出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/05/27 10:12:05」(JST)
Teratology is the study of abnormalities of physiological development. It is often thought of as the study of human congenital abnormalities, but it is broader than that, taking into account other non-birth developmental stages, including puberty; and other non-human life forms, including plants. The related term developmental toxicity includes all manifestations of abnormal development that are caused by environmental insult. These may include growth retardation, delayed mental development or other congenital disorders without any structural malformations.[1]
Teratogens are drugs that may cause birth defects via a toxic effect on an embryo or fetus.[2]
The term teratology stems from the Greek τέρας teras (genitive τέρατος teratos), meaning "monster" or "marvel", and λόγος logos, meaning "the word" or, more loosely, "the study of".[3]
As early as the 17th century, teratology referred to a discourse on prodigies and marvels of anything so extraordinary as to seem abnormal. In the 19th century it acquired a meaning more closely related to biological deformities, mostly in the field of botany. Currently, its most instrumental meaning is that of the medical study of teratogenesis, congenital malformations or individuals with significant malformations. Historically, people have used many pejorative terms to describe/label cases of significant physical malformations. In the 1960s David W. Smith of the University of Washington Medical School (one of the researchers who became known in 1973 for the discovery of fetal alcohol syndrome[4]), popularized the term teratology. With the growth of understanding of the origins of birth defects, the field of teratology as of 2015[update] overlaps with other fields of science, including developmental biology, embryology, and genetics. Until the 1940s teratologists regarded birth defects as primarily hereditary. In 1941 the first well-documented cases of environmental agents being the cause of severe birth defects were reported[by whom?].[5]
Along with this new awareness of the in utero vulnerability of the developing mammalian embryo came the development and refinement of The Six Principles of Teratology which are still applied today. These principles of teratology were put forth by Jim Wilson in 1959 and in his monograph Environment and Birth Defects.[6] These principles guide the study and understanding of teratogenic agents and their effects on developing organisms:
Studies designed to test the teratogenic potential of environmental agents use animal model systems (e.g., rat, mouse, rabbit, dog, and monkey). Early teratologists exposed pregnant animals to environmental agents and observed the fetuses for gross visceral and skeletal abnormalities. While this is still part of the teratological evaluation procedures today, the field of Teratology is moving to a more molecular level, seeking the mechanism(s) of action by which these agents act. Genetically modified mice are commonly used for this purpose. In addition, pregnancy registries are large, prospective studies that monitor exposures women receive during their pregnancies and record the outcome of their births. These studies provide information about possible risks of medications or other exposures in human pregnancies.
Understanding how a teratogen causes its effect is not only important in preventing congenital abnormalities but also has the potential for developing new therapeutic drugs safe for use with pregnant women.
In humans, congenital disorders resulted in about 510,000 deaths globally in 2010.[7]
About 3% of newborns have a "major physical anomaly", meaning a physical anomaly that has cosmetic or functional significance.[8]
Causes of teratogenesis can broadly be classified as:
Evidence for congenital deformities found in the fossil record is studied by paleopathologists, specialists in ancient disease and injury. Fossils bearing evidence of congenital deformity are scientifically significant because they can help scientists infer the evolutionary history of life's developmental processes. For instance, because a Tyrannosaurus rex specimen has been discovered with a block vertebra, it means that vertebrae have been developing the same basic way since at least the most recent common ancestor of dinosaurs and mammals. Other notable fossil deformities include a hatchling specimen of the bird-like dinosaur, Troodon, the tip of whose jaw was twisted.[9] Another notably deformed fossil was a specimen of the choristodere Hyphalosaurus, which had two heads- the oldest known example of polycephaly.[10]
In botany, teratology investigates the theoretical implications of abnormal specimens. For example, the discovery of abnormal flowers—for example, flowers with leaves instead of petals, or flowers with staminoid pistils—furnished important evidence for the "foliar theory", the theory that all flower parts are highly specialised leaves.
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Until 1940, it was assumed that congenital defects were caused primarily by hereditary factors. In 1941, the first well-documented cases were reported that an environmental agent (rubella virus) could produce severe anatomic anomalies.
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リンク元 | 「催奇形因子」「催奇形剤」「催奇形物質」 |
拡張検索 | 「teratogenic」「teratogenicity」「teratogenetic」「teratogenesis」 |
催奇形因子 | 先天異常 | |
感染因子 | 風疹 | 白内障,緑内障,心臓異常,聾,歯異常 |
サイトメガロウイルス | 小頭症,盲目,精神発達遅滞,胎児死亡 | |
単純ヘルペスウイルス | 小眼球症,小頭症,網膜異形成 | |
水痘ウイルス | 肢低形成,精神発達遅滞,筋萎縮 | |
HIV | 小頭症,発育遅延 | |
トキソプラズマ症 | 水頭症,大脳実質石灰化,小眼球症 | |
梅毒 | 精神発達遅滞,聾 | |
物理的因子 | X線 | 小頭症,脊椎裂,口蓋裂,四肢の異常 |
高熱 | 無脳症 | |
化学的因子 | サリドマイド | 四肢の異常,心臓異常 |
アミノプテリン | 無脳症,水頭症,唇裂と口蓋裂 | |
ジフェニルヒダントイン(フェニトイン) | 胎児性ヒダントイン症候群:顔面異常,精神発達遅滞 | |
バルプロ酸 | 神経管異常,心,頭蓋顔面,肢異常 | |
トリメタジオン | 口蓋裂,心臓異常,泌尿生殖器と骨格の異常 | |
リチウム | 心臓異常 | |
アンフェタミン | 唇裂と口蓋裂,心臓異常 | |
ワルファリン | 軟骨形成不全,小預症 | |
ACE阻害薬 | 発育遅延,胎児死亡 | |
コカイン | 発育遅延,小頭症,行動異常,腹壁破裂 | |
アルコール | 胎児性アルコール症候群,短眼険裂,上顎骨発育不全,心臓,異常,精神発達遅滞 | |
イソトレチノイン(ビタミンA) | ビタミンA胚子病:小さい異常な形をした耳,下顎骨発育不全,口蓋裂,心臓異常 | |
有機水銀 | 脳性麻痺類似の神経症状 | |
鉛 | 発育遅延,神経学的障害 | |
ホルモン | 男性化ホルモン(工チステロン,ノル工チステロン) | 女性生殖器男性化:陰唇の癒着,陰核肥大 |
ジエチルスチルベストロール(DES) | 子宮,卵管,および腟上部の異常;腟癌;精巣異常 | |
母親の糖尿病 | さまざまな種類の異常;心臓と神経管の異常が最も一般的 |