- 英
- mechanism-based inhibition
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- 1. ステロイド療法を受けている患者の術前のマネージメントthe management of the surgical patient taking glucocorticoids [show details]
…to glucocorticoid dosing is based upon the likelihood of hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) suppression and the magnitude of the surgical stress. In addition to suppression of the HPA axis, perioperative …
- 2. 分化型甲状腺癌:マネージメントの概要differentiated thyroid cancer overview of management [show details]
…minimize potential TSH stimulation of tumor growth. Our approach for initial thyroid hormone suppression is based upon risk of disease recurrence : American Thyroid Association (ATA) low risk – For patients …
- 3. ガンシクロビルおよびバルガンシクロビル:概要ganciclovir and valganciclovir an overview [show details]
… Empiric dose adjustments for valganciclovir can be based upon measured or estimated creatinine clearance (CrCl) : ≥60 mL/min: Usual dose (ie,… Ganciclovir and valganciclovir are both associated with bone marrow suppression,… medications with well-known nephrotoxicity, such as cyclosporine, has been a frequent confounder . The mechanism of nephrotoxicity is unknown, and the risk associated with ganciclovir per se appears to be low …
- 4. 成人の炎症性腸疾患患者へのブデソニド療法の概要overview of budesonide therapy for adults with inflammatory bowel disease [show details]
…be used for treating patients with Crohn disease, and the choice between the two formulations is based on availability . Colonic release formulation – This formulation of multimatrix budesonide extends … formulation compared with placebo (RR 1.09, 95% CI 0.95-1.26) . Systemic adverse effects (eg, adrenal suppression, decreased bone mass) occur less often in patients treated with budesonide compared with conventional …
- 5. 炎症性腸疾患へのアザチオプリン、メルカプトプリンの投与の概要overview of azathioprine and mercaptopurine use in inflammatory bowel disease [show details]
…dosing based on thiopurine-S-methyltransferase (TPMT) genotype or enzymatic activity (phenotype) testing. The authors use empiric, gradual dosing with target doses that are generally weight-based .… The mechanism of action of azathioprine is discussed in more detail separately.… laboratory monitoring does not always prevent bone marrow suppression or hepatotoxicity,…
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- 英
- inhibition、suppression、depression、restraint、inhibit、suppress、depress、abrogate、restrain
- 関
- うつ病、拘束、制限、阻害、阻止、低下、撤廃、抑圧、抑欝、廃止、取り消す、抑止、抑える、うつ、うつ状態、鬱、サプレス、制圧、鬱病、抑うつ、抑うつ状態
- 英
- base、ascribe、ascribable
- 関
- 塩基、基剤、帰する、基礎、底部、基礎づける、原因である、ベース
- 英
- mechanism、mode
- 関
- 型、機構、方法、モード、機作、メカニズム、仕組み
- 英
- group
- 関
- グループ、群、集団、分類、群れ、グループ化