- drive out or away by or as if by fire; "The soldiers were fired"; "Surrender fires the cold skepticism"
- the process of combustion of inflammable materials producing heat and light and (often) smoke; "fire was one of our ancestors first discoveries" (同)flame, flaming
- bake in a kiln so as to harden; "fire pottery"
- fuel that is burning and is used as a means for cooking; "put the kettle on the fire"; "barbecue over an open fire"
- once thought to be one of four elements composing the universe (Empedocles)
- the act of firing weapons or artillery at an enemy; "hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes"; "they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire" (同)firing
- a fireplace in which a relatively small fire is burning; "they sat by the fire and talked"
- intense adverse criticism; "Clinton directed his fire at the Republican Party"; "the government has come under attack"; "dont give me any flak" (同)attack, flak, flack, blast
- a severe trial; "he went through fire and damnation"
- the event of something burning (often destructive); "they lost everything in the fire"
- cause to go off; "fire a gun"; "fire a bullet" (同)discharge
- go off or discharge; "The gun fired" (同)discharge, go_off
- trace a line through or across; "cross your `t"
- any affliction that causes great suffering; "that is his cross to bear"; "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns" (同)crown_of_thorns
- a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
- extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis; "cross members should be all steel"; "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully"; "transversal vibrations"; "transverse colon" (同)transverse, transversal, thwartwise
- to cover or extend over an area or time period; "Rivers traverse the valley floor", "The parking lot spans 3 acres"; "The novel spans three centuries" (同)traverse, span, sweep
- fold so as to resemble a cross; "she crossed her legs"
- meet and pass; "the trains crossed"
- a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other (同)crosswalk, crossover
- a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean)
- traveling across
- a point where two lines (paths or arcs etc.) intersect
- placed crosswise; "spoken with a straight face but crossed fingers"; "crossed forks"; "seated with arms across"
- (of a check) marked for deposit only as indicated by having two lines drawn across it
- a practical method or art applied to some particular task
- 『火』,炎 / 〈C〉『燃えているもの』,炉火,たき火 / 〈C〉〈U〉『火事』,火災 / 〈U〉(火のような)熱情,情熱 / 〈U〉(鉄砲などの)発射,射撃,砲火 / 〈炉など〉‘に'『燃料をくべる』,‘の'火をたく《+『up』+『名,』+『名』+『up』》 / …‘に'『火を付ける』,‘を'燃やす / 〈陶器など〉‘を'焼く,焼いて作る / (…に向けて)〈銃砲など〉‘を'撃つ,〈弾丸・ロケットなど〉‘を'発射する《+『off』+『名』(+『名』+『off』)+『at』+『名』》 / (…で)〈感情など〉‘を'燃え立たせる,〈人〉‘を'興奮させる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / 《話》(…)〈石・ボールなど〉‘を'投げつける,〈質問・批評など〉‘を'浴びせる《+『名』+『at』+『名』》 / 《話》(…から)〈人〉‘を'首にする,解雇する(dismiss)《+『名』+『from』+『名』》 / (…に向かって)〈人が〉『発砲する』,〈銃などが〉発射される《+『名』+『at(into,on,upon』)+『名』》
- 〈C〉(昔,罪人のはりつけの刑に用いた)『十字架』 / 《the C-》キリストがはりつけになった十字架;キリスト教の象徴としての十字架 / 〈C〉十字(キリスト教徒が右手で切る) / 〈C〉イエスのために耐える苦しみ,受難 / 〈C〉十字架像;(紋章などの)十字形 / 〈C〉キリスト教信仰;《集合的に》キリスト教徒 / 〈C〉十字記号(crisscross)(+または×) / 〈C〉《修飾語を伴って》十字勲章 / 《『the Cross』》南十字星(the Southern Cross) / 〈C〉(動物・植物の)(…間の)異種交配;雑種《+『between』+『名』+『and』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(ボクシングの)クロスパンチ / (信仰のしるしとして)〈人・自分〉‘に'『十字を切る』 / …'を'『交差させる』(『する』) / …‘に'『交差させて線を引く』;《英》〈小切手〉‘に'線引きする;…'を'横線(×印)をつけて消す《+『名』+『out』(『off』),+『out』(『off』)+『名』》 / …'を'『横切る』,横断する,渡る / 〈心〉'を'よぎる,‘に'ふと浮かぶ / …‘と'すれ違う,行き違う / …'を'妨げる,‘の'じゃまをする / …'を'交配する / 『交差する』,交わる / (…へ)『横切る』,渡る《+『over to』+『名』》 / すれ違いになる / 〈動物・植物が〉交配する,雑種になる / おこりっぽい,ふきげんな / (風が)反対の / 十文字に交差した,横切った
- 横断,横切ること;渡航 / 交差点,十字路;踏切,《英》横断歩道(《米》crosswalk),(河川・水路の)横断場所 / 異種交配(crossbreeding)
- (十字形に)交差した / 十字を引いてある,線引きの
- 〈U〉(科学・芸術などの)『技巧』,技術 / 〈C〉(技術・技巧を示す)『手法』,表現方法;腕前
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English Journal
- Characterization of TATP gas phase product ion chemistry via isotope labeling experiments using ion mobility spectrometry interfaced with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
- Tomlinson-Phillips J1, Wooten A2, Kozole J3, Deline J4, Beresford P5, Stairs J6.
- Talanta.Talanta.2014 Sep;127:152-62. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.03.044. Epub 2014 Apr 2.
- Identification of the fragment ion species associated with the ion reaction mechanism of triacetone triperoxide (TATP), a homemade peroxide-based explosive, is presented. Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has proven to be a key analytical technique in the detection of trace explosive material. Unfortu
- PMID 24913870
- Rapid extrication of entrapped victims in motor vehicle wreckage using a Norwegian chain method - cross-sectional and feasibility study.
- Fattah S1, Johnsen AS, Andersen JE, Vigerust T, Olsen T, Rehn M.
- BMC emergency medicine.BMC Emerg Med.2014 Jul 3;14:14. doi: 10.1186/1471-227X-14-14.
- BACKGROUND: Road traffic injury (RTI) is a global problem causing some 1,2 million deaths annually and another 20-50 million people sustain non-fatal injuries. Pre-hospital entrapment is a risk factor for complications and delays transport to the hospital. The Rapid Extrication (RE) method combines
- PMID 24989364
- Ex vivo activity quantification in micrometastases at the cellular scale using the α-camera technique.
- Chouin N1, Lindegren S, Frost SH, Jensen H, Albertsson P, Hultborn R, Palm S, Jacobsson L, Bäck T.
- Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine.J Nucl Med.2013 Aug;54(8):1347-53. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.112.113001. Epub 2013 Jun 12.
- Targeted α-therapy (TAT) appears to be an ideal therapeutic technique for eliminating malignant circulating, minimal residual, or micrometastatic cells. These types of malignancies are typically infraclinical, complicating the evaluation of potential treatments. This study presents a method of ex v
- PMID 23761919
Japanese Journal
- 石こうを用いた木材ペレット堆積層内の燃え拡がりの観察手法に関する研究
- 八島 正明
- 日本火災学会論文集 62(1), 1-11, 2012
- RDF(ごみ固形化燃料)や木材ペレットの堆積層内の燃え拡がり(くん焼)においては, 炭化あるいは燃焼によって堆積層の色が次第に変化する。本研究では, 堆積層内の燃え拡がり(くん焼)における燃焼帯の構造を明らかにする目的で, 石こうで固めた木材ペレット層の断面を観察し, 温度分布と層内の変色・炭化の様子を調べた。RDFや木材は昇温に対して寸法よりも色の変化が敏感であるため, 石こう固化による方法では …
- NAID 130004548055
- 邉 吾一,荘司 明子
- 材料 52(11), 1379-1384, 2003-11-15
- … Phenolic resin has originally advantages of heat proof, fire retardant and less smoke during burning and these advantages are suitable properties in the construction field. … In this paper, we present a development of pultrusion technique of phenolic foam composite materials composed of phenolic resin foam as matrix and roving glass fibers as a reinforcement in order to apply this composite to materials in the field of construction. …
- NAID 110002302048
- 島内 節,清水 洋子,友安 直子,森田 久美子,川上 千春,内田 陽子
- 日本地域看護学会誌 4(1), 26-33, 2002-03-01
- 目的:在宅ケアにおける利用者アウトカムに注目し,アウトカム改善をもたらしやすいケア項目,ケア実施度,ケア実施内容を明らかにした.方法:(1)在宅ケアにおいて利用者アウトカム23領域に対応した119のケア項目の精選を目指した.2000年10月に全国訪問看護ステーションの開設主体別に訪問看護ステーション数を算出し,500のステーション所長に調査依頼し220の回答を得た.統計的解析によって60項目に精選 …
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- 英
- multiple field irradiation, multiple field technique
- 同
- 十字火照射法 cross fire technique cross fire irradiation
- 関
- 外部照射法、外部照射
- 関
- crossbred、crossbreeding、crossing、crossing over、crosslink、crossreact、decussation、hybridization、hybridize、intersect、intersection、pass、pass through、passage、transect、transit、transversal、transverse
- 関
- cross、crossbred、crossbreeding、crossed、hybridization、hybridize、transect、transversal、transverse
- 関
- excitation、excitatory、excite、excitement、exciting、firing、ignition
- 関
- method、skill、technic、technical
- 関
- discharge、fire、ignition、shot