- the act of marking or outlining with lines
- a drawing of the outlines of forms or objects (同)depiction, limning, line_drawing
- 〈U〉輪郭を描くこと / 〈C〉略図,図解 / 〈U〉〈C〉記述,叙述,描写
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For the geological meaning of lineation, see Lineation (geology). For the textual meaning of lineation, see Line break (poetry).
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In Western handwriting, the baseline, the x-height or corpus size, the height of the ascenders and the bottom line of the descenders make up four horizontal (virtual) lines which represent the lineation of handwriting. In many teaching methods of writing at primary school, these guidelines are actually present on paper to aid the child in producing well-formed characters of the proper size. In adulthood the lineation remains, virtually, and can be used in handwriting recognition by performing an analysis of the horizontal density of minima and maxima of the writing trace. The density at the baseline of handwriting will be highest, followed by the density of the corpus size. As ascenders and descenders occur only infrequently, their densities will be low, especially if a single word is considered.
See also
English Journal
- Inherited fabric in an omphacite symplectite: reconstruction of plastic deformation under ultra-high pressure conditions.
- Heidelbach F1, Terry MP.Author information 1Bayerisches Geoinstitut, Universität Bayreuth, D-95440 Bayreuth, Germany. Florian.Heidelbach@uni-bayreuth.deAbstractWe investigated an eclogitic gneiss from the Western Gneiss Region in Norway, which underwent subduction as part of Baltica lithosphere beneath Laurentia during the Scandian orogeny. Petrologic data indicate that the eclogite was deformed plastically at about 4 GPa and 800°C producing a strong macroscopic foliation and lineation. Whereas garnet remained largely stable during the retrograde uplift, omphacite was transformed statically into a symplectite consisting of lamellar diopside and plagioclase with more equant grains of hornblende and orthopyroxene. Measurements of the crystallographic preferred orientation with electron backscatter diffraction show that diopside and hornblende, as well as orthopyroxene, have a systematic orientation relationship with the macroscopic fabric, as well as the (presumed) orientation of the host omphacite. The orientation relationship between the chain silicates is very sharp with the crystallographic forms {100}, {010}, and <001> being parallel. Their bulk texture shows a maximum of <001> parallel to the lineation and girdles of {010} and {110} perpendicular to the lineation with maxima subparallel to the foliation corresponding to an L-type texture of the original omphacite and indicating constrictional strain with an additional component of pure shear/simple shear component.
- Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada.Microsc Microanal.2013 Aug;19(4):942-9. doi: 10.1017/S1431927613001451. Epub 2013 May 13.
- We investigated an eclogitic gneiss from the Western Gneiss Region in Norway, which underwent subduction as part of Baltica lithosphere beneath Laurentia during the Scandian orogeny. Petrologic data indicate that the eclogite was deformed plastically at about 4 GPa and 800°C producing a strong macr
- PMID 23663477
- Progressive Indosinian N-S deformation of the jiaochang structure in the Songpan-Ganzi fold-belt, Western China.
- Deng B1, Liu S, Liu S, Jansa L, Li Z, Zhong Y.Author information 1State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation/Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, China.AbstractIntegrated field data, microstructural and three-dimensional strain analyses are used to document coaxial N-S shortening and southward increase in deformation intensity and metamorphism at the Jiaochang structure. Two episodes of deformation (D1,D2) with localized post-D2 deformation have been identified in the area. The first deformation (D1) episode is defined by a main axial-plane of parallel folds observable on a micro- to kilometer-scale, while the second episode of deformation (D2) is defined by micro-scale metamorphic folds, associated with E-W oriented stretching lineation. These processes are the result of Indosinian tectonism (Late Triassic to Early Jurassic) characterized by nearly coaxial N-S compression and deformation. This is indicated by E-W trending, sub-parallel to parallel foliation (S1, e.g. axial-plane of folds, and S2, i.e. axial-plane of metamorphic folds, crenulation cleavage) and lineation (L1, e.g. axis of folds, and L2, i.e. stretching lineation, axis of metamorphic folds and B-axis of echelon lens). Most of the porphyroblasts and minerals (e.g. pyrite, biotite) show two growth phases with localized growth in the third phase (muscovite). The progressive D1-D2 structure is widespread in the south of the Jiaochang area, but only D1 structure crops out at the north. The strain intensity (γ), compression ratios (c%) and octahedral strain intensity (εs) are similar across the Jiaochang structure (i.e., γ ≈ 1.8, c ≈ 27%, εs = 0.9), showing a broad range of Flinn values (K = 0.77 to 7.57). The long-axis orientations are roughly symmetric between two limbs of the structure. Therefore, we suggest that the architecture of the Jiaochang structure has been controlled by coaxial N-S shortening and deformation (D1-D2) during the Indosinian tectonic epoch, with insignificant post-D2 deformation.
- PloS one.PLoS One.2013 Oct 18;8(10):e76732. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076732. eCollection 2013.
- Integrated field data, microstructural and three-dimensional strain analyses are used to document coaxial N-S shortening and southward increase in deformation intensity and metamorphism at the Jiaochang structure. Two episodes of deformation (D1,D2) with localized post-D2 deformation have been ident
- PMID 24204663
- [Clinical characteristics of juvenile dermatomyositis complicated with interstitial lung disease].
- Chen L1, Hu Y, Yao Y, Zhen XF, Chen F, He Q, Mo X, Ma SC.Author information 1Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical and laboratory features and the prognosis of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) complicated with interstitial lung disease (ILD).
- Zhonghua er ke za zhi. Chinese journal of pediatrics.Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi.2012 Jun;50(6):465-9.
- OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical and laboratory features and the prognosis of juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) complicated with interstitial lung disease (ILD).METHOD: Data of 39 cases of JDM complicated with ILD hospitalized in Beijing Children's Hospital from January 2005 to December 2011 were col
- PMID 22931947
Japanese Journal
- 最上部マントルかんらん岩の結晶方位ファブリックとP波速度構造
- 硫化物包有物の配列から示唆された斜長石巨晶のオストワルト・ライプニングによる結晶成長
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- lineationとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 (直)線を引くこと,線で描くこと;線の配列;((集合的))線.2 (詩などを)行に分けること;(詩などの)行(単位)による配列.3 輪郭,外形. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等から ...
- In many places the rock has a strong quartz-rod lineation, and locally, two foliations. The lineation is not horizontal, but is tilted down toward the southwest at an angle of several degrees. Typically is ...
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- characterization、delineate、depict、depiction、describe、description