- 英
- hard
- 関
- 硬性、困難、硬い
- with pain or distress or bitterness; "he took the rejection very hard"
- (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source (同)concentrated
- with firmness; "held hard to the railing" (同)firmly
- very strong or vigorous; "strong winds"; "a hard left to the chin"; "a knockout punch"; "a severe blow" (同)knockout, severe
- causing great damage or hardship; "industries hit hard by the depression"; "she was severely affected by the banks failure" (同)severely
- being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content; "hard liquor" (同)strong
- unfortunate or hard to bear; "had hard luck"; "a tough break" (同)tough
- (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum; "Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants"
- dispassionate; "took a hard look"; "a hard bargainer";
- dried out; "hard dry rolls left over from the day before"
- earnestly or intently; "thought hard about it"; "stared hard at the accused"
- into a solid condition; "concrete that sets hard within a few hours"
- resisting weight or pressure
- slowly and with difficulty; "prejudices die hard"
- to the full extent possible; all the way; "hard alee"; "the ship went hard astern"; "swung the wheel hard left"
- very near or close in space or time; "it stands hard by the railroad tracks"; "they were hard on his heels"; "a strike followed hard upon the plants opening"
- with effort or force or vigor; "the team played hard"; "worked hard all day"; "pressed hard on the lever"; "hit the ball hard"; "slammed the door hard"
- (物体が)『堅い』,(手触りが)堅固な,しっかりした / 『難しい』,努力を要する / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》(人が)『精力的な』,勤勉な / 激しい,猛烈な / (生活などが)耐え難い,つらい / (季節・天候などが)厳しい;(雨・風などが)激しい / (人が)厳格な;(行為などが)容赦しない,無情な / (方針・条件などが)妥協(譲歩)しない,厳しい / (感情が)うらみを含む,憤然とした / (体が)筋肉質の,がんじょうな / (紙幣に対して)硬貨の,(小切手などに対して)現金の;(貨幣が)容易に兌換(だかん)できる / (子音が)硬音の(c,gがcome, goのように[k],[g]と発音される) / アルコール分の多い / (水が)硬質の / (エックス線が)透過能力が大きい / 一生懸命に,『熱心に』 / 『強く』,激しく,大いに / やっと,かろうじて / 『堅く』 / ひどく悲んで / 接近して
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Japanese Journal
- 硬質ポリウレタンフォームの断熱特性 (特集 放熱,断熱の材料技術)
- TiB-(Fe-Al)サーメットの組織に与えるAlの影響 (特集 硬質材料・コーティング技術の新たな展開)
- 中山 博行,尾崎 公洋,小林 慶三
- 粉体および粉末冶金 : 粉体粉末冶金協会誌 59(8), 494-498, 2012-08
- NAID 40019418567
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- デジタル大辞泉 硬質の用語解説 - 質がかたいこと。また、かたい性質。「―のゴム」「― の文体」⇔軟質。 ...
- 硬質ウレタンフォームの特徴 -特徴、諸性質、用途など- ...
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- 英
- difficulty、distress、trouble、difficult、hard、intractable、recalcitrant、arduous、labored
- 関
- 窮迫、硬性、故障、障害、心配、難治、難治性、不応性、難しい、悩み、悩ます、硬い、硬質、強情、苦しめる、トラブル、苦悩
- 英
- rigidity
- 関
- 強剛性、強直、硬直、固縮、困難、硬い、硬質、スキルス
- 英
- hard
- 関
- 硬性、困難、硬質
- 英
- ebonite
- 関
- エボナイト
- 英
- quality
- 関
- 品質