毒素性ショック症候群 toxic shock syndrome
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/07/05 19:11:24」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- Television Shin-Hiroshima System - 株式会社テレビ新広島(Shin-Hiroshima Telecasting Co.,Ltd)
- Tosho System Service - 株式会社東証システムサービス(TOSHO SYSTEM SERVICE CO.,LTD.)
- Time Sharing System - タイムシェアリングシステム
- Total Segment Score - フィギュアスケートの新採点システムにおける、総得点。
- Turf Sound Station - 日本中央競馬会の東京競馬場、中山競馬場、京都競馬場、阪神競馬場の場内で2000年まで放送されていたミニFM放送局「ターフサウンドステーション」の略称。
- Technical Services Staff - CIAの部署の一つ。
- Toxic Shock Syndrome - 毒素性ショック症候群。発熱や発疹、胃腸症状や多臓器不全、さらにはショックを主たる症状とする症候群。
- ニューヨーク東34丁目ヘリポートのIATA空港コード
- NEO-GEOをはじめ、業務用ゲーム機、および各種家庭用ゲーム機で発売されたゲーム「ティンクルスタースプライツ」の略称。
- TSSプロダクション - 上記テレビ新広島の子会社で、TV番組制作会社。
- TSS (会社) - 技術基準適合証明を受けていない無線設備を利用してアマチュア無線局の開局・変更申請をする際に必要な、保証認定の事業などを行っている企業。
- TSSで始まる記事の一覧
- Tssで始まる記事の一覧
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[Wiki en表示]
TSS may stand for:
- 1 Media
- 2 Organisations
- 3 Science and technology
- 4 Sport
- 5 Other uses
- The Sims Social, a social networking game on Facebook, based on The Sims Series
- Ton Steine Scherben, a German rock band
- TV Shinhiroshima, a TV station serving in Hiroshima Prefecture and eastern Yamaguchi Prefecture
- Technical Services Staff, a component of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
- The Southport School, an Anglican day and boarding school located on Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
- Thornhill Secondary School, a school in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
- Times Square Stores, a Long Island, New York-based retail department store chain
- Tinana State School, a public primary school in Maryborough, Queensland, Australia
- TSS, the New York Stock Exchange symbol for Total System Services, Inc.
Science and technology
- Task State Segment, a special structure on x86-based computers which holds information about a task
- Technical Support Services
- Time Sharing System/360, an early attempt at time-sharing by IBM
- Total suspended solids, a water quality measurement
- Toxic shock syndrome, a potentially fatal illness caused by a bacterial toxin
- Transcription start site, the starting point of the process of creating a complementary RNA copy of a sequence of DNA
- Tromsø Satellite Station
- Turbine Steam Ship
- Tideway Scullers School, a rowing club in London, England, United Kingdom
Other uses
- Therapeutic Staff Support, individuals who work individually with children with behavioral disabilities in the location perscribed by the psychologist. The psychologist and behaviour specialist consultant create a treatment plan and create goals for the client to reach over time. The TSS implements methods and interventions from the treatment plan to help the client achieve his or her behaviour goals
- Total sum of squares, a quantity that appears as part of a standard way of presenting results
- Traffic Separation Scheme, a traffic-management route-system ruled by the International Maritime Organization
- Twin screw steamer, a steam-powered vessel
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English Journal
- Characterization and distribution of repetitive elements in association with genes in the human genome.
- Liang KC1, Tseng JT2, Tsai SJ3, Sun HS4.
- Computational biology and chemistry.Comput Biol Chem.2015 Aug;57:29-38. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2015.02.007. Epub 2015 Feb 27.
- Repetitive elements constitute more than 50% of the human genome. Recent studies implied that the complexity of living organisms is not just a direct outcome of a number of coding sequences; the repetitive elements, which do not encode proteins, may also play a significant role. Though scattered stu
- PMID 25748288
- Carotenoids in durian fruit pulp during growth and postharvest ripening.
- Wisutiamonkul A1, Promdang S2, Ketsa S3, van Doorn WG4.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Aug 1;180:301-5. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2015.01.129. Epub 2015 Feb 4.
- Durian (Durio zibethinus) cvs. Chanee and Monthong fruit were severed from the tree during 14 day intervals, from 10 weeks after anthesis until commercial maturity. We determined the pulp (i.e. aril; fruit flesh) carotenoid composition, together with pulp firmness, color and total soluble solids (TS
- PMID 25766832
- Evaluation of stream water quality data generated from MODIS images in modeling total suspended solid emission to a freshwater lake.
- Ayana EK1, Worqlul AW2, Steenhuis TS2.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Aug 1;523:170-7. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.03.132. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- Modeling of suspended sediment emission into freshwater lakes is challenging due to data gaps in developing countries. Existing models simulate sediment concentration at a gauging station upstream and none of these studies had modeled total suspended solids (TSS) emissions by inflowing rivers to fre
- PMID 25863508
Japanese Journal
- 企業レポート 株式会社TSSソフトウェア テレビ局のシステム開発を中心に成長。タブレット型端末やスマホ対応ゲームなど一歩先行く挑戦で、新たな飛躍を遂げる!
- 下肢や体幹の支持性が低下した患者の自立を促す車椅子移乗動作
- 月田 佳寿美/鈴木 美栄子/酒井 明子/松葉 ひとみ/寺下 智章
- 福井大学医学部研究雑誌 12(1.2), 15-23, 2011-12-26
- NAID 110008895881
Related Links
- テレビ新広島【TSS(Television Shin-Hiroshima System)】広島の情報・こそだて・釣り情報・スポーツ・なども、コーポレート・スローガン「ここからっ!TSS」を主軸に・みなさまにお届けしています!
- プライバシーポリシー ©TSS Corporation 2015
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- 関
- トキシックショック症候群 中毒性ショック症候群 TSS
- 英
- toxic shock syndrome, TSS
- 関
- TSST-1
毒素性ショック症候群 TSS
- 英
- time sharing system, TSS
- 日
- トキシックショックシンドロームトキシン-1
- 同
- toxic shock syndrome toxin-1