胸部食道 Te
- the passage between the pharynx and the stomach (同)oesophagus, gorge, gullet
- tellurium の化学記号
- 胸の,胸部の
- 食道(《英》oesophagus)
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English Journal
- The occlusion tests and end-expiratory esophageal pressure: measurements and comparison in controlled and assisted ventilation.
- Chiumello D1,2, Consonni D3, Coppola S4,5, Froio S6,7, Crimella F8, Colombo A9.
- Annals of intensive care.Ann Intensive Care.2016 Dec;6(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s13613-016-0112-1. Epub 2016 Feb 12.
- BACKGROUND: Esophageal pressure is used as a reliable surrogate of the pleural pressure. It is conventionally measured by an esophageal balloon placed in the lower part of the esophagus. To validate the correct position of the balloon, a positive pressure occlusion test by compressing the thorax dur
- PMID 26868503
- Dosimetric evaluation of 4 different treatment modalities for curative-intent stereotactic body radiation therapy for isolated thoracic spinal metastases.
- Yang J1, Ma L2, Wang XS3, Xu WX3, Cong XH3, Xu SP3, Ju ZJ3, Du L4, Cai BN3, Yang J5.
- Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists.Med Dosim.2016 Summer;41(2):105-12. doi: 10.1016/j.meddos.2015.10.003. Epub 2016 Jan 28.
- To investigate the dosimetric characteristics of 4 SBRT-capable dose delivery systems, CyberKnife (CK), Helical TomoTherapy (HT), Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) by Varian RapidArc (RA), and segmental step-and-shoot intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) by Elekta, on isolated thoracic
- PMID 26831753
- Effects of Buscopan on human gastrointestinal smooth muscle activity in an ex vivo model: Are there any differences for various sections?
- Zhang L1, Song J1, Bai T1, Lu X2, Yang G3, Qian W1, Wang R4, Hou X5.
- European journal of pharmacology.Eur J Pharmacol.2016 Jun 5;780:180-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2016.03.047. Epub 2016 Mar 26.
- Hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan ®) is clinically used as an anticholinergic antispasmodic for the treatment of abdominal cramping or visceral pain associated with cramps. However, the spasmolytic efficacy on contractile activity of human gastrointestinal smooth muscle from various sections remains
- PMID 27020547
Japanese Journal
- 前田 直見,白川 靖博,國府島 健,大原 利章,田邊 俊輔,野間 和広,櫻間 教文,藤原 俊義
- 岡山医学会雑誌 126(1), 45-48, 2014-04-01
- … We report the case of a 61-old-man with a primary malignant melanoma of the esophagus, an extremely rare and highly aggressive malignancy. … He presented with dysphagia, and we performed an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy that detected a tumor in the thoracic part of the esophagus. … PET/CT, endoscopy and an esophagogram showed that a 70-mm scaled type 2+1 tumor in the thoracic esophagus and no metastases. …
- NAID 120005425655
- 術前DCF療法が著効した食道原発内分泌細胞癌の1切除例
- 前田 直見,白川 靖博,國府島 健,大原 利章,田邊 俊輔,野間 和広,櫻間 教文,藤原 俊義
- 岡山医学会雑誌 126(1), 39-43, 2014-04-01
- … A 66-year-old man had been experiencing epigastralgia, and a type 2 tumor in the thoracic part of esophagus was detected by upper endoscopy. … PET/CT, endoscopy and an esophagogram showed that the patient had a 70-mm scaled type 2 tumor in the middle thoracic esophagus, and they also revealed lymph node metastases (no. 106recR). …
- NAID 120005425654
- Application of ECMO to the Treatment of Benign Double Tracheoesophageal Fistula: Report of a Case
- Wang Lei,Xu Xiao Ping,Zhan Hen,Zhang Shao Ming
- Annals of Thoracic
- … The patient was a 43-year-old woman who presented the airway obstruction for 3 weeks after the esophagus metal stent implantation for the tracheoesophageal fistula 1 year ago. … The airway obstruction was due to the expansion and piercing of the metal stent through the upper part of the esophagus into the tracheal cavity. … And at the same time, cervical esophagostomy externa, exclusion of the thoracic tracheoesophageal fistulas and gastrostomy were performed. …
- NAID 130003396775
Related Links
- thoracic surgery - Cleveland Clinic Department of Thoracic Surgery - our thoracic surgeons treat achalasia, barretts esophagus, esophageal cancer and more; thoracic.
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- 英
- esophagus (Z)
- 関
- 消化器系
- 正中面付近を下行してくるが、横隔膜近傍で左側に寄り、背面で胸大動脈と交叉する。
- L10椎体の高さで、食道裂孔を食道神経叢と共に通過して腹腔に入る
- SSUR.456
生理的狭窄部 (KL.283, KH. 139)
- 第1狭窄部位:輪状軟骨狭窄部:cricopharyngeal constriction
- 切歯から15cm
- 食道の上端で、咽頭に連なる部位
- 下咽頭収縮筋が食道を囲み、輪状軟骨に付き、この筋の緊張によると考えられる
- 第2狭窄部位:大動脈狭窄部:bronchoaortic constriction
- 切歯から25cm
- 食道の中部で、大動脈弓と左気管支が交叉し、それによって圧される。つまり大動脈弓の
- 第3狭窄部位:横隔膜狭窄部:diaphragmatic constriction
運動 (SP.720)
- 食道腺は粘膜筋板の下に存在する。 ← 粘膜下組織に腺があるのは食道の固有食道腺と十二指腸のブルンネル腺だけ
- 食道は横隔膜より上位では漿膜がなく、癌が周囲に浸潤しやすい
粘膜下組織 (大抵、粗結合組織)
漿膜(結合組織+単層扁平上皮) 外膜(結合組織のみ)
食道噴門腺 (咽頭付近と胃付近に局在)、粘液腺
粘液細胞 (スムーズに食べ物を流す)
縱層 (縦走筋のみ)
内輪筋層 外縱筋層 (食道上1/3:骨格筋、食道中1/3:骨格筋、平滑筋、食道下1/3:平滑筋)
外膜(横隔膜まで) 漿膜
- 食事の通過障害は生理的狭窄部でおこりやすい。特に第1狭窄部で異物が見られる (KH.141)
- 生理的狭窄部は癌の好発部位であり、第2,第3狭窄部位に多い (KH.141)
- 英
- thoracic esophagus Te
- 関
- breast、chest、pectoral、pectoral region、thoraces、thoracic cavity、thoracic cord、thoracic spinal cord、thoracic spine、thoracic vertebra、thoracic vertebrae、thorax、vertebrae thoracicae