- the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue; "the company operated at a loss last year"; "the company operated in the red last year" (同)red ink, red
- gradual decline in amount or activity; "weight loss"; "a serious loss of business"
- something that is lost; "the car was a total loss"; "loss of livestock left the rancher bankrupt"
- the disadvantage that results from losing something; "his loss of credibility led to his resignation"; "losing him is no great deprivation" (同)deprivation
- the act of losing someone or something; "everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock"
- the experience of losing a loved one; "he sympathized on the loss of their grandfather"
- able to perceive sound
- an opportunity to state your case and be heard; "they condemned him without a hearing"; "he saw that he had lost his audience" (同)audience
- (law) a proceeding (usually by a court) where evidence is taken for the purpose of determining an issue of fact and reaching a decision based on that evidence
- the ability to hear; the auditory faculty; "his hearing was impaired" (同)audition, auditory sense, sense of hearing, auditory modality
- a session (of a committee or grand jury) in which witnesses are called and testimony is taken; "the investigative committee will hold hearings in Chicago"
- in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position"
- a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication (同)telephone exchange, exchange
- 〈U〉(…を)『失うこと』,紛失《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『損害』,損失;損失額《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉〈C〉(…に)『負けること』,(…の)敗北;失敗《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(状態・程度の)『減少』,低下 / 《複数形で》(戦場における)(人の)損害,此傷者数
- 〈U〉『聴力』,聴覚〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『聞くこと』,(…の)聞き取り《+『of』+『名』》・〈C〉聞いてもらう機会,聞いてやること・聴取・聴聞会〈C〉(法廷などでの)尋問,審問,;(刑罰の減免を求める)釈明,意見陳述 / 〈U〉聞こえる距離(範囲)
- 『中心の』,中央の,中心からの / 『主要な』,中心的な(main) / (音声が)中舌音の / 電話交換局(《英》[telephone]exchange)
- 負ける,損をする,勝ち目がない
- 見よ,そら
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/03/19 21:17:42」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Cortical Deafness |
Classification and external resources |
Location of the Primary Auditory Cortex in the Brain |
MeSH |
D006313 |
Cortical deafness is a form of sensorineural hearing loss caused by damage to the primary auditory cortex. Cortical deafness is an auditory disorder where the patient is unable to hear sounds but has no apparent damage to the anatomy of the human ear (see auditory system), which can be thought of as the combination of Auditory verbal agnosia and auditory agnosia.
Cortical deafness is caused by bilateral cortical lesions in the primary auditory cortex located in the temporal lobes of the brain.[1] In most instances, the cause is bilateral embolic stroke to the area of Heschl's gyri. Cortical deafness is extremely rare with only twelve reported cases.
Patients with cortical deafness cannot hear any sounds, that is, they are not aware of sounds including non-speech, voices, and speech sounds.[2]
It is thought that cortical deafness could be a part of a spectrum of an overall cortical hearing disorder.[1] In some cases, patients with cortical deafness have had recovery of some hearing functions resulting in parital auditory deficits such as Auditory verbal agnosia.[1][3] Auditory verbal agnosia is the inability to recognize speech while hearing maintains intact[2] Note that this syndrome might be difficult to distinguish from a bilateral temporal lesion such as described above.
- ^ a b c Graham J, Greenwood R, Lecky B (October 1980). "Cortical deafness--a case report and review of the literature". J. Neurol. Sci. 48 (1): 35–49. doi:10.1016/0022-510X(80)90148-3. PMID 7420124.
- ^ a b Ingram, John Henry (2007). Neurolinguistics: an introduction to spoken language processing and its disorders. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. pp. 160–171. ISBN 0-521-79190-1. OCLC 297335127.
- ^ Cavinato M, Rigon J, Volpato C, Semenza C, Piccione F (2012). "Preservation of auditory P300-like potentials in cortical deafness". PLoS ONE 7 (1): e29909. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029909. PMC 3260175. PMID 22272260. //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3260175/.
External links
- Overview at dizziness-and-balance-com
- Hood L, Berlin C, Allen P (1994). "Cortical deafness: a longitudinal study.". J Am Acad Audiol 5 (5): 330–42. PMID 7987023.
- http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/hearing/cent_hearing.html
Diseases of the ear and mastoid process (H60–H99, 380–389)
Outer ear |
- Otitis externa
- Otomycosis
Middle ear
and mastoid |
- Otitis media
- Mastoiditis
- Bezold's abscess
- Gradenigo's syndrome
- Tympanosclerosis
- Cholesteatoma
- Perforated eardrum
Inner ear and
central pathways |
Common pathway |
- Labyrinthitis/Otitis interna
Equilibrioception |
- Vertigo/Balance disorder: peripheral
- Ménière's disease
- Vestibular neuronitis
- Perilymph fistula
- central (Central positional nystagmus)
Hearing |
Hearing impairment |
- Conductive hearing loss
- Otosclerosis
- Superior canal dehiscence
- Sensorineural hearing loss
- Presbycusis
- Cortical deafness
Excessive response |
- Tinnitus
- Hyperacusis/Phonophobia
Deafblindness |
- Wolfram syndrome
- Usher syndrome
Other |
- Auditory processing disorder
- Spatial hearing loss
Lesions of spinal cord and brain
Spinal cord/
vascular myelopathy |
- sensory: Sensory ataxia
- Tabes dorsalis
- motor: Motor neurone disease
- mixed: Brown-Séquard syndrome
- cord syndrome (Posterior
- Anterior
- Central/Syringomyelia)
- Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord (B12)
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Anterior spinal artery syndrome
Brainstem |
Medulla (CN 8, 9, 10, 12)
- Lateral medullary syndrome/Wallenberg
- Medial medullary syndrome/Dejerine
Pons (CN 5, 6, 7, 8)
- Lateral pontine syndrome (AICA) (lateral)
- Medial pontine syndrome/Millard-Gubler syndrome
- basilar/Foville's syndrome
- Locked-in syndrome (ventral)
- Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
- One and a half syndrome
Midbrain (CN 3, 4)
- Weber's syndrome
- Benedikt syndrome
- Parinaud's syndrome
- Nothnagel's syndrome
- Claude's syndrome
Cerebellum |
- lateral (Dysmetria
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Intention tremor)
- medial (Cerebellar ataxia)
Basal ganglia |
- Chorea
- Dystonia
- Parkinson's disease
Cortex |
- ACA syndrome
- MCA syndrome
- PCA syndrome
- frontal lobe: Expressive aphasia
- Abulia
- parietal lobe: Receptive aphasia
- Hemispatial neglect
- Gerstmann syndrome
- Astereognosis
- occipital lobe: Balint's syndrome
- Cortical blindness
- Pure alexia
- temporal lobe: Cortical deafness
- Prosopagnosia
Other |
- Subclavian steal syndrome
- Upper motor neurone lesion (Clasp-knife response)
- Lower motor neurone lesion
anat (n/s/m/p/4/e/b/d/c/a/f/l/g)/phys/devp
noco (m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Enhanced Vestibulo-ocular Reflex to Electrical Vestibular Stimulation in Meniere's Disease.
- Aw ST, Aw GE, Todd MJ, Halmagyi GM.SourceCentral Clinical School, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, sweea@icn.usyd.edu.au.
- Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO.J Assoc Res Otolaryngol.2013 Feb;14(1):49-59. doi: 10.1007/s10162-012-0362-z. Epub 2012 Dec 13.
- Meniere's disease is characterized by sporadic episodes of vertigo, nystagmus, fluctuating sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus and aural pressure. Since Meniere's disease can affect different regions of the vestibular labyrinth, we investigated if electrical vestibular stimulation (EVS) which excit
- PMID 23239162
- Hyperexcitability of inferior colliculus neurons caused by acute noise exposure.
- Niu Y, Kumaraguru A, Wang R, Sun W.SourceDepartment of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing, People's Republic of China; Center for Hearing and Deafness, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
- Journal of neuroscience research.J Neurosci Res.2013 Feb;91(2):292-9. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23152. Epub 2012 Nov 14.
- Noise exposure is one of the most common causes of hearing loss. Recent studies found that noise exposure-induced cochlear damage may change the excitability and tonotopic organization of the central auditory system (CAS). This plasticity was suspected to be related to tinnitus and hyperacusis. Howe
- PMID 23151900
- Noise-induced inner hair cell ribbon loss disturbs central arc mobilization: a novel molecular paradigm for understanding tinnitus.
- Singer W, Zuccotti A, Jaumann M, Lee SC, Panford-Walsh R, Xiong H, Zimmermann U, Franz C, Geisler HS, Köpschall I, Rohbock K, Varakina K, Verpoorten S, Reinbothe T, Schimmang T, Rüttiger L, Knipper M.SourceMolecular Physiology of Hearing, Hearing Research Centre Tübingen (THRC), Department of Otolaryngology, University of Tübingen, Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 5, 72076, Tübingen, Germany.
- Molecular neurobiology.Mol Neurobiol.2013 Feb;47(1):261-79. doi: 10.1007/s12035-012-8372-8. Epub 2012 Nov 16.
- Increasing evidence shows that hearing loss is a risk factor for tinnitus and hyperacusis. Although both often coincide, a causal relationship between tinnitus and hyperacusis has not been shown. Currently, tinnitus and hyperacusis are assumed to be caused by elevated responsiveness in subcortical c
- PMID 23154938
Japanese Journal
- Two Cases of Medial Meatal Fibrosis
- 石田 良治,関 伸二
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 105(9), 847-850, 2012
- … Case 1 was a 64-year-old woman with bilateral hearing loss, and Case 2 was a 57-year-old woman with left hearing loss. … In both cases, postoperative hearing improved, and no reccurence has been observed. …
- NAID 130002141253
- 原発性腹膜癌の脳転移,髄膜転移に対して複数の放射線療法および化学療法を行った1例
- 笠原 恭子,林 香里,鞠 錦,山本 嘉昭
- 産婦人科の進歩 64(2), 142-149, 2012
- 概要 原発性腹膜癌の中枢神経系転移についての報告例はあまりないが,病理学的に近似している卵巣漿液性腺癌の中枢神経系転移はまれであることから,やはり頻度は低いと思われる.しかし,近年の化学療法の進歩によって,これらの疾患の患者の生存年数は長くなっており,それに伴って中枢神経系転移の頻度も増えていると推察される.今回われわれは,原発性腹膜癌から脳転移,髄膜転移を発症し,複数の放射線療法,化学療法を行っ …
- NAID 130001890024
- 感音難聴と顔面神経麻痺を示すMPO-ANCA関連中耳疾患の1例 : 診断基準案の提案
- 武田 憲昭,神村 盛一郎,千田 いづみ,北村 嘉章,陣内 自治,阿部 晃治,田村 公一,宇高 二良,遠藤 亜紀
- Otology Japan 21(5), 808-815, 2011-12-26
- NAID 10030285311
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- 英
- central hearing loss
- 関
- 中枢性聴力喪失, 後迷路性難聴
- 英
- central hearing loss
- 関
- 中枢性難聴
- 中心の、中心的な、中心性の、中枢的な、中枢性の、中枢の、中枢神経性の
- 関
- center、centrally、centrally acting、centre、centro、centrum、hub、medial、pivotal、pivotally
- 聴力、聴覚。聞くこと、聴取。聞こえる距離/範囲。聞いてやること、傾聴。聞いてもらうこと、発言の機会。(委員会などの)聴聞会、ヒアリング。(法)審問、尋問。
- 関
- decline、decrease、diminish、diminution、down-regulate、down-regulation、downregulate、downregulation、fall、reduce、reduction