- 関
- dorsal
- belonging to or on or near the back or upper surface of an animal or organ or part; "the dorsal fin is the vertical fin on the back of a fish and certain marine mammals"
- negation of a word or group of words; "he does not speak French"; "she is not going"; "they are not friends"; "not many"; "not much"; "not at all" (同)non
- (植物の)背部の,背の
- 《助動詞,be動詞,時にhaveと共に,また一般動詞にはdoを添えて文の否定を表して》…『でない』,しない / 《語・句・節を否定して》…『でなく』 / 「not+形(副)」は否定される形容詞・副詞の反対の意味を強調することがある / notの意が及ぶ範囲の違いによって,意味解釈に違いが生じることがある / 《不定詞・分詞・動名詞を否定して》…[『し』]『ない』 / 《all, everyなどとともに用いて部分否定を表して》(全部が…なのでは)『ない』,(必ずしも…では)『ない』 / 《any, eitherなどに伴って全面否定を表して》(全然…)『しない』,(どちらも…)『しない』 / 《省略文でnotを含む句・節の代用として》『そうではない』
English Journal
- Drosophila notal bristle as a novel assessment tool for pathogenic study of Tau toxicity and screening of therapeutic compounds.
- Yeh PA, Chien JY, Chou CC, Huang YF, Tang CY, Wang HY, Su MT.SourceDepartment of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei 11677, Taiwan, ROC.
- Biochemical and biophysical research communications.Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2010 Jan 1;391(1):510-6. Epub 2009 Nov 18.
- To elucidate the Tau gain-of-toxicity functional mechanism and to search for potential treatments, we overexpressed human Tau variants (hTau) in the dorsal mesothorax (notum) of Drosophila. Overexpression of Tau variants caused loss of notal bristles, and the phenotype was used for evaluating toxici
- PMID 19931224
- Amblyomma boeroi n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae), a parasite of the Chacoan peccary Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi) (Artiodactyla: Tayassuidae) in Argentina.
- Nava S, Mangold AJ, Mastropaolo M, Venzal JM, Oscherov EB, Guglielmone AA.SourceInstituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina. snava@rafaela.inta.gov.ar
- Systematic parasitology.Syst Parasitol.2009 Jul;73(3):161-74. Epub 2009 May 27.
- All parasitic stages of Amblyomma boeroi n. sp. (Acari: Ixodidae) are described here from Catagonus wagneri (Rusconi) in Argentina. The diagnostic characters for the male are a combination of orbited eyes, a 2/2 dental formula, coxa IV considerably larger than coxae I-III and with a long, sickle-sha
- PMID 19472076
Japanese Journal
- Homology of the wing base sclerites in Ephemeroptera (Insecta: Pterygota) : A reply to Willkommen and Hörnschemeyer
- Yoshizawa Kazunori,Ninomiya Tomoya
- Arthropod Structure & Development 36(3), 277-279, 2007-09
- … The first free sclerite (s1) in Ephemeroptera should be homologized with a part of the first axillary sclerite (1Ax) of Neoptera, together with the second free sclerite, whereas the authors recognized s1 as a detached part of the anterior notal wing process. … The fifth free sclerite of Ephemeroptera should be homologized with the median notal wing process of Neoptera, rather than it being homologous with a part of 1Ax in Neoptera, as the authors postulated. …
- NAID 120000955827
- The decapentaplegic morphogen gradient regulates the notal wingless expression through induction of pannier and u-shaped in Drosophila
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- 関
- dorsally、dorsum、notal
- 英
- dorsal、notal
- 関
- 背側、背側性