- 英
- depolarizing receptor potential
- 関
- 受容器電位
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- 1. β-2アドレナリン受容体機能不全および喘息の多型性beta 2 adrenergic receptor dysfunction and polymorphism in asthma [show details]
…at the beta-2 adrenergic receptor did not begin until the late 1980s. The mechanisms of signal transduction from this receptor and the potential role of beta-2 adrenergic receptor dysfunction in the pathogenesis …
- 2. 手術室外で成人に迅速導入気管挿管を行う際に用いる神経筋遮断薬(NMBA)neuromuscular blocking agents nmbas for rapid sequence intubation in adults outside of the operating room [show details]
…working Ach receptors, as antibodies destroy the majority of receptors produced. The Ach receptors at the endplate are also dysfunctional, and more Ach is required at the receptor to depolarize muscle… clinicians should whenever possible assess the patient airway for potential management difficulty.…
- 3. 重症筋無力症患者に対する麻酔anesthesia for the patient with myasthenia gravis [show details]
… neuromuscular blockade with depolarizing NMBAs (eg, succinylcholine), possibly because they have a decreased number of acetylcholine receptors .… perioperative period to prevent this potential side effect. Other medications with the potential to exacerbate weakness include certain local anesthetics,…
- 4. アンギオテンシン変換酵素阻害剤とアンギオテンシン受容体拮抗剤との相違differences between angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and receptor blockers [show details]
… endothelial cells. The potential importance of kinins in this response was illustrated in a study in humans who were treated with an ACE inhibitor (quinaprilat) or a bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist (icatibant) …
- 5. 上皮成長因子受容体(EGFR)阻害剤投与に続発するざ瘡様発疹acneiform eruption secondary to epidermal growth factor receptor egfr inhibitors [show details]
… epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mediated signalling pathway are increasingly used for the treatment of advanced lung,… Potential risk factors for the development of EGFR inhibitor-related acneiform rash include age,…
Japanese Journal
- シャコ(squilla oratoria)複眼単一視細胞の断接光に対する応答
- 奥埜 良信,梁瀬 健
- 大阪教育大学紀要 3 自然科学 30(3), p163-170, 1982-01
- … 口脚類シャコ複眼の単一視細胞に,微小電極を刺入して脱分極性受容器電位を誘導し,これを指標に断続光に対する臨界融合頻度(CFF)を測定した。 …
- NAID 110002238146
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- 英
- receptor
- 関
- 神経線維の分類
- 英
- voltage、potential、electrical potential、electric potential
- 関
- 可能、可能性、潜在的、ボルテージ、ポテンシャル、有望、電圧
- 英
- container、vessel、chamber
- 関
- 血管、チェンバー、チャンバ、チャンバー、導管、道管、房
- 英
- accept, acceptance
- 関
- 受け取る、承認、受諾、認容、認める、受け入れる
- 英
- depolarization
- 関
- 再分極、閾膜電位、過分極