- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/08/11 20:50:59」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- surface-to-surface missile - 地上または水上から発射され、地上または水上の目標に向かうミサイル。発射装置や目標が水上艦のとき、Sをshipまたはseaの略とすることもある。日本語では、発射装置や目標が地上か水上かで訳し分ける。
- 地対地ミサイル
- 艦対地ミサイル
- 地対艦ミサイル
- 艦対艦ミサイル
- エス・エス・エム - 吉本興業系列の企画およびマネジメント会社。
- 標準太陽モデル (Standard Solar Model)
- 超音波モータ (Supersonic Motor)
- ホンダ・SSM (Sports Study Model) - 本田技研工業のオープンカー。
- ソフトシステム方法論 (Soft System Methodology)
- スーパースーパーマーケット (Super Super Market) - 大型(2000 - 3000m²)のスーパーマーケット。
- 菅野美術館 (Shiogama Sculpture Museum)
- 同性結婚 (same-sex marriage)
- ストレス-ストレングスモデル (Stress-Strength Model) - 「知識の構造化」理論で使われるモデル。
- 単一監督メカニズム (the Single Supervisory Mechanism)
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[Wiki en表示]
SSM may refer to:
- 1 In arts and entertainment
- 2 In business and economics
- 3 In government and politics
- 4 In science and technology
- 4.1 Electronics and computing
- 4.2 Health and medicine
- 4.3 Other uses in science and technology
- 5 Military
- 5.1 Military ranks and appointments
- 5.2 Weaponry
- 6 Other uses
In arts and entertainment
- Sakıp Sabancı Museum, an art museum in Istanbul, Turkey
- SSM (band), a band from Detroit, Michigan, United States
- The Spectacular Spider-Man, any of several comic books
In business and economics
- Companies Commission of Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia)
- Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (Сојуз на синдикатите на Македонија)
- Single Supervisory Mechanism, whereby the European Central Bank supervises banks' stability
- Strategic service management, optimisation of a company's post-sale service
In government and politics
- Federation of Trade Unions of Macedonia (Сојуз на синдикатите на Македонија
- Sarawak Sovereignty Movement, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Socialist Union of Youth (Socialistický svaz mládeže), an organization in the former Czechoslovakia
In science and technology
Electronics and computing
- Source-specific multicast, in computer networking
- SSM chip, a chip used in synthesizers
- Standard Shadow Map, in computer graphics
- System Safety Monitor, intrusion-prevention computer software
Health and medicine
- Sleep state misperception, a term used to classify sleep disorders
- Slipped strand mispairing, a mutation process during DNA replication
- Society for Social Medicine, United Kingdom
- Special study module, now student selected component, an option in medical schools in the United Kingdom
- SSM Health Care, St. Louis, Missouri, United States
- Superficial spreading melanoma, a type of cancer
- System status management of emergency medical services
Other uses in science and technology
- Honda SSM, a concept car introduced at the 1995 Tokyo Motor Show
- Scanning SQUID microscope, a magnetic current imaging system
- Semi-solid metal casting, in the production of aluminium or magnesium parts
- Standard solar model, in cosmology
- Startup, shutdowns, and malfunctions, in potentially polluting industrial plants
Military ranks and appointments
- Squadron sergeant major, in some Commonwealth armies
- Staff sergeant major, in some Commonwealth armies
- SSM-1, the Japanese Type 88 Surface-to-Ship Missile
- SSM-1B, the Japanese Type 90 Ship-to-Ship Missile
- SSM-A-5 Boojum, US Air Force cruise missile
- SSM-N-8 Regulus, US Navy cruise missile 1955-1964
- SSM-N-9 Regulus II, US Navy cruise missile
- Ship-to-ship missile
- Surface-to-ship missile
- Surface-to-surface missile
Other uses
- Grand Commander of the Order of Loyalty to the Crown of Malaysia
- Sam Schmidt Motorsports, an auto racing team
- Same sex marriage
- Shattuck-Saint Mary's, a school in Faribault, Minnesota, U.S.
- Society of the Sacred Mission, an Anglican religious order
- Society of Saint Margaret, an Anglican religious order
- Soft systems methodology, a problem-solving method
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- No increase of local recurrence rate in breast cancer patients treated with skin-sparing mastectomy followed by immediate breast reconstruction.
- van Mierlo DR, Lopez Penha TR, Schipper RJ, Martens MH, Serroyen J, Lobbes MB, Heuts EM, Tuinder S, Smidt ML.SourceMaastricht University Medical Center+ (Maastricht UMC+), Department of Surgery, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- Breast (Edinburgh, Scotland).Breast.2013 Dec;22(6):1166-70. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.08.002. Epub 2013 Sep 8.
- BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of local recurrence after SSM with IBR and to determine whether complications lead to postponement of adjuvant therapy.METHOD: Patients that underwent IBR after SSM between 2004 and 2011 were included.RESULTS: A total of 157 reconstruct
- PMID 24025989
- Enhanced Adsorption of Ca-ATPase Containing Vesicles on a Negatively Charged Solid-Supported-Membrane for the Investigation of Membrane Transporters.
- Sacconi A, Moncelli MR, Margheri G, Tadini-Buoninsegni F.SourceDepartment of Chemistry "Ugo Schiff", University of Florence , via della Lastruccia 3, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.
- Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids.Langmuir.2013 Nov 12;29(45):13883-9. doi: 10.1021/la4034386. Epub 2013 Oct 31.
- A convenient model system for a biological membrane is a solid-supported membrane (SSM), which consists of a gold-supported alkanethiol|phospholipid bilayer. In combination with a concentration jump method, SSMs have been used for the investigation of several membrane transporters. Vesicles incorpor
- PMID 24131452
- Computed molecular depth profile for C60 bombardment of a molecular solid.
- Paruch RJ, Garrison BJ, Postawa Z.AbstractMolecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed for 10 keV C60 bombardment of an octane molecular solid at normal incidence. The results are analyzed using the steady-state statistical sputtering model (SS-SSM) to understand the nature of molecular motions and to predict a depth profile of a delta-layer. The octane system has sputtering yield of ~100 nm3 of which 80% is in intact molecules and 20% is fragmented species. The main displacement mechanism is along the crater edge. Displacements between layers beneath the impact point are difficult because the non-spherically shaped octane molecule needs a relatively large volume to move into and, the molecule needs to be aligned properly for the displacement. Since interlayer mixing is difficult, the predicted depth profile is dominated by the rms roughness and the large information depth due to the large sputtering yield.
- Analytical chemistry.Anal Chem.2013 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of print]
- Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed for 10 keV C60 bombardment of an octane molecular solid at normal incidence. The results are analyzed using the steady-state statistical sputtering model (SS-SSM) to understand the nature of molecular motions and to predict a depth profile of a
- PMID 24191664
Japanese Journal
- 世代間移動における出身階層測定の再検討 : 対数乗法連関モデルによる2005SSM調査データの分析 (<特集> 複合社会調査データ分析の新展開)
- 社会階層・社会移動調査をめぐる国際比較の困難性と可能性--2005年SSM調査の経験から (特集 国際比較調査の困難性と可能性)
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- SSMによる構造化知識の概要、知識構造化の意義やメリット、SSM導入例などについてご紹介します。 ... 製品や工程で発生している不具合のほとんどは、よく知られている自然科学的なメカニズムの組合せ(因果連鎖)によっており、か ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- malignant melanoma MM
- 同
- メラノーマ melanoma
- ラ
- melanoma malignum
- 関
- メラニン尿
悪性黒色腫のABCDE NDE.421
Borderline irregularity
Color variegation
Diameter enlargement
Elevation of surface
- 人口10万対:白人10~20、日本人1~2、黒人1以下
- 白人では体幹や四肢に好発し,表在拡大型が大多数を占める。日本人では足底や爪部(爪下黒色腫subungual melanoma)など四肢末端部に好発し,末端黒子型が多い
- 悪性黒子から移行する。
- 高齢者の顔面に好発。
- 他の3型に比べて予後が良好。
- 四肢末端(特に足底)、爪、粘膜に生じ、日本人に多い。
- 褐色ないし黒色の斑として生じ、浸潤性に増殖すると結節をつくる。
- Hutchinson徴候-爪では縦に黒色線状を呈し、爪溝を越えて色素斑が拡大する。
- はじめ水平方向に扁平隆起性に拡大し、やがて垂直方向に浸潤増殖する。
- 褐色ないし、黒色の斑点として生じる。
- 垂直方向に浸潤増殖して結節を形成し、水平方向には展開しない。
- 予後が悪い。
- 色素を欠き、白くなるものもある。
- 皮丘有意な色素沈着。感度86%, 特異度99% → 皮丘優位ではないことを検討してメラノーマを除外しよう! Nikkei Medical 2005 pp.116
- メラノーマでは86%に皮丘優位の色素沈着あり
- メラノーマでないとき、99%が皮丘優位ではない
- modality:(第一選択)外科治療、放射線療法、化学療法、免疫療法
- 1. Clinical Question - 悪性黒色腫 - 日本皮膚科学会
- http://www.dermatol.or.jp/medical/guideline/skincancer/cq.html#mm
- 2. アルゴリズム - 悪性黒色腫 - 日本皮膚科学会
- http://www.dermatol.or.jp/medical/guideline/skincancer/mm/mm.html
- 同
- United States Food Security Survey Module