- 英
- physiological scotoma, physiological blind spot
- 関
- 暗点
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- 1. 視神経の先天性および後天性異常congenital anomalies and acquired abnormalities of the optic nerve [show details]
…acuity is markedly reduced and cecocentral scotoma is present; cecocentral scotomas are visual field defects that include central fixation and the physiologic blind spot. Peripapillary staphyloma typically …
- 2. 非動脈炎性前部虚血性視神経症:臨床的特徴および診断nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… Some patients report altitudinal (often inferior) vision loss or a scotoma.… The fellow eye will often reveal a crowded optic nerve head with small or absent physiologic cup .…
- 3. 子癇前症:臨床的特徴および診断preeclampsia clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… the diagnosis is "revised" to chronic hypertension that was masked by the physiologic decrease in blood pressure that occurs in early pregnancy.… and possible delivery : Persistent and/or severe headache; Visual abnormalities (scotomata,…
- 4. 脳血管障害を合併した妊娠cerebrovascular disorders complicating pregnancy [show details]
…venous infarction) and hemorrhage (including intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage). Normal physiologic changes associated with pregnancy, combined with pathophysiologic processes unique to pregnancy … associated with severe preeclampsia, eclampsia, and HELLP syndrome may include headache, blurred vision, scotomata, cortical blindness, and/or generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Untreated cases may progress to coma …
- 5. 開放隅角緑内障:疫学、臨床症状、および診断open angle glaucoma epidemiology clinical presentation and diagnosis [show details]
… or anatomic or physiologic features of the trabecular meshwork and other outflow structures.… Reliable and reproducible visual field abnormalities (eg, arcuate defect, nasal step paracentral scotoma, generalized depression) in the absence of other causes or explanations for a field defect. Adult…
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- 生理的盲点(マリオット盲点)とは
- 生理的盲点(マリオット盲点)とは
- 暗点あんてん. 視野中にある限局性の視野欠損(見えない部分)をいい、その生理的なものを盲点という。. 暗点は性質によっていろいろに分類できる。. 暗色のうち、斑点 (はんてん)として自覚できるものを実性暗点といい、自覚できないものを虚性暗点という。. 盲点は生理的な虚性暗点である。. 視野の中心に現れる暗点を中心暗点といい、円形や類円形のものが ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- blind spot
- ラ
- punctum caecum
- 同
- 盲斑、マリオット盲点 マリオットの盲点 Mariotte's spot Mariotte blind spot、生理的暗点、Mariotte盲暗点
- 関
- 緑内障
- 英
- scotoma, (pl.)scotomata scotomas
- 関
- 盲点、閃輝暗点、中心暗点、弓形暗点、傍中心暗点、盲点中心暗点、輪状暗点
- 英
- point、spot、dot
- 関
- 指示、斑点、局所、ドット、ポイント、スポット、要点
- 関
- 生理学、生理学的、生理学上
- 関
- 生理学、生理機能