- 複数のコンピュータをネットワークに接続する機器
- 関
- center、central、centre、centro、centrum、habu、medial
- the central part of a car wheel (or fan or propeller etc) through which the shaft or axle passes
- a center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation; a focal point around which events revolve; "the playground is the hub of parental supervision"; "the airport is the economic hub of the area"
- of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually
- a building dedicated to a particular activity; "they were raising money to build a new center for research" (同)centre
- (American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play; "it is a centers responsibility to get the football to the quarterback"
- a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game
- the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game
- a place where some particular activity is concentrated; "they received messages from several centers" (同)centre
- the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering (同)centre
- the object upon which interest and attention focuses; "his stories made him the center of the party" (同)centre, center of attention, centre of attention
- an area that is approximately central within some larger region; "it is in the center of town"; "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"; "they were in the eye of the storm" (同)centre, middle, heart, eye
- a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure (同)centre, midpoint
- a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process; "in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere" (同)centre, nerve_center, nerve centre
- (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback; "the center fumbled the handoff" (同)snapper
- (basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team
- (ice hockey) the person who plays center on a hockey team
- politically moderate persons; centrists
- the middle of a military or naval formation; "they had to reinforce the center"
- move into the center; "That vase in the picture is not centered" (同)centre
- equally distant from the extremes (同)halfway, middle, midway
- in or near a center or constituting a center; the inner area; "a central position"
- a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication (同)telephone exchange, exchange
- dividing an animal into right and left halves (同)median
- the main body of a vertebra
- Austrian composer known for his compositions for voice and piano (1797-1828) (同)Franz Schubert, Franz Peter Schubert, Franz Seraph Peter Schubert
- schooling fishes mostly of Indian and western Pacific oceans; two species in western Atlantic
- pie containing diced rhubarb and much sugar
- (車輪の)こしき,中心部 / (活動などの)中心,中枢《+『of』+『名』》
- 『中心の』,中央の,中心からの / 『主要な』,中心的な(main) / (音声が)中舌音の / 電話交換局(《英》[telephone]exchange)
- 中間の,中間に位置する / 平均の,並なみの
- シューベルト(『Franz Peter』~;1797‐1828;オーストリアの作曲家)
- 一種の水ぎせる / ぶくぶく[いう音]
- (夫を指して)うちの人,亭主
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/06/10 16:07:39」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Hub, or Hubs may refer to:
- 1 Wheels
- 2 Buildings
- 3 Computing
- 4 Fiction
- 5 Organizations
- 6 People
- 7 Places
- 8 Transport
- 9 Other uses
- 10 See also
- Bicycle hub, the central part of a bicycle wheel
- Locking hubs, accessory on four-wheel drive vehicles
- Wheel hub assembly, an automotive part
- Hetzel Union Building, former name for the HUB-Robeson Center, Penn State University, United States
- HUB Tower, Des Moines, Iowa
- Husky Union Building, University of Washington, United States
- Ethernet hub, computer networking device
- USB hub, allows many USB devices to be connected to a single USB port
- Hubs and authorities, a scheme used for ranking web pages
- Hub (comics), Marvel comics fictional character
- Hub (magazine), a UK based online speculative fiction magazine
- Hubs (Transformers), fictional character
- The Hub (Torchwood), HQ of Torchwood III, UK fictional organization fighting aliens based in Cardiff
- Hub Culture, a social network that merges virtual and physical places
- Hub Strategy, American advertising agency
- Harvard University Band
- Hebrew University Bible Project
- Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel, previously known as European University College Brussels
- Humboldt University of Berlin
- Hub International, North American insurance brokerage listed on the New York Stock Exchange
- Hub (bassist), American musician
- Hub (artist), artist and illustrator of Okko magazine
- Hub Bechtol (1926–2004), American footballer
- Hub van Doorne (1900–1979), Dutch businessman
- Hub Kittle (1917–2004), American baseball player
- Hub Walker (1906–1982), American baseball player
- Hub, California, unincorporated community in California, United States
- Hub, Mississippi
- Hub River, in Balochistan, Pakistan
- Hub Dam, in Balochistan, Pakistan
- Hub Tehsil, in Balochistan Province, Pakistan
- Hub, Balochistan, city in Hub District, Balochistan Province, Pakistan
- Hub City (disambiguation), the nickname of several cities
- Transport hub, where traffic is exchanged across several modes of transport
- Airline hub, an airport used as transfer point
- Reliever hub, secondary airline hub
Other uses[edit]
- Hunmanby railway station, England, which has the National Rail station code "HUB"
- Hub, in video games is a type of level that serves as direct access to all other levels
- Hubs, the athletic teams of Rochelle Township High School in Rochelle, Illinois.
- The Hub (TV channel)
See also[edit]
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English Journal
- Nutlin-3, a small-molecule MDM2 inhibitor, sensitizes Caki cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis through p53-mediated PUMA upregulation and ROS-mediated DR5 upregulation.
- Park EJ, Choi KS, Yoo YH, Kwon TK.SourceaDepartment of Immunology, School of Medicine, Keimyung University, Daegu bDepartment of Molecular Science and Technology, Institute for Medical Sciences, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon cDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Mitochondrial Hub Regulation Center, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Busan, South Korea.
- Anti-cancer drugs.Anticancer Drugs.2013 Mar;24(3):260-9. doi: 10.1097/CAD.0b013e32835c0311.
- Nutlin-3 is a novel small-molecule antagonist of the human homolog of mouse double minute (MDM2) that binds MDM2 in the p53-binding pocket and activates the p53 signaling pathway. In this study, we show that nutlin-3 sensitizes Caki human renal cancer cells, but not normal human skin fibroblast (HSF
- PMID 23187459
- HIV Type 1 Origin and Transmission Dynamics Among Different Risk Groups in Sardinia: Molecular Epidemiology Within the Close Boundaries of an Italian Island.
- Ciccozzi M, Madeddu G, Lo Presti A, Cella E, Giovanetti M, Budroni C, Babudieri S, Mura MS, Zehender G, Salemi M.Source1 Epidemiology Unit, Department of Infectious, Parasite and Immune-Mediated Diseases, Italian Institute of Health , Rome, Italy .
- AIDS research and human retroviruses.AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses.2013 Feb;29(2):404-10. doi: 10.1089/AID.2012.0209. Epub 2012 Nov 5.
- Abstract In Italy, the HIV-1 epidemic is still mainly sustained by the subtype B genetic form, although other and novel subtypes and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) have been reported. A total of 215 HIV-1 pol gene sequences were collected between 1992 and 2010. Multiple alignments spanning s
- PMID 22985362
- Fatty acid synthase inhibitor cerulenin inhibits topoisomerase I catalytic activity and augments SN-38-induced apoptosis.
- Jeong NY, Lee JS, Yoo KS, Oh S, Choe E, Lee HJ, Park BS, Choi YH, Yoo YH.SourceDepartment of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Mitochondria Hub Regulation Center, Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, Republic of Korea.
- Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death.Apoptosis.2013 Feb;18(2):226-37. doi: 10.1007/s10495-012-0776-4.
- Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is overexpressed in a wide variety of human cancers, making it an attractive target for anticancer therapy. One of the most widely used inhibitors of FASN, cerulenin, is a natural product of Cephalosporium caerulens. Cerulenin is selectively toxic to human cancer cells in
- PMID 23108760
- Linking clinic and home: a randomized, controlled clinical effectiveness trial of real-time, wireless blood pressure monitoring for older patients with kidney disease and hypertension.
- Rifkin DE, Abdelmalek JA, Miracle CM, Low C, Barsotti R, Rios P, Stepnowsky C, Agha Z.SourceDivisions of aNephrology bFamily and Preventive Medicine cCal-IT2, University of California dHealth Services Research and Development eVeterans' Affairs Healthcare System, San Diego, California, USA.
- Blood pressure monitoring.Blood Press Monit.2013 Feb;18(1):8-15. doi: 10.1097/MBP.0b013e32835d126c.
- OBJECTIVE: Older adults with chronic kidney disease have a high rate of uncontrolled hypertension. Home monitoring of blood pressure (BP) is an integral part of management, but requires that patients bring records to clinic visits. Telemonitoring interventions, however, have not targeted older, less
- PMID 23275313
Japanese Journal
- 武井良太 ,新美礼彦
- 情報処理学会研究報告. [システムソフトウェアとオペレーティング・システム] 2014-OS-131(20), 1-7, 2014-11-11
- … なグラフへ再構築を行い,PageRank の解析を行う際に並列分散処理を用いることで,解析に必要な時間を短縮する方法を提案する.本提案方法は,ウェブグラフのノードを SCAN により Cluster と Hub,Outlier に分別し,Cluster と Hub で構成されるグラフと Cluster 内のノードで構成されるグラフにウェブグラフを再構築する.Cluster 内のグラフをランキングアルゴリズムで解析する際,お互いの Cluster は関係性が無いため …
- NAID 110009842571
- 武井良太 ,新美礼彦
- 情報処理学会研究報告. EMB, 組込みシステム 2014-EMB-35(20), 1-7, 2014-11-11
- … なグラフへ再構築を行い,PageRank の解析を行う際に並列分散処理を用いることで,解析に必要な時間を短縮する方法を提案する.本提案方法は,ウェブグラフのノードを SCAN により Cluster と Hub,Outlier に分別し,Cluster と Hub で構成されるグラフと Cluster 内のノードで構成されるグラフにウェブグラフを再構築する.Cluster 内のグラフをランキングアルゴリズムで解析する際,お互いの Cluster は関係性が無いため …
- NAID 110009842543
- 武井良太 ,新美礼彦
- 情報処理学会研究報告. データベース・システム研究会報告 2014-DBS-160(20), 1-7, 2014-11-11
- … なグラフへ再構築を行い,PageRank の解析を行う際に並列分散処理を用いることで,解析に必要な時間を短縮する方法を提案する.本提案方法は,ウェブグラフのノードを SCAN により Cluster と Hub,Outlier に分別し,Cluster と Hub で構成されるグラフと Cluster 内のノードで構成されるグラフにウェブグラフを再構築する.Cluster 内のグラフをランキングアルゴリズムで解析する際,お互いの Cluster は関係性が無いため …
- NAID 110009842515
- 世代間交流拠点としての幼老複合施設の可能性と施設運営のあり方 : 社会福祉法人健光園による昭和の路地裏作戦を事例 として
Related Links
- 英国風PUB(パブ)、HUB・82ALE HOUSEのページです。メニューや店舗情報、facebook等のご紹介。スポーツ観戦,パーティー,女子会,飲み放題,HUB,パブ,ハブ,居酒屋,クラフトビール
- 株式会社ハブ(HUB)の企業ページです。企業情報やIR情報のご紹介。 株式会社HUB ハブ
- 家庭・SOHO内LAN構築に最適なHub/LAN用ハブ。有線LANで接続するネットワーク機器を増やすために用います。バッファローのHub/LAN用ハブなら、小型の家庭向けからポート数の多いSOHO向けまで、ラインアップも豊富です。
Related Pictures

- 英
- center、centre、hub、centrum、centro、central、medial
- 関
- センター、中央、中心性、中心的、中枢神経性、中枢性、中枢的、内側、内側性、中央に置く、椎体、中枢、ハブ
- 中心の、中心的な、中心性の、中枢的な、中枢性の、中枢の、中枢神経性の
- 関
- center、centrally、centrally acting、centre、centro、centrum、hub、medial、pivotal、pivotally
- 関
- central、centre、centro、centrum、hub、medial、middle
- 関
- center、central、centre、centro、centrum、hub、inner、inside、interior、medialis、medially、middle
- 関
- center、central、centro、centrum、hub、medial
- 関
- Rhei Rhizoma、Rheum