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- 1. 職業性腰痛:評価およびマネージメントoccupational low back pain evaluation and management [show details]
… of 21 studies evaluating lumbar spinal fusion surgery, the estimated return to work was 74 percent for non-occupational back pain patients versus 40 percent for occupational back pain . Preoperative depression …
- 2. 亜急性腰痛と慢性腰痛:非薬物療法および薬物療法subacute and chronic low back pain nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic treatment [show details]
… adverse events following lumbar spinal manipulation (such as worsening lumbar disc herniation or cauda equina syndrome) are possible but rare. Studies of acupuncture for chronic low back pain, an intervention …
- 3. 小児や青年の腰痛:原因back pain in children and adolescents causes [show details]
… clinics with back pain, accounting for 12 to 16 percent of cases . Spondylolysis is acquired as the bone "fatigues" from recurrent microtrauma during excessive lumbar hyperextension or repeated lumbar flexion …
- 4. 成人における腰痛の評価evaluation of low back pain in adults [show details]
… ("pseudoclaudication" or "neurogenic claudication") is a hallmark of lumbar spinal stenosis. Other symptoms of lumbar spinal stenosis can include back pain and sensory loss and weakness in the legs, though many …
- 5. 腰椎穿刺:小児における適応、禁忌、手技、および合併症lumbar puncture indications contraindications technique and complications in children [show details]
… Observational studies suggest that back pain occurs in up to 11 percent of children following LP . Back pain typically resolves within a few days of the procedure.… and procedure for performing a lumbar puncture (LP) in children are presented here.…
Related Links
- 日本腰痛会誌・8巻1号・2002年10月 (11 ) っても大きな損害となっているからである (表2). Ⅱ.腰痛の職業性危険因子 職業性腰痛の発生には,多数の因子が絡み 合っているので,解明しにくいが,疫学や生 体力学のみならず,種々 ...
- 研究の背景 腰痛症は通院している患者さんの第2位 多くの方が、腰痛で悩んでいる 通院している患者さんの病名(1,000人当り) 勤労者の腰痛の実態 2 職場における心理・社会的要因の関与 職業性腰痛とは?定義は曖昧。
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- 英
- occupational low back pain
- 同
- 職業性腰背部障害
- 英
- disorder、impairment、dysfunction、damage、difficulty、(妨げ)barrier、impediment、obstacle、disturbance、foe、(化学)hindrance、disorder、impair、lesion
- 関
- 妨げ、撹乱、関門、機能障害、機能不全、困難、傷害、障壁、損なう、損傷、ダメージ、破壊、破損、バリヤー、病変、不安、妨害、乱れ、無秩序、機能異常症、敵、疾患、バリア、バリアー、機能異常、機能不全症
- 関
- 危険、損傷、ハザード、傷害を与える、害する
- 英
- occupational
- 関
- 職業的、業務、業務上
- 英
- dorsal、notal
- 関
- 背側、背側性