度を調べます。また、電気味覚計により障害の程度が測定できます。微かな電気刺激で金属味が生ずることを利用したもので、舌の上に電極をあて電流の強さを変えて測ります。
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※国試ナビ4※ [104E030]←[国試_104]→[104E032]
- 英
- gustatory sensation (SP), gustation, degustation, taste sense, sensation of taste
- 関
- 舌
- 0. 味細胞
- 1. 味神経 (1次ニューロン)
- 2. 延髄孤束核(NTS) (2次ニューロン)
- 3. 中心被蓋路(TTC)
- 4. 視床腹側後内側核小細胞部(VPMpc) (3次ニューロン)
- 5. 大脳皮質第一次味覚野
- 頭頂弁蓋部と島の境界部ならびに中心溝下端付近
- 眼窩前頭皮質など
- 関
- 検定、試験、視察、視診、調べる、調査、テスト、点検、検討、監査、診察
- 英
- electricity、electro、electric
- 関
- エレクトロ、電気的