- 関
- chronological、chronologically、sequential、sequentially、time-dependent
- relating to or arranged according to temporal order; "chronological age"
- with respect to chronology; "he is chronologically older"
- pertaining to the study of the evolution of languages from a common source; "glottochronological studies"
- 引き続いて起こる,結果として起こる
- 年代順の,年代順に配列した
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English Journal
- Management of muscle-invasive bladder cancer in the elderly.
- Rose TL1, Milowsky MI.
- Current opinion in urology.Curr Opin Urol.2015 Sep;25(5):459-467.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The number of cases of muscle-invasive bladder cancer is increasing along with the age of the population. Management of muscle-invasive bladder cancer in the elderly is complex, requiring a multidisciplinary team approach and a comprehensive assessment of each individual patient.R
- PMID 26075567
- Validity of the Demirjian method for dental age estimation for Southern Turkish children.
- Gungor OE, Kale B, Celikoglu M, Gungor AY1, Sari Z.
- Nigerian journal of clinical practice.Niger J Clin Pract.2015 Sep-Oct;18(5):616-9. doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.154216.
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the Demirjian method for southern Turkish population.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Panoramic radiographs of 535 patients (276 females, 259 males aged from 10 to 18 years) selected retrospectively. Dental age was calculated using the Demi
- PMID 26096239
- Serum nesfatin-1 and leptin levels in non-obese girls with premature thelarche.
- Çatlı G1, Anık A, Küme T, Çalan ÖG, Dündar BN, Böber E, Abacı A.
- Journal of endocrinological investigation.J Endocrinol Invest.2015 Aug;38(8):909-13. doi: 10.1007/s40618-015-0277-8. Epub 2015 Apr 2.
- AIM: We aimed to investigate serum nesfatin-1 level in girls with premature thelarche (PT) and its relationship with anthropometric parameters and leptin, which are involved in the initiation of pubertal process.SUBJECTS-METHODS: Non-obese girls who presented with the complaint of early (2-8 years)
- PMID 25833360
Japanese Journal
- 初産婦が産褥早期に育児困難感を抱く要因 : 出産後から5日間の短期縦断調査より
- 藤岡 奈美,亀崎 明子,河本 恵理 [他],塩道 敦子,坪井 陽子,藤井 陽子
- 母性衛生 54(4), 563-570, 2014-01
- 本研究は,初産婦の産褥早期の育児困難感に影響する要因を明らかにするとともに,ストレス反応の経時的変化と育児困難感の関連について明らかにすることを目的とし調査を実施した。この結果,対象褥婦89名の平均年齢は,32.5±5.5歳であり,高齢初産婦42名,適応年齢初産婦51名であった。ストレス反応であるアミラーゼの経時的変化は,有意差を認め(P<0.05),とくに産褥1日目と5日目(P<0. …
- NAID 110009688143
- Guidewire Introducer in a Y-connector Reduces Friction from the Delivery Wire during Coil Embolization of Cerebral Aneurysms:- In Vitro Evaluation
- Sakamoto Kimiya,Nakai Kanji,Aikawa Hiroshi,Tsutsumi Masanori,Oishi Hiromichi,Iko Minoru,Matsumoto Yoshihisa,Mizokami Taichiro,Mitsutake Takafumi,Etou Ayumu,Kazekawa Kiyoshi,Onizuka Masanari
- 日本インターベンショナルラジオロジー学会雑誌 29(1), 57-61, 2014
- … Using an in vitro model, we measured the chronologic changes in resistance to the insertion of 3 types of widely used finishing coils, namely, GDC-10 UltraSoft-, Micrus ULTIPAQ-, and ED coil-10 Extra Soft coils. …
- NAID 130004707496
- 日本海とその周辺に分布する鬱陵島起源の完新世テフラ
- 椎原 美紀,堂満 華子,鳥井 真之 [他],長橋 良隆,奥野 充
- 第四紀研究 52(5), 225-236, 2013
- 鬱陵隠岐テフラ(U-Oki)は,姶良Tnテフラ(AT)と鬼界アカホヤテフラ(K-Ah)の間の層準に産出することから,日本海南部のコア試料の重要な年代指標として利用されてきた.しかし,鬱陵島でのテフラ層序の再構築と<SUP>14</SUP>C年代から,U-4テフラがU-Okiに対比され,U-3テフラに対比されるテフラも日本海・日本列島にも広く分布することが確認されたことから, …
- NAID 130004679066
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- 連続的な、系列の、経時的な、時系列の、逐次の、配列の、順次の、結果としての
- 関
- arrange、arrangement、array、chronologic、chronological、chronologically、consequent、consequential、constellation、continual、continuous、continuously、lineage、paradigmatic、progressively、sequence、sequentially、serial、serially、series、successive、successively、time-dependent
- 英
- chronological、chronologic、time-dependent、sequential、chronologically、sequentially
- 関
- 経時、系列、結果的、時間依存的、配列、連続的、逐次、結果としての、時系列、経日的、年代順、順次
- 関
- chronologic、chronological、chronologically、consequent、consequently、sequential、time-dependent
- 関
- chronologic、chronological、chronologically、metachronic、sequential、sequentially、successive
- 英
- chronological、chronologic、chronologically
- 関
- 経時、経時的、経日的
- 関
- chronologic、chronologically、metachronic、sequential、sequentially、successive、time-dependent
- 関
- chronologic、chronological、sequential、sequentially、time-dependent