- ~を要約する、~の要点を繰り返す
- (生物)(胎児が)(先祖の発生段階などを)繰り返す
- 関
- abstract, brief, outline, recapitulation, recycle, recycling, reuse, reutilize, salvage, sum, summarize, summary, synopses, synopsis
- repeat stages of evolutionary development during the embryonic phase of life
- summarize briefly; "Lets recapitulate the main ideas" (同)recap
- give an abstract (of)
- not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature; "a large abstract painting" (同)abstractionist, nonfigurative, nonobjective
- consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically
- consider apart from a particular case or instance; "Lets abstract away from this particular example"
- dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention; "abstract reasoning"; "abstract science"
- existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment; "abstract words like `truth and `justice"
- collect discarded or refused material; "She scavenged the garbage cans for food" (同)scavenge
- property or goods saved from damage or destruction
- the act of rescuing a ship or its crew or its cargo from a shipwreck or a fire
- the act of saving goods or property that were in danger of damage or destruction
- save from ruin, destruction, or harm (同)salve, relieve, save
- of short duration or distance; "a brief stay in the country"
- a document stating the facts and points of law of a clients case (同)legal brief
- a condensed written summary or abstract
- concise and succinct; "covered the matter in a brief statement"
- give essential information to someone; "The reporters were briefed about the Presidents plan to invade"
- a quantity of money; "he borrowed a large sum"; "the amount he had in cash was insufficient" (同)sum of money, amount, amount of money
- the whole amount (同)total, totality, aggregate
- a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers (同)amount, total
- the final aggregate; "the sum of all our troubles did not equal the misery they suffered" (同)summation, sum total
- the line that appears to bound an object (同)lineation
- a schematic or preliminary plan (同)schema, scheme
- a sketchy summary of the main points of an argument or theory (同)synopsis, abstract, precis
- …‘の'要点を繰り返す,‘を'要約する(summarize)
- 『抽象的な』 / 理論的な,観念的な / (美術において)抽象派の / 〈U〉抽象 / 〈C〉抜粋,摘要(summary) / 〈C〉抽象美術作品 / (いくつかのものから)〈ある概念〉'を'抽象する,抽出する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈本・スピーチなど〉'を'要約する(summarize),抜粋する / (…から)〈金属など〉'を'抽出する,分離する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》
- (主として船・乗組員・貨物の)海難救助;(一般に)救助 / 救助された貨物 / 救助作業,沈没船引き上げ作業 / (難船・火災などから)〈船・貨物など〉‘を'救出する《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / 〈負傷者〉‘を'救う,〈けが〉‘を'治療する
- 『短時間の』;短期間の(short) / 言葉数の少ない,簡潔な / (弁護士が裁判所に提出する)弁輪趣意書 / 《複数形で》(下着の)ブリーフ / 〈人〉‘に'必要な指示(情報)を与える / ‥‘を'要約する
- 〈C〉《the sum》(数・量の)『合形』,総計(sum total)《+of+名》 / 〈U〉《時に a sum》(抽象的なことの)全体《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《形容詞をつけて》(…の)『額』《+of+名》 / 〈C〉《話》算数,算数の問題 / 〈U〉《the sum》(…の)要約,要旨《+of+名》 / …‘を'『合計する』《+up+名,+名+up》 / 合計して…になる《+up to+名》
- (物の)『輪郭』,外形《+『of』+『名』》 / (…の)輪郭図,線画,略図《+『of』+『名』》 / (話・でき事などの)『概要』,あらまし;《複数形で》(…の)要点,眼目《+『of』+『名』》 / …‘の'『輪郭を描く』,略図を描く / …‘の'概要を述へる,‘を'概説する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/20 07:46:47」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Recapitulation may refer to:
- Recapitulation (music), a section of musical sonata form where the exposition is repeated in an altered form and the development is concluded
- Recapitulation theory, a scientific theory influential on but no longer accepted in its original form by both evolutionary and developmental biology, namely, that the congruence in form between the same embryonic developmental stages of different species is evidence that the embryos are repeating the evolutionary stages of their ancestral history
- Recapitulation theory of atonement, first clearly expressed by Irenaeus
- Recapitulation (Castaneda), a spiritual practice appearing first in the writings of Carlos Castaneda and later in those of Miguel Ángel Ruiz, Victor Sanchez and others
See also
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English Journal
- Genetic recapitulation of human pre-eclampsia risk during convergent evolution of reduced placental invasiveness in eutherian mammals.
- Elliot MG1, Crespi BJ2.
- Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences.Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.2015 Mar 5;370(1663). pii: 20140069. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0069.
- The relationship between phenotypic variation arising through individual development and phenotypic variation arising through diversification of species has long been a central question in evolutionary biology. Among humans, reduced placental invasion into endometrial tissues is associated with dise
- PMID 25602073
- Integrating valve-inspired design features into poly(ethylene glycol) hydrogel scaffolds for heart valve tissue engineering.
- Zhang X1, Xu B1, Puperi DS1, Yonezawa AL2, Wu Y3, Tseng H1, Cuchiara ML3, West JL3, Grande-Allen KJ4.
- Acta biomaterialia.Acta Biomater.2015 Mar;14:11-21. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.11.042. Epub 2014 Nov 26.
- The development of advanced scaffolds that recapitulate the anisotropic mechanical behavior and biological functions of the extracellular matrix in leaflets would be transformative for heart valve tissue engineering. In this study, anisotropic mechanical properties were established in poly(ethylene
- PMID 25433168
- Cross-linguistic gestures reflect typological universals: A subject-initial, verb-final bias in speakers of diverse languages.
- Futrell R1, Hickey T2, Lee A3, Lim E4, Luchkina E5, Gibson E6.
- Cognition.Cognition.2015 Mar;136:215-21. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2014.11.022. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
- In communicating events by gesture, participants create codes that recapitulate the patterns of word order in the world's vocal languages (Gibson et al., 2013; Goldin-Meadow, So, Ozyurek, & Mylander, 2008; Hall, Mayberry, & Ferreria, 2013; Hall, Ferreira, & Mayberry, 2014; Langus & N
- PMID 25498747
- Accelerating Alzheimer's research through 'natural' animal models.
- Braidy N1, Poljak A, Jayasena T, Mansour H, Inestrosa NC, Sachdev PS.
- Current opinion in psychiatry.Curr Opin Psychiatry.2015 Mar;28(2):155-64. doi: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000137.
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Alzheimer's disease is a complex multifactorial age-related neurodegenerative disorder. Current transgenic animal models do not fully recapitulate human Alzheimer's disease at the molecular, cellular and behavioural levels. This review aims to address the clinical relevance of usi
- PMID 25602247
Japanese Journal
- Early pathogenesis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy modelled in patient-derived human induced pluripotent stem cells.
- Manipulating megakaryocytes to manufacture platelets ex vivo.
- Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis 13(Special), S47-S53, 2015-06-19
- NAID 120005672556
- Cells transplanted onto the surface of the glial scar reveal hidden potential for functional neural regeneration
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(26), E3431-E3440, 2015-06-15
- NAID 120005615649
Related Links
- Recapitulate definition, to review by a brief summary, as at the end of a speech or discussion; summarize. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In Log In ...
- His majesty, in another audience, was at the pains to recapitulate the sum of all I had spoken; compared the questions he made with the answers I had given; then taking me into his hands, and stroking me gently, delivered himself in ...
- Seen and Heard What made you want to look up recapitulate? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). ... Pundit From 'a wise person' to 'an opinionated person' Tycoon The word comes from a title ...
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- 関
- abstracting、abstraction、brief、delete、deletion、dislodge、eliminate、elimination、evacuation、extract、extraction、obliteration、obviate、outline、recapitulate、recapitulation、removal、remove、scavenge、sum、summarize、summary、synopses、synopsis
- 英
- summary、abstract、outline、recapitulation、synopsis、synopses、summarize、brief、recapitulate、sum
- 関
- アブストラクト、概要、再利用、抄録、除去、短期、抽出、抽象化、反復発生、輪郭を描く、要旨、輪郭、和、しばらく、短い、概要を述べる、シノプシス、短時間、概略、合計
- 英
- recapitulation
- 短時間の、しばらくの、短命な。短い
- 簡潔な。素っ気ない
- 摘要、概要、要約。短い記事/文章
- (権限・任務などを規定する)指示
- (pl.)ブリーフ
- 関
- abstract, brevis, briefly, outline, recapitulate, recapitulation, short, short duration, short term, short-term, sum, summarize, summary, synopses, synopsis
- 海難救助
- 廃物利用、回収
- 救助された船舶、貨物。救出財貨。(廃物からの)回収資源
- (難破船、火災などから)救い出す、救助する(from)。(沈没船を)引き上げる。(病人、生涯箇所を)救う。(悪化した事態から)救う、守る(from)
- 関
- recapitulate、recycle、recycling、reuse、reutilize、save
- 関
- playback、recapitulate、recirculate、recirculation、recycling、regenerate、regeneration、regrow、regrowth、renaturation、renature、renew、renewal、reproduce、reproduction、reuse、reutilize、salvage