- the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)r
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police カナダ騎馬警察[隊]
- resistance / 17歳以下父兄同伴映画の表示 / rook
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- RCM音源
- 王立音楽大学 (Royal College of Music)
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RCM may refer to:
- 1 Organisations
- 1.1 United Kingdom
- 1.2 Canada
- 2 Science and technology
- 3 Other uses
United Kingdom
- Royal College of Music, London
- Royal College of Midwives
- Royal Cornwall Museum
- Royal Canadian Mint
- The Royal Conservatory of Music
- Montreal Citizens' Movement (Rassemblement des citoyens et des citoyennes de Montréal), a former municipal political party in Montreal, Quebec
Science and technology
- Ring-closing metathesis, a variation on olefin metathesis
- Rotor current meter, a mechanical current meter used in Oceanography
- Reciprocating Chemical Muscle, a mechanism that takes advantage of the superior energy density of chemical reactions
- Reverse Cuthill–McKee algorithm, an algorithm to reduce the bandwidth of sparse symmetric matrices
- Resonant Clock Mesh, technology used in the AMD Piledriver microarchitecture
- Risk-Control Matrix, see Audit
Other uses
- Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, a scientific journal
- Regimental Corporal Major, a warrant officer appointment in the British Household Cavalry
- Regional county municipality, a territorial subdivision of Quebec
- Reliability-centered maintenance, an industrial improvement approach
- Richmond Airport, Australia
- Refugee Children's Movement, see Kindertransport
- Revenue Cycle Management
UpToDate Contents
全文を閲覧するには購読必要です。 To read the full text you will need to subscribe.
English Journal
- Hydrological simulation of Po River (North Italy) discharge under climate change scenarios using the RCM COSMO-CLM.
- Vezzoli R1, Mercogliano P2, Pecora S3, Zollo AL4, Cacciamani C5.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 Jul 15;521-522:346-58. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.03.096. Epub 2015 Apr 6.
- The impacts of climate change on Po River discharges are investigated through a set of climate, hydrological, water-balance simulations continuous in space and time. Precipitation and 2m mean temperature fields from climate projections under two different representative concentration pathways, RCP4.
- PMID 25863313
- Cyclopentitol as a scaffold for a natural product-like compound library for drug discovery.
- Padwal JD1, Filippov DV1, Narhe BD1, Aertssen S2, Beuving RJ2, Benningshof JC2, van der Marel GA1, Overkleeft HS1, van der Stelt M3.
- Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry.Bioorg Med Chem.2015 Jun 1;23(11):2650-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2015.01.040. Epub 2015 Jan 31.
- A concise and efficient synthesis of cyclopentitols as a scaffold for a two-dimensional compound library for drug discovery is described. Starting from d-mannose, the key steps are Wittig olefination and ring-closing metathesis (RCM) followed by a [3,3]-sigmatropic Overmann rearrangement to form an
- PMID 25691210
- Reflectance confocal microscopy as a useful diagnostic tool for monitoring of skin containing vascularized composite allograft rejection: A preliminary study on rats.
- Zor F1, Karagoz H2,3, Erdemir AT4, Karslioglu Y5, Acikel CH6, Kapaj R1, Guzey S1, Gurel MS4, Isik S1, Siemionow M3.
- Microsurgery.Microsurgery.2015 May 11. doi: 10.1002/micr.22419. [Epub ahead of print]
- Vascularized composite allografts can undergo immune-mediated rejection, and skin biopsies are needed for monitoring of the transplant. However it is an invasive method, and requires processing time and pathological assessment. The purpose of this study is to use a new noninvasive monitoring method
- PMID 25959719
Japanese Journal
- Surface mass balance of the Greenland icesheet in the regional climate model HIRHAM5:Present state and future prospects
- 生体共焦点顕微鏡が診断に有用であった結膜アミロイドーシスの1例
- 5km解像度領域気候モデルを用いたゲリラ豪雨生起頻度の将来変化推定
- 水工学論文集 Annual journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE 61, Ⅰ_133-138, 2017
- NAID 40021162195
Related Links
- SANCTUARYの「RCM」 SANCTUARYでは1998年頃から増加傾向にあったZ系コンプリート・マシンの製作。当時あるお客様が、納車となったコンプリート車両を見て一言「真のカスタム・コンプリート・マシンですね…」。 この時から ...
- RCM-301 レストア済みノーマル美車で購入したZ-1。動性能への不満から持込にてRCM化した一台。 ... RCM-176 リメイク クラフトマンシップ車両から方向性を明確にしてカスタムで遊んで行く。それももうひとつの道とうかがえる一台
Related Pictures

- 英
- restrictive cardiomyopathy, RCM
- 同
- 拘束性心筋症
- 関
- 心筋症、難病
- (1)硬い左心室、(2)左室拡大や肥大の欠如、(3)正常または正常に近い左室収縮機能、(4)原因不明を満たす疾患
- 難病
- 拡張型心筋症:14.0/10万人対
- 肥大型心筋症:17.3/10万人対
- 拘束型心筋症:0.2人/10万人対
- 左心室拡張障害によるうっ血性心不全
- 左室内腔の拡大(×DCM)や壁肥厚はない(×HCM)。
- 収縮能は正常。
- 左房径は増大 ← 左心房は拡張(LAもrigitになる気がするけど、それでもやっぱり心房の方がコンプライアンスが高いから?そもそも、心室に血液を送り込めないから拡張せざるを得ないのだろう?)
- 左室圧におけるa波が増大し、LVEDPが上昇。
- 左室圧波形:dip and plateau (square root sign)
contrictive endocarditis
restricted cardiomyopathy
左室拡張末期圧 - 右室拡張末期圧 > 5mmHg
右室拡張末期圧 > 右室収縮末期圧/3
右室収縮期圧 > 50mmHg
- LVとRVの壁厚を考慮すると、ある病因によるコンプライアンスの低下がLVでより顕著になると考えればよい?なんでだろう?
- http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/upload_files/036_s.pdf
- http://www.nanbyou.or.jp/entry/259
- 英
- ring-closing metathesis、RCM
閉環メタセシス RCM
多血球系異形成を伴う不応性血球減少症 refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia