- 関
- abate、alleviate、alleviation、disengage、mitigate、mitigation、palliate、relief、unleash
- take by stealing; "The thief relieved me of $100"
- provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches" (同)alleviate, palliate, assuage
- alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive; "relieve the pressure and the stress"; "lighten the burden of caring for her elderly parents" (同)lighten
- free from a burden, evil, or distress
- the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress); "he enjoyed his relief from responsibility"; "getting it off his conscience gave him some ease" (同)ease
- (law) redress awarded by a court; "was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?"
- sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background (同)relievo, rilievo, embossment, sculptural relief
- assistance in time of difficulty; "the contributions provided some relief for the victims" (同)succor, succour, ministration
- aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped; "he has been on relief for many years"
- the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged; "he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta"
- the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced; "as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief" (同)alleviation, assuagement
- become less in amount or intensity; "The storm abated"; "The rain let up after a few hours" (同)let up, slack off, slack, die away
- make less severe or harsh; "mitigating circumstances"
- release from something that holds fast, connects, or entangles; "I want to disengage myself from his influence"; "disengage the gears" (同)withdraw
- become free; "in neutral, the gears disengage"
- release or vent; "unleash ones anger"
- turn loose or free from restraint; "let loose mines"; "Loose terrible plagues upon humanity" (同)let loose, loose
- release from a leash; "unleash the dogs in the park"
- a person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies; "a reliever of anxiety"; "an allayer of fears" (同)allayer, comforter
- a pitcher who does not start the game (同)relief pitcher, fireman
- 〈物事が〉〈苦通・悩みなど〉‘を'『和らげる』,『軽減する』 / 〈物事が〉〈人〉の苦痛(悩み)を軽くする,‘を'ほっとさせる,安心させる / 〈困っている人〉‘を'『救済する』;〈被災地〉‘を'救援する / (職務などから)〈人〉‘を'交替させる,解雇する《+『名』+『of』+『名』》 / (重い物・大変なものを)〈人〉‘から'取り除く,取り上げる《+『名』〈人〉+『of』+『名』》 / 〈単調なもの〉‘に'変化を与える / 〈物事〉‘を'きわ立たせる,引立てせる
- (一時的に)〈苦痛・苦悩など〉'を'軽減する,楽にする
- 〈U〉〈C〉(苦通・悩みなどの)『軽減』,除去《+『from』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(苦通・悩みなどから解放されて)ほっとすること,安心 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『ほっとさせるもの』,気味らし,慰み / 〈U〉(難民などへの)救済,救援[物資];(軍隊の)救援,援軍 / 〈U〉職務(任務)の交替;〈C〉《集合的に》交替者(班)
- 浮き彫り,レリーフ / 〈U〉(他との対照による)きわだち,鮮明さ
- …‘の'勢いを減らす,軽減する / (法律で)〈妨害など〉'を'排除する;〈効力など〉'を'停止する / 減る,やわらぐ,弱まる
- 〈苦痛・怒りなど〉‘を'和らげる,鎮める;〈刑罰など〉‘を'軽くする
- …‘を'解き放す;(束縛・義務から)…‘を'解放する《+『名』+『from』(『of』)+『名』》
- …‘の'皮ひもおはずす / …‘を'[どっと]解き放つ
- 単調さを破るもののない,変化のない
- (…して)ほっとする,安心する
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/21 02:33:25」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A relief is a sculptured artwork where a modeled form projects from a flat background.
- 1 Lifting-up from a flat surface
- 2 Lifting back of a burden or weight
- 3 Places
- 4 Other uses
Relief may also refer to:
Lifting-up from a flat surface
- Relief carving, the technique used in creating a wood relief
- Relief print, a group of techniques in printmaking
- Relief of a landscape, the third or vertical dimension of land surface
- Raised-relief map, a three-dimensional map representing elevation
- Shaded relief, a cartographic technique that portrays terrain by using simulated shadows
- Relief mapping (computer graphics), a texture mapping technique
- Optical relief, the apparent difference in the height of materials in optical mineralogy with differing refractive indexes
- Relief (music), the curvature of the neck of a guitar or similar instrument allowing the strings to vibrate freely
Lifting back of a burden or weight
- Humanitarian aid, material assistance provided for humanitarian purposes, usually during crises
- Aid agency, an organisation dedicated to distributing aid, to relieve the burden of hunger
- Relief pitcher, a baseball pitcher who is brought into a game in progress to relieve the work of a team-mate
- Relief Society, a philanthropic women's organization, an auxiliary of the LDS Church
- Relief valve, a type of valve used to control, limit or "lift back" pressure
- Debt relief, the partial or total "lifting-back" or forgiveness of debt
- Relief, California
- Relief, Kentucky
Other uses
- Feudal relief, a payment to an overlord by the heir of a feudal tenant to licence him to take possession of his inheritance
- USS Relief, any of several U.S. Navy ships
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English Journal
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- relieveとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)1 [III[名]([副])]〈苦痛・不安などを〉和らげる,軽減[緩和]する,〈人を〉(心配・苦痛を取り除いて)楽にさせる,安心させる((from ...))relieve homesicknessホームシックをいやすrelieve one's ...
- late 14c., "alleviate (pain, etc.), mitigate; afford comfort; allow respite; diminish the pressure of," also "give alms to, provide for;" also figuratively, "take heart, cheer up;" from Old French relever "to raise, relieve" (11c.) and directly from ...
- ... relieve pronunciation, relieve translation, English dictionary definition of relieve. tr.v. re·lieved , re·liev·ing , re·lieves 1. a. To cause a lessening or alleviation of: relieved all his symptoms; relieved the tension. b. To make less...
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- 1. (緊張・心配・苦痛などの)除去、軽減
- 2. (心配などが軽減された後の)安心(感)、安堵(の気持ち)
- 3. (緊張・心配・苦痛などを)取り除く(和らげる)もの
- 4. 気晴らし、息抜き、娯楽
- 5. (仕事や任務の)交代要員
- 6. (社会福祉としての)困窮者救済金(物資)
- 7. (法律)(裁判所の)救済命令
- 8. (軍事)(包囲された町などの)救出、解放
- 9. (封建領主への)相続上納金
- 関
- abate、alleviate、alleviation、disengage、mitigate、mitigation、palliate、relieve、unleash
- Finally, naproxen substantially increases the risk of upper gastrointestinal complication (although such bleeds are less likely than vascular events to result in disability and such hazards could be mitigated with proton-pump inhibitor).
- 関
- abate、alleviate、alleviation、ease、mitigation、moderate、palliate、palliation、relax、relaxation、relief、relieve
- 減ずる。(値を)下げる、ひく、(税を)減額する。(勢い・苦痛などを)和らげる、弱める
- 減ずる。(勢い・激しさが)衰える、和らぐ、(洪水・熱が)ひく、(あらしが)なぐ
- 関
- abatement、alleviate、alleviation、ameliorate、amelioration、mitigate、mitigation、palliate、palliation、relief、relieve、remission、remit、temefos
- (病気・痛みなどを)(治療はせずに)和らげる、軽くする。(過失など)言いつくろう、弁解する。酌量する。
- 関
- abate、alleviate、alleviation、ease、lessen、mitigate、mitigation、moderate、palliation、relax、relaxation、relief、relieve
- 関
- abate、alleviate、alleviation、ease、mitigate、moderate、palliate、palliation、relax、relaxation、relief、relieve