- 関
- tuberous sclerosis
- 同
- thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter
- the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)t
- tritiumの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/02/15 19:45:03」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- テレビせとうち - テレビ局。
- ホリプロタレントスカウトキャラバン
- 結節性硬化症 (tuberous sclerosis complex)
- サイリスタ位相制御コンデンサ - 電源回路の部品。
- スタイル・カウンシル (The Style Council) - イギリスの音楽バンド。
- たかとみスポーツクラブ - 山県市のNPO法人。
- ツーソン会議 (Toward a Science of Consciousness)
- テキサス州立墓地 (Texas State Cemetery)
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[Wiki en表示]
TSC may refer to:
- 1 Organizations
- 2 Science and medicine
- 3 Technology
- 4 Television and media
- 5 Other uses
- Terrorist Screening Center, an FBI organization for identifying suspected or potential terrorists
- The Support Center, in Durham, North Carolina, US
- Tractor Supply Company, a US home-improvement retail chain
- The Spaceship Company, spaceship manufacturing company
- Teacher-Student Centre, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Texas Southmost College, a community college in Brownsville, United States
- Thebarton Senior College, a public school in Adelaide, Australia
- Time to Succeed Coalition, an education non-profit in Boston, United States
- Training Ship "Chanakya", a nautical science college in Mumbai, India
- The Scots College, a private school in Sydney, Australia
Science and medicine
- Thiazide Sensitive Carrier, a carrier protein inhibited by so-called thiazides
- Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, tumor suppressors which form the TSC1-TSC2 molecular complex
- Tuberous sclerosis (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex), a rare genetic disorder
- Tuberous sclerosis protein, the associated protein
- Trans Sodium Crocetinate, an oxygen diffusion-enhancing compound
- Technical Systems Consultants, a defunct supplier of software for SWTPC computers
- Teridian Semiconductor, a fabless semiconductor company in Irvine, California
- Time Stamp Counter, an internal clock present in the IA-32 architecture since the Pentium processor
- Terminal Services Client, software for remote control of Microsoft windows
- Thyristor-switched capacitor, a feature in some AC power transmission systems
Television and media
- Ten Silver Coins, a 2009 novel
- The Style Council, an English band
- TV Setouchi, a TV station in Okayama Prefecture, Japan
- The Shopping Channel, a cable television network available in Canada
- Tech Support Comedy, a web-based community for tech support workers
- Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles, an animated film
- The Secret Circle (TV series), an American television series
Other uses
- The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, a common book establishing rules of order
- Texas State Cemetery, in Austin, Texas, United States
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Association between the growth rate of renal cysts/angiomyolipomas and age in the patients with tuberous sclerosis complex.
- Tsai JD1, Wei CC, Chen SM, Lue KH, Sheu JN.
- International urology and nephrology.Int Urol Nephrol.2014 Sep;46(9):1685-90. doi: 10.1007/s11255-014-0701-6. Epub 2014 Mar 30.
- PURPOSE: Renal manifestations of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) occur with a high frequency and a wide range of severity. The onset and complications of each affected organ depend on the age. This study aimed to investigate the associations between comorbidities, frequency, and size of cysts/angio
- PMID 24682862
- Interactions between E6, FAK, and GIT1 at Paxillin LD4 Are Necessary for Transformation by Bovine Papillomavirus 1 E6.
- Brimer N1, Wade R1, Vande Pol S2.
- Journal of virology.J Virol.2014 Sep 1;88(17):9927-33. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00552-14. Epub 2014 Jun 18.
- Bovine papillomavirus 1 E6 interacts with two similar proteins that regulate cell attachment and cell migration called paxillin (PXN) and HIC-5 (also known as HIC5, ARA55, HIC-5, TSC-5, and TGFB1I1). Despite the similarity between HIC-5 and paxillin, paxillin is required for E6 to transform mouse em
- PMID 24942580
- Body mass index, cholesterol level and risk of lung cancer in Lithuanian men.
- Everatt R1, Virvičiūtė D2, Kuzmickienė I3, Tamošiūnas A2.
- Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Lung Cancer.2014 Sep;85(3):361-5. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2014.07.009. Epub 2014 Jul 18.
- OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to investigate the association between body mass index (BMI), total serum cholesterol (TSC) level and risk of lung cancer in a Lithuanian population-based cohort study.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 6729 men initially free from cancer. During the follow-up (19
- PMID 25084690
Japanese Journal
- 安藤 元一,椎野 綾,鳥海 沙織
- 東京農業大学農学集報 56(4), 260-268, 2012-03-05
- … 本研究ではセンサーカメラの機種による性能差を明らかにすることを目的に,フィルムカメラ 1機種(FieldNoteIIa),デジタルカメラ 5機種(FieldNoteDS8000, FieldNoteDS60, GAME SPY D40, Cuddeback Expert およびTSC30) および単体センサー 1機種(TrailMaster550)を対象とし,各機種のシャッター・タイムラグ,動物検知可能距離,種判別可能距離,検知可能画角,および電池寿命を実験的に比較した。 …
- NAID 110008801455
Related Links
- 社会保険労務士法人 TSC/東京 TEL:03-6758-2652 FAX:03-6758-2653 (〒163-0214) 東京都新宿区西新宿2丁目6番1号 新宿住友ビル14階 社会保険労務士法人 TSC/大阪 TEL:06-7173-2734 FAX:06-7173-2735 (〒540 ...
- テレビ東京系列局。TSC テレビせとうち(岡山・香川・7チャンネル)公式サイト。番組紹介・アナウンサー・出演者の紹介、イベント情報など様々な情報をお届けします。 ... このWEBサイトに掲載されている文章・映像・音声写真等の ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- tuberous sclerosis, TSC
- 同
- ブルヌヴィーユ病 Bourneville's disease Bourneville disease、ブルヌヴィーユ母斑症(NDE)、ブルヌヴィーユ・プリングル病 ブルヌヴィーユ-プリングル病 Bourneville-Pringle disease、ブルヌヴィーユ・プリングル母斑症(NDE)、結節性脳硬化症 tuberous brain sclerosis
- 関
- 神経皮膚症候群、網膜神経膠性過誤腫
- 孤発例:60-70 (NDE.345)
- 頻度:1人/1万-15万人 (参考3)
- 特発性
- 遺伝性:TSC1(9q34)、TSC2(16p13.3)
- 側脳室壁や基底核での結節状石灰沈着、脳室拡大 (NDE.345)
- 結節状腫瘤 (NDE.345)
- T2強調画像:大脳皮質下の斑状高信号領域
- 皮膚
- てんかん(痙攣発作)
- 進行性知能低下:治療法無し
- http://www.nagata-microtia.jp/images/100628214139.jpg
- 2. [charged] Tuberous sclerosis complex - uptodate [1]
- 3.
- http://i-erika.com/room/bohansyo_1.html
- 同
- 血管線維腫