- work natural fibers into a thread; "spin silk"
- prolong or extend; "spin out a visit" (同)spin out
- the act of rotating rapidly; "he gave the crank a spin"; "it broke off after much twisting" (同)twirl, twist, twisting, whirl
- a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion); "the campaign put a favorable spin on the story"
- a short drive in a car; "he took the new car for a spin"
- a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)
- revolve quickly and repeatedly around ones own axis; "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy" (同)spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate
- form a web by making a thread; "spiders spin a fine web"
- make up a story; "spin a yarn"
- stream in jets, of liquids; "The creek spun its course through the woods"
- twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation; "The Presidents spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"
- stack in cords; "cord firewood"
- a unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet
- a cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton (同)corduroy
- a light insulated conductor for household use (同)electric cord
- a line made of twisted fibers or threads; "the bundle was tied with a cord"
- bind or tie with a cord
- any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc. (同)hurt, harm, trauma
- an act that causes someone or something to receive physical damage
- wrongdoing that violates anothers rights and is unjustly inflicted
- an accident that results in physical damage or hurt (同)accidental injury
- relating to or associated with the neck
- of or relating to the cervix of the uterus; "cervical cancer"
- of or relating to the spine or spinal cord; "spinal cord"; "spinal injury"
- (羊毛などから)〈糸など〉‘を'『紡ぐ』《+『名』+『out of』+『名』〈羊毛〉》,(糸などに)〈羊毛など〉‘を'紡ぐ《+『名』〈羊毛〉+『into』+『名』》 / 〈クモ・カイコなどが〉〈糸〉‘を'『吐く』;〈巣・繭〉‘を'かける / …‘を'くるくる回す / 〈物語など〉‘を'作る,話す / 『糸を紡ぐ』;〈クモ・カイコなどが〉糸を吐く / 〈こまなどが〉くるくる回る / 〈車などが〉疾走する / 〈頭などが〉くらくらする / 〈C〉〈U〉くるくる回すこと;回転 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(車などの)一走り / 〈C〉(飛行機の)きりもみ降下 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(価値などの)急落
- 〈U〉〈C〉『綱,ひも』(stringより太くropeより細い) / 〈U〉〈C〉束縛,きずな / 〈C〉〈U〉(電気の)『コード』,線 / (またchord)〈C〉(動物体の)索状組織,腱(けん) / 〈C〉うね織り,(特に)コールテン;(うね織りの)うね;《複数形で》コールテンのズボン / 〈C〉コード(材木の容積の単位で約6.25m) / …'を'綱(ひも)で縛る
- 『負傷』,『損害』,損傷 / (名誉などを)傷つけること,侮辱《+『to』+『名』》
- (子宮などの)頚(けい)部の(にできた)
- 背骨の / せき髄麻酔
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English Journal
- Postinjury administration of 17β-estradiol induces protection in the gray and white matter with associated functional recovery after cervical spinal cord injury in male rats.
- Siriphorn A, Dunham KA, Chompoopong S, Floyd CL.SourceCenter for Glial Biology in Medicine and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA; Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2012 Aug 15;520(12):2630-46. doi: 10.1002/cne.23056.
- The majority of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in the clinic occur at the lower cervical levels, resulting in both white and gray matter disruption. In contrast, most experimental models of SCI in rodents induce damage in the thoracic cord, resulting primarily in white matter disruption. To address thi
- PMID 22684936
- Clinical outcome of posterior fixation of the C1 lateral mass and C2 pedicle by polyaxial screw and rod.
- Jeon SW, Jeong JH, Choi GH, Moon SM, Hwang HS, Choi SK.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2012 Jul;114(6):539-44. Epub 2011 Nov 29.
- OBJECTIVE: Because of atlantoaxial complex has a unique and complicated anatomy and instability of this complex is very dangerous. We investigated the clinical results of posterior C1-C2 fixation with a polyaxial screw-rod system.METHODS: Between July 2001 and December 2007, the authors treated 17 p
- PMID 22130046
Japanese Journal
- 臨床室 頚髄損傷後の抗利尿ホルモン不適合分泌症候群により意識障害を呈した2例
- 中嶋 悠,関 庄二,川口 善治 [他]
- 整形外科 = Orthopedic surgery 65(6), 525-528, 2014-06
- NAID 40020104662
- 外傷性頸髄損傷患者の損傷直後からの下肢機能の経過分析
- コンタクトスポーツによる頚髄損傷 : 脊柱管狭窄の関連 (西日本脊椎研究会 特集号)
- 高尾 恒彰,森下 雄一郎,岡田 誠司 [他]
- Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research 5(5), 831-835, 2014-05
- NAID 40020111363
Related Links
- When a spinal cord injury occurs, this information being transmitted between the brain and the rest of the body ceases. Most cervical spinal cord injuries are the result of axial loading (force directed through the top of the head and ...
- Cervical spinal cord injury is usually the most functionally affective of all central neurological traumas. Cervical cord damage typically affects all four limbs. ... A cervical spinal cord injury is the most serious of all central nervous ...
- 英
- cervical spinal cord injury
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- 頸椎部脊髄損傷
- 英
- cervical spinal cord injury
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- 頚椎部脊髄損傷
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- 一般には首を表すが病名では子宮頚部を表すことが多いので注意
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- cervical cord、cervical region、cervical spinal cord、cervical spine、cervical vertebra、cervical vertebrae、cervix、cervix of uterus、cervix uteri、neck、uterine cervix、uterocervical、vertebrae cervicales
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- damage、injure、insult、lesion、spoilage、trauma、traumatic、traumatic injury、wound
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- chorda、chordae、chordal、code、tendon、trabecula、trabeculae
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- dorsal spine、rachis、spinal column、spinal cord、spine、vertebral column
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