- 英
- account、traffic、trade-off、deal
- 関
- 扱う、価値、分配、輸送、理由、交通、通行、計算書、アカウント、トレードオフ、トラフィック
- take action with respect to (someone or something); "How are we going to deal with this problem?"; "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
- a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
- a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "hes a master of the business deal" (同)trade, business deal
- the act of apportioning or distributing something; "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"
- the act of distributing playing cards; "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
- the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement); "he got a good deal on his car"
- do business; offer for sale as for ones livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes" (同)sell, trade
- behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
- distribute cards to the players in a game; "Whos dealing?"
- give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
- sell; "deal hashish"
- the quality of taking advantage; "she turned her writing skills to good account"
- a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month" (同)accounting, account statement
- a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services; "he asked to see the executive who handled his account" (同)business relationship
- be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something; "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"
- importance or value; "a person of considerable account"; "he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance"
- furnish a justifying analysis or explanation; "I cant account for the missing money" (同)answer for
- keep an account of (同)calculate
- trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
- buying and selling; especially illicit trade
- the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
- the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time; "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines"; "traffic on the internet is lightest during the night"
- deal illegally; "traffic drugs"
- …'を'『分配する』,分ける / 《『deal』+『名』+『名』=『deal』+『名』+『at』(『to』)+『名』》〈打撃・仕打ちなど〉'を'…‘に'『加える』 / 〈U〉取引き / 〈C〉(取引きなどの)妥協,協定 / 〈C〉カードゲームの札の配分 / 《D-》政策(policy) / 《a~》《話》取扱い,待遇
- モミ材,松材
- 〈C〉『計算』,勘定 / 〈C〉『計算書』,勘定書;簿記 / 〈C〉(商売の)取引;(銀行の)口座 / 〈C〉『説明』,報告;記事 / 《文》〈U〉価値(value),重要性(importance) / 〈U〉根拠;理由 / 《『account』+『名』〈目〉+『形』(『名』,『過分』)〈補〉》(…と)…'を'考える,みなす(consider)
- (車・船・人などの)『往来,交通』,通行;(鉄道・船などによる)輸送,運輸 / 《集合的に》交通量,輸送量 / 売買,商売(trade),(特に不正な)取り引き / 運輸業,[旅客]輸送業 / (特に不正に)(…と…の)取り引きをする《+in+名+with+名》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/06/25 21:56:02」(JST)
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出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(2013年10月) |
取引(とりひき、英: transaction)とは、契約や合意などのもとに、金品や事柄をやり取りを行うこと。
- 1 商業における取引
- 2 会計における取引
- 3 社会的な取引
- 4 関連項目
- 現物取引
- 先物取引
- 信用取引
- インサイダー取引
- 排出量取引
- 普通取引約款
- トレード
- トレーダー
- 公正取引
- 公正取引委員会
- 取引所
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Japanese Journal
- サイエンス最前線(73)ダークプール 高性能コンピューター取引に対抗
- あらゆる取引が「ガラス張り」に ビットコインを支えた革新的技術 「ブロックチェーン」が金融界を握る (特集 新しい文明が目前に! 姿を現した「夢の技術」)
- ライセンス契約法 : 取引実務と法的理論の橋渡し(第12回)ライセンス契約の相手方の権原に関する瑕疵など(2)
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- 英
- reason、cause、account、because、(conj)since
- 関
- 価値、考える、原因、根拠、判断、引き起こす、わけ、だから、以来、原因となる、取引、計算書、アカウント、成因
- 関
- account、carriage、carry、deal、ship、trade-off、trafficking、transport、transportation
- 英
- distribution、partition、allocation、partition、distribute、deal、dispense
- 関
- 扱う、配給、分割、分注、分布、割当、取引、配布、調剤
- 関
- because、cause、deal、reason、since、trade-off、traffic、value、worth
- 英
- 関
- 値、評価、理由、価値ある、値する、取引、計算書、アカウント
- 英
- time-intensity trade
- 同
- 時間強さ互換性、時間振幅取引 time-amplitude trade