- 関
- vincristine
- periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug (trade name Oncovin); used to treat cancer of the lymphatic system (同)Oncovin
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English Journal
- The Role of Molecular Diagnostics in the Management of Patients with Gliomas.
- Wirsching HG1, Weller M2.
- Current treatment options in oncology.Curr Treat Options Oncol.2016 Oct;17(10):51. doi: 10.1007/s11864-016-0430-4.
- OPINION STATEMENT: The revised World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the central nervous system of 2016 combines biology-driven molecular marker diagnostics with classical histological cancer diagnosis. Reclassification of gliomas by molecular similarity beyond histological bou
- PMID 27501915
- Treatment of kaposiform hemangioendothelioma and tufted angioma.
- Liu XH1,2, Li JY3, Qu XH4, Yan WL5, Zhang L2, Yang C2, Zheng JW1,2.
- International journal of cancer.Int J Cancer.2016 Oct 1;139(7):1658-66. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30216. Epub 2016 Jun 28.
- This meta-analysis was to evaluate the efficacy of current treatment modalities for kaposiform hemangioendothelioma and tufted angioma. A systematic review was performed using PubMed (Medline), Web of Science and Embase for clinical studies. The outcome was measured by pooled response rate with 95%
- PMID 27252149
- Outcome of young children with high-grade glioma treated with irradiation-avoiding intensive chemotherapy regimens: Final report of the Head Start II and III trials.
- Espinoza JC1, Haley K1, Patel N2, Dhall G1, Gardner S3, Allen J3, Torkildson J4, Cornelius A5, Rassekh R6, Bedros A7, Etzl M8, Garvin J9, Pradhan K10, Corbett R11, Sullivan M11, McGowage G12, Stein D13, Jasty R14, Sands SA15, Ji L16, Sposto R1, Finlay JL17.
- Pediatric blood & cancer.Pediatr Blood Cancer.2016 Oct;63(10):1806-13. doi: 10.1002/pbc.26118. Epub 2016 Jun 22.
- PURPOSE: To report the final analysis of survival outcomes for children with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma (HGG) treated on the "Head Start" (HS) II and III protocols with chemotherapy and intent to avoid irradiation in children <6 years old.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1997 and 2009, 32 eli
- PMID 27332770
Japanese Journal
- 小腸穿孔をきたしたII型腸管症関連T細胞リンパ腫の1例
- 崎村 千恵,河本 真大,呉 幸枝,阿古 英次,藤田 茂樹,妙中 直之
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(8), 2229-2233, 2014
- 症例は59歳の男性.持続する発熱と貧血の精査で当院を受診,CT検査で7cm大の腹腔内腫瘤を認め悪性リンパ腫が疑われた.手術を予定していたが突然の腹痛にて当施設を受診,腹部MRI検査にて,腹水・腹腔内ガス像を認め穿孔性腹膜炎を疑い緊急手術を行った.手術では回腸に穿孔した腫瘍を認め,腫瘍を含む小腸を切除した.病理検査ではCD8,CD56陽性でtype II enteropathy associated …
- NAID 130004901362
- 乳糜腹水を合併した限局期の胃原発非ホジキンリンパ腫の1例
- 山本 宜和,久米井 伸介,小倉 武司,大西 裕,前田 光雄,松野 寧子
- 日本消化機病學會雜誌. 乙 110(10), 1790-1796, 2013
- 症例は87歳男性.食欲不振・腹部膨満を主訴に受診した.上部消化管内視鏡検査で,胃全体にびらんと粘膜の結節状腫大を認め,生検で非ホジキンリンパ腫と診断した.同時に認めた腹水は乳糜腹水を呈していた.画像検査では腹腔内への腫瘍の進展は指摘されなかった.治療はR-CHOP療法を施行したが完全寛解となり,腹水はほぼ消失した.限局期の胃悪性リンパ腫が乳糜腹水の原因となりうることを示したまれな症例である.
- NAID 130004776820
- CHOP-Rが著効した食道原発悪性リンパ腫の1例 : 本邦報告38例についての考案
- 中谷 雅美,藤原 靖弘,永見 康明,亀田 夏彦,町田 浩久,岡崎 博俊,渡辺 俊雄,富永 和作,大澤 政彦,荒川 哲男
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 51(12), 3070-3077, 2009-12-20
- … 部CT検査,PET検査にて病変の主座は食道にあり,左鎖骨上,縦隔リンパ節に転移をみとめた.以上より,原発性食道悪性リンパ腫,Musshoff分類Stage II E2と診断した.標準的CHOP-R(Cyclophosphamide,Hydroxydau-norubicin,Oncovin,Prednisone and Rituxi-mab)を6クール施行し,完全寛解を得た.13カ月経過した現在も再発や転移なく,経過順調である.<BR>今回,われわれは比較的稀な化学療法が奏功した食道悪性リンパ腫を経験したので …
- NAID 10026909164
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- 00:10 Oncovin is always a great word to know. So is lollapalooza. Does it mean: So is doohickey. Does it mean: So is ort. Does it mean: an extraordinary or unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional example or instance. a ...
- Oncovin /On·co·vin/ (ong´ko-vin) trademark for a preparation of vincristine sulfate. On·co·vin (ng k-v n) A trademark for vincristine sulfate. Oncovin, trademark for an antineoplastic (vincristine sulfate). Oncovin [ong´ko-vin] trademark for a ...
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- 英
- vincristine, VCR
- 同
- 硫酸リューロクリスチン leurocristine sulfate
- 化
- 硫酸ビンクリスチン vincristine sulfate
- 商
- 関
- first aid step1 2006 p.84,310
- M-phase-specific alkaloids that bind to tubulin and block polymerization of microtubules so that mitotic spindle cannot form (first aid step1 2006 p.310)
- part of the MOPP (Oncovin [vincristine]) regimen for lymphoma, Wilms' tumor, choriocarcinoma(first aid step1 2006 p.310)
- MAPP regimen for Hodgkin disease, ALL lymphoma, CNS tumer, sarcoma, Wilms tumor
- 同
- vincristine
- 関
- vincristine