- 日
- だんてつせいげんご
- 同
- 小脳性発語 cerebellar speech、断綴性発語、短綴性言語、断続性発語、断続性言語、断節言語、断綴性構音、断綴性発話、つまずき言葉、言語蹉跌 pararthriasyllabaris、とぎれことば、失調言語 失調性言語 ataxic speech
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- 1. 小児における発話言語障害の評価および治療evaluation and treatment of speech and language disorders in children [show details]
… Developmental language disorder is the most common developmental disability of childhood, occurring in 5 to 10 percent of children . Children learn language in early childhood; later they use language to learn …
- 2. 小児における発話および言語障害の病因etiology of speech and language disorders in children [show details]
… Edition, language disorder is characterized by : Persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language (expressive or receptive) across modalities (ie, spoken, written, sign language, or other) …
- 3. 幼児の表出性言語発達遅滞(「late talking」)expressive language delay late talking in young children [show details]
… children with language delay achieve their full developmental and academic potential. Speech – The ability to produce vocal sounds. Expressive language – The ability to produce or use language. Receptive …
- 4. 失語症患者へのアプローチapproach to the patient with aphasia [show details]
…left hemisphere, subserves the capacity for human language . The language network comprises areas of perisylvian cortex, including the classical language areas of Broca and Wernicke. While these are not …
- 5. Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosisneuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis [show details]
…and language function, as measured by the median time until a two-point decline in the combined motor-language score, a lower risk of an unreversed two-point decline in the combined motor-language score …
Japanese Journal
- 肝内門脈瘤を介した門脈肝静脈短絡症に対し門脈枝結紮術が奏効した1症例
- 肝内門脈りゅうを介した門脈肝静脈短絡症に対し門脈枝結さつ術が奏効した1症例
Related Links
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- first aid step1 2006 p.191,327,332,350,353,358
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- 北欧・北米:30-80人/10万人 有病率
- 日本:1-4人/10万人 有病率
- 若年に発症(15-50歳で80-90%が発症。30歳がピーク)
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- 22歳女性、昨日より突然右の上下肢に力が入らなくなったので驚いて受診した。16歳の時に一過性の視力低下があった。20歳の時には小脳失調になったが数日で回復したという。MRI T2強調画像で白質に多発性の病変が見られる。
- http://www.neurology-jp.org/guidelinem/koukasyo.html
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- http://www.neuroimmunology.jp/MSgaido2009.pdf
- 英
- scanning pronunciation?
- 関
- 断綴性言語
- 同
- ダンテツ性発語
- 英
- language、speech、verbal
- 関
- 口演、発声、講演、スピーチ、演説、話