- mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition; "spot the areas that one should clearly identify"
- a small piece or quantity of something; "a spot of tea"; "a bit of paper"; "a bit of lint"; "I gave him a bit of my mind" (同)bit
- a small contrasting part of something; "a bald spot"; "a leopards spots"; "a patch of clouds"; "patches of thin ice"; "a fleck of red" (同)speckle, dapple, patch, fleck, maculation
- a business establishment for entertainment; "night spot"
- a playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value; "an eight-spot"
- a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit) (同)pip
- a section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance; "they changed his spot on the program"
- a short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising
- make a spot or mark onto; "The wine spotted the tablecloth" (同)fleck, blob, blot
- detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I cant make out the faces in this photograph" (同)recognize, recognise, distinguish, discern, pick out, make_out, tell apart
- become spotted; "This dress spots quickly"
- make dim by comparison or conceal (同)dim
- unable or unwilling to perceive or understand; "blind to a lovers faults"; "blind to the consequences of their actions"
- a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight; "they had just moved in and had not put up blinds yet" (同)screen
- a hiding place sometimes used by hunters (especially duck hunters); "he waited impatiently in the blind"
- people who have severe visual impairments, considered as a group; "he spent hours reading to the blind"
- not based on reason or evidence; "blind hatred"; "blind faith"; "unreasoning panic" (同)unreasoning
- unable to see; "a person is blind to the extent that he must devise alternative techniques to do efficiently those things he would do with sight if he had normal vision"--Kenneth Jernigan (同)unsighted
- make blind by putting the eyes out; "The criminals were punished and blinded"
- render unable to see
- deprived of sight
- 『斑点』(はんてん),まだら,ぶち;(太陽の)黒点 / 『しみ』,よごれ;吹出物,にきび / (…に対する)汚名,汚点《+『on』+『名』》 / 『場所』,地点;部分,箇所 / (順序・組織における)位置;立場,おかれた状況 / 《a spot》《英話》(…の)少量,ちょっぴり(の…);(…の)1杯《+『of』+『名』》 / (ラジオ・テレビ番組の)構成区分 / …‘を'『しみで汚す』,‘に'汚れをつける;…‘に'斑点(はんてん)をつける,‘を'まだら(ぶち)にする;( …で)…‘に'しみ(斑点)をつける《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 〈人格・名声など〉‘を'汚す,傷つける / (特定の場所に)…‘を'置く,配置する / …‘を'見つける;(…だと)…‘を'見抜く《+『名』+『as』(『for』)+『名』》 / 〈インクなどが〉『しみになる』;〈布などが〉汚れる / 即座になされる,即時払いの(引き渡しの) / 現場での,現地の / (ラジオ・テレビで)番組の間に放送される / ちょうど,ぴったり(exactly)
- 『目の見えない』,盲目の(sightless) / 《補語にのみ用いて》(…を)見る目がない,気がついていない《+『to』+『名』》 / 盲目的な,めくらめっぽうの(reckless) / (特に車の運転者に)隠れて見えない / (通りなどが)行き止まりの,出口のない;(建築物が)窓のない / 肉眼で見えないでする,計器だけに頼る / 〈人〉‘の'目をくらませる,'を'盲目にする / (…に対して)〈人〉‘の'判断力(分別)を失わせる《+『名』〈人〉+『to』+『名』》 / 『日よけ』,すだれ,よろい戸,ブラインド / 人の目をごまかすもの,見せかけ / 《米》(猟師の)隠れ場 / 目が見えなくて
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Blind spot may refer to:
In ophthalmology:
- Scotoma, an obscuration of the visual field
- Optic disc, also known as the anatomical blind spot, the specific region of the retina where the optic nerve and blood vessels pass through to connect to the back of the eye
- Blind spot (vision), also known as the physiological blind spot, the specific scotoma in the visual field that corresponds to the lack of light-detecting photoreceptor cells on the optic disc
In culture:
- The Blind Spot (1921), an early science fiction novel by Homer Eon Flint and Austin Hall
- Blind Spot: Hitler's Secretary, the English title of Im toten Winkel (2002)—an Austrian documentary about Traudl Junge, the last personal secretary of Adolf Hitler
- Blind Spot (1947 film), a 1947 film noir
- Blind Spot (1958 film), a 1958 film
- Blind Spot (Hallmark), a 1993 presentation in the Hallmark Hall of Fame
- Blind Spot, a 2008 documentary on peak oil by Adolfo Doring
- The effect an unshielded view of hyperspace has on the human optic nerve, in the Known Space universe
- Blindspot, a fictional character in the Marvel Comics universe
Other uses:
- Blind spot (vehicle), areas outside of the vehicle that cannot be seen while looking forward or through optical aids.
- Blind spot (psychology), a subject about which one is prejudiced or ignorant, such as a Bias blind spot
- Antenna blind cone, a blind spot of the antenna
- "Blind Spot" (Law & Order: Criminal Intent), an episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent
- "Blind Spot" (Homeland), an episode of the TV series Homeland
- Can also refer to a location in a place with surveillance cameras that is not in view of any camera.
See also
- Lacuna (disambiguation)
- Blindspott, a New Zealand band
- Johari Window, a Metaphorical Tool
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English Journal
- To Encounter, to Build the World and to Become a Human Being. Advocating for a Material-Cultural Turn in Developmental Psychology.
- Moro C1.
- Integrative psychological & behavioral science.Integr Psychol Behav Sci.2016 Dec;50(4):586-602.
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- Altaweel MM1,2, Gangaputra SS3, Thorne JE4,5, Dunn JP6, Elner SG7, Jaffe GJ8, Kim RY9, Rao PK10, Reed SB3, Kempen JH11; MUST Research Group.
- Journal of ophthalmic inflammation and infection.J Ophthalmic Inflamm Infect.2016 Dec;6(1):33. doi: 10.1186/s12348-016-0103-2. Epub 2016 Sep 9.
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- Sugiura M1, Kitasako Y2, Sadr A3, Shimada Y1, Sumi Y4, Tagami J1.
- Journal of dentistry.J Dent.2016 Nov;54:86-91. doi: 10.1016/j.jdent.2016.09.003. Epub 2016 Sep 14.
- OBJECTIVES: To assess the effect of chewing gum containing phosphoryl oligosaccharides of calcium (POs-Ca) and fluoride on white spot lesion (WSL) remineralization in comparison with POs-Ca or placebo (control) chewing gums, in double- blind, randomized, controlled trial.METHODS: Thirty-seven health
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Japanese Journal
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- 小田 宗史,川崎 智哉,カミニティ ロレンゾ [他]
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- 英
- blind spot
- ラ
- punctum caecum
- 同
- 盲斑、マリオット盲点 マリオットの盲点 Mariotte's spot Mariotte blind spot、生理的暗点、Mariotte盲暗点
- 関
- 緑内障
- 関
- blind spot、optic disk、optic nerve head
- 関
- blind spot、optic disk、optic papilla
- 関
- blind spot、centrocecal、scotoma
- 関
- blind spot、cecocentral、scotoma
- 関
- dot、local、locoregional、mottle、point、regional、stigma、stigmata
- 関
- blind method、blind study、blindness
- 関
- blank