- 関
- NAPスコア、好中球アルカリホスファターゼスコア
- take a siesta; "She naps everyday after lunch for an hour" (同)catnap, catch a wink
- sleeping for a short period of time (usually not in bed) (同)catnap, cat sleep, forty_winks, short sleep, snooze
- a soft or fuzzy surface texture
- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- (特に日中の)『ひと眠り』,昼寝 / ひと眼りする,まどろむ
- (ラシャなどの)けば
- ナポレオン(カードゲームの一種)
- 〈新聞記者などが〉〈勝ち馬の名〉‘を'予想する
- nitrogenの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/04/01 19:34:46」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
NAP, nap
- ナポリ・カポディキーノ国際空港の空港コード。
- ナポリ語の言語コード。
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[Wiki en表示]
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A nap is a short period of sleep.
Nap or NAP may also refer to:
- 1 NAP
- 1.1 Politics and government
- 1.2 Science and technology
- 1.3 Other
- 2 Codes
- 3 People
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
Politics and government
- National Action Party, a small 1980s UK political group created by far-right activist Eddy Morrison
- National Action Plan on the Elimination of Child Labour
- National Adaptation Programme, a requirement of the UK's 2008 Climate Change Act
- National Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea), formed in 1995
- National Allocation Plan, part of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme
- National Archives of Pakistan
- National Action Plan Pakistan elimination of terrorism
- National Awami Party, a Pakistani political party, active from 1957 to the early 1970s
- Network Against Prohibition, a drug law reform and human rights activist group
- New Alliance Party, a defunct American political party formed in 1979
- Non-aggression pact, a treaty between two states promising not to engage in military conflict
- Non-aggression principle, a core concept in libertarianism
- Noninsured Assistance Program, a US program for farmers
- Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico, a US federal assistance program
Science and technology
- Network access point, a public facility for connection between ISPs
- Network Access Protection, a computer security technology
- National Accessibility Portal, a South African information portal
- Nautical Archaeology Program, a Texas A&M University program
- Amsterdam Ordnance Datum (Normaal Amsterdams Peil), a geodetic datum
- Name, address and phone, a search engine optimisation acronym for basic contact information
- National Academies Press, a science publisher
- National Association of Parliamentarians
- Naval Aviation Pilot, an enlisted U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps pilot (until 1981)
- Nebraska AIDS Project
- New African Poets, a French hip hop group
- North American Pairs, an annual contract bridge competition
- Noyautage des administrations publiques, an arm of the French Resistance
- Auteuil-Neuilly-Passy, an area of Paris sometimes abbreviated as NAP
- Naples Airport, IATA code NAP
- Neapolitan language, ISO 639-2/3 code nap, spoken in southern Italy
- Narragansett Pier Railroad, reporting mark NAP
- Henry Botterell (1896-2003), last surviving combat pilot of World War I, nicknamed "Nap" for a supposed resemblance to Napoleon
- Nap Kloza (1903-1962), American baseball player and manager
- Nap Milroy (1922-2012), Canadian ice hockey player
- Nap Lajoie (1874-1959), American Major League Baseball player
- Nap Reyes (1919-1995), Cuban-born Major League Baseball player
- Nap Rucker (1884-1970), American Major League Baseball pitcher
Other uses
- Cleveland Naps, former name of the Cleveland Indians baseball team
- Napoleon (card game)
- Nap, the most confident bet recommendation of a tipster
- Nap (textile), the raised surface of some kinds of cloth
- "The Nap", an episode of the television sitcom Seinfeld
- Nap TV, a privately owned Hungarian producer of television programmes
See also
- Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS)
- Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (NAPS), a Canadian First Nations police agency
- James Napoli (1911-1992), New York mobster nicknamed "Jimmy Nap"
- Nappy (disambiguation)
- Knap
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English Journal
- Start up partial nitrification at low temperature with a real-time control strategy based on blower frequency and pH.
- Gu S, Wang S, Yang Q, Yang P, Peng Y.SourceLaboratory of Beijing Water Quality Science and Water Environment Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, No. 100, Ping Le Yuan, Chao Yang District, Beijing 100124, China.
- Bioresource technology.Bioresour Technol.2012 May;112:34-41. Epub 2011 Dec 14.
- In this study, the performance of partial nitrification via nitrite at low temperature was investigated in a pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with a working volume of 7.0m(3). A novel real-time control strategy, based on blower frequency (BF) and pH, was designed and evaluated. The nitroge
- PMID 22414573
- A community-based study of sleep and behaviour problems in 12- to 36-month-old children.
- Hall WA, Scher A, Zaidman-Zait A, Espezel H, Warnock F.SourceSchool of Nursing, University of British Columbia Human Early Learning Partnership, University of British Columbia Quality, Patient Safety & Accreditation, BC Children's Hospital Provincial Health Services Authority, Vancouver, BC, Canada Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel.
- Child: care, health and development.Child Care Health Dev.2012 May;38(3):379-89. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2214.2011.01252.x. Epub 2011 Jun 8.
- Background While evidence suggests sleep problems are common in young children and linked to behavioural problems, studies of toddlers are rare. This community-based cross-sectional study examined associations between sleep problems and daytime behaviour among 58 children aged 1 to 3 years who at
- PMID 21651607
Japanese Journal
- 新小田 春美,末次 美子,加藤 則子,浅見 恵梨子,神山 潤,内村 直尚,樗木 晶子,西岡 和男,大久保 一郎,松本 一弥,南部 由美子,加来 恒壽,シンコダ ハルミ,スエツグ ヨシコ,カトウ ノリコ,アサミ エリコ,コウヤマ ジュン,ウチムラ ナオヒサ,チシャキ アキコ,ニシオカ カズオ,オオクボ イチロウ,マツモト カズヤ,ナンブ ユミコ,カク ツネヒサ,Shinkoda Harumi,Suetsugu Yoshiko,Kato Noriko,Asami Eriko,Kohyama Jun,Uchimura Naohisa,Chishaki Akiko,Nishioka Kazuo,Okubo Ichiro,Matsumoto Kazuya,Nanbu Yumiko,Kaku Tsunehisa
- 福岡医学雑誌 103, 12-23, 2012-01-25
- … Using one-way analysis of variance with two (early vs. late) and three bedtime categories, significant differences were found among the three bedtime categories about childcare environmental factors (meal, daytime activity, TV, nap, and bath). … 0.05) were significantly higher, as well as for children who had more than 105 minutes of "daytime nap" compared to children who had less (P < …
- NAID 120003811452
- 原野 かおり,谷口 敏代,小林 春男
- 川崎医療福祉学会誌 21(2), 208-217, 2012
- 介護労働は,仕事の内容が広範囲であるため,身体的および精神的負担が大きいと言われているが,その実態は明らかになっていない.そこで本研究においては,夜勤のある介護労働者の主観的および客観的疲労の実態を明らかにすることを目的とした.対象は,介護老人福祉施設に勤務する女性介護労働者19名(夜勤群)と通所介護事業所に勤務する女性介護労働者18名(日勤群)を対照群として連続7日間調査票による質問紙調査および …
- NAID 110008914591
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- 英
- neutrophil alkaline phosphatase NAP
- 同
- 白血球アルカリホスファターゼ leukocyte alkaline phosphatase LAP
- 関
- 好中球アルカリホスファターゼスコア NAPスコア、好中球アルカリホスファターゼ染色、アルカリホスファターゼ染色 ALP染色
- 英
- SNAP receptor protein
- 関
- SNARE蛋白質