- 英
- accept, acceptance
- 関
- 受け取る、承認、受諾、認容、認める、受け入れる
- receive (a report) officially, as from a committee
- admit into a group or community; "accept students for graduate study"; "Well have to vote on whether or not to admit a new member" (同)admit, take, take_on
- give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution" (同)consent, go for
- tolerate or accommodate oneself to; "I shall have to accept these unpleasant working conditions"; "I swallowed the insult"; "She has learned to live with her husbands little idiosyncrasies" (同)live with, swallow
- be designed to hold or take; "This surface will not take the dye" (同)take
- receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the millers daughter"; "I wont have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present" (同)take, have
- be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal; "The cow accepted the bull"
- consider or hold as true; "I cannot accept the dogma of this church"; "accept an argument"
- react favorably to; consider right and proper; "People did not accept atonal music at that time"; "We accept the idea of universal health care"
- the act of taking something that is offered; "her acceptance of the gift encouraged him"; "he anticipated their acceptance of his offer"
- banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank (同)banker''s acceptance
- the state of being acceptable and accepted; "torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club"
- (contract law) words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract)
- (喜んで)〈物〉'を'『受け取る』,〈事〉'を'受け入れる / 〈提案・決定など〉'を'受諾する,〈事態・運命など〉に従う;(特に)…‘に'しかたなく同意する / 〈弁解・説明・理論など〉'を'『認める』,容認する / 〈責任・任務など〉'を'『引き受ける』 / 〈人〉'を'受け入れる,仲間(身内)に入れる / 〈手形〉'を'引き受ける
- 〈U〉受け取ること,認めること,受け入れられていること;同意 / 〈U〉(手形の)引受け;〈C〉引受済み手形
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Japanese Journal
- 英語を母語とする日本語学習者の外来語に対する認識・感情・行動と異文化受容態度との関連
- 堀切 友紀子
- 人間文化創成科学論叢 14, 187-195, 2012-03-31
- The purpose of this study is to clarify the use-acts, emotions, and recognitions which Japanese learners have regarding Japanese Loanwords and their relation to Acculturation Strategy. An investigatio …
- NAID 120004025739
- 日本人英語学習者の基本動詞と定型表現の学習 : 認知言語学およびコーパス分析に基づくアプローチの受容語彙知識への影響
- 國分 有穗
- 人間文化創成科学論叢 14, 77-85, 2012-03-31
- This study attempts to shed new light on the impact on vocabulary retention and recall of a corpus-based and cognitive linguistic analysis strategy in the learning of high-frequency verbs and their fo …
- NAID 120004007758
Related Links
- デジタル大辞泉 受容の用語解説 - [名](スル)受け入れて、とりこむこと。「外国文化を―する」 ... この辞書の凡例を見る 監修:松村明 編集委員:池上秋彦、金田弘、杉崎一雄、鈴木丹士郎、中嶋尚、林巨樹、飛田良文
- 受容の意味は?goo辞書は無料で使える日本最大級の辞書サービスです。国語辞典、英和辞典、和英辞典、類語辞典、中国語辞典、百科事典などを提供しています。 ... じゅ‐よう【受容】 [名](スル)受け入れて、とりこむこと ...
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- 英
- recognize、allow、observe、detect、accept、realize、acknowledge、approve、notice、admit、appreciate
- 関
- 入れる、受け取る、許す、観察、感謝、気づく、許容、検出、現実化、賛成、承認、受諾、受容、注意、注目、通知、同意、入院、認可、認識、認知、認容、評価、理解、わかる、受け入れる、了承、検知
- 英
- acceptance、admission、approval、authorization、accept、approve、acknowledge
- 関
- 受け入れ、受け取る、賛成、受諾、受容、同意、入院、入院患者、認可、認容、認容性、認める、受け入れる、了承、許可、入場、許容性、公認、受理
- 英
- receive、take、accept
- 関
- 承認、受諾、受容、摂取、受ける、取る、認容、服用、認める、受け入れる、入手
- 英
- acceptance、accept
- 関
- 受け入れ、受け取る、承認、受容、認容、認容性、認める、受け入れる、許容性、受理
- 英
- receive、accept
- 関
- 受け取る、承認、受諾、受容、受ける、認容、認める、入手
- 英
- immunoreceptor、immunologic receptor
- 関
- 免疫レセプター
- 英
- serpentine receptor
- 関
- セルペンチンレセプター
- 英
- D4 receptor
- 関
- D4レセプター
- 英
- type 4 melanocortin receptor