- 同
- multiinfarct dementia,多発梗塞性認知症
- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- used in combination to denote the middle; "midmorning"; "midsummer"; "in mid-1958"; "a mid-June wedding"
- Michigan / Military Intelligence 陸軍情報部
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/13 03:48:58」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- mid - スタンダードMIDIファイル (SMF)の拡張子
- MID都市開発 - 日本の不動産会社
- MID - Mobile Internet Deviceの略、インテルが提唱するモバイルコンピューターの規格、似た規格にUMPC(Ultra-Mobile PC)がある
- 日産・MID4 - 日産自動車が1985年9月に発表したコンセプトカー
- MID- Molded Interconnect Deviceの略、立体回路部品、三次元成形回路部品
- BUBU-MITSUOKA IMPORT DEALERS:海外中古車の販売を扱う企業。光岡自動車のグループ会社
- Mixs International DJ(M.I.D) MASTER MIX PROJECT:モンチ田中率いるDJグループ、編曲者。
- M.I.D KH-R CLUB MIX:上記のグループ(M.I.D)とKH-Rによるリミックスバージョン。→恋のダンスサイト
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up mid, mid-, or MID in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
MID or Mid may refer to:
- 1 Computers and electronics
- 2 Medicine and biology
- 3 Military
- 4 Other
Computers and electronics
- MapInfo Interchange Format; .mid is also sometimes used as the filename extension for some MapInfo files
- Media Identification Code (MID code), a code indicating the manufacturer of a DVD
- Mobile Internet device, a category of mobile computer
- Molded Interconnect Device, an injection molded thermoplastic part with integrated electronic circuit traces
- Multiple interface declaration, a construct in some computer programming languages
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface: .mid is sometimes used as an alternate filename extension for MIDI files
Medicine and biology
- Multi-infarct dementia, a disease also known as vascular dementia
- Monocyte, a type of white blood cell in the innate immune system of vertebrates
- Maritime identification digits, a 3-digit code identifying the country of a ship/coastal station using communication equipment.
- Mentioned in Despatches, a military award for gallantry or otherwise commendable service
- Militarized Interstate Disputes, conflicts between states that do not involve full-scale wars
- Military Intelligence Division, a former military intelligence branch of the United States Army
- Integration and Development Movement, a political party in Argentina
- Manuel Crescencio Rejón International Airport, with IATA airport code MID
- Modesto Irrigation District, a special district in California
- Measuring Instruments Directive
- Mid vowel
- Midfielder, a position in association football
- Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for which MID is a colloquial term
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Epidemiology of proximal humerus fractures.
- Launonen AP1, Lepola V, Saranko A, Flinkkilä T, Laitinen M, Mattila VM.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2015 Dec;10(1):209. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0209-4. Epub 2015 Feb 13.
- There are only a few previous population-based studies that include both inpatient and outpatient treatment data. The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemiology of proximal humerus fractures. The incidence of proximal humerus fractures increases with age, and we observe a seasonal variati
- PMID 25675881
- Paralia (Bacillariophyta) stowaways in ship ballast: implications for biogeography and diversity of the genus.
- MacGillivary ML1, Kaczmarska I1.
- Journal of biological research (Thessalonikē, Greece).J Biol Res (Thessalon).2015 Feb 15;22(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s40709-015-0024-5. eCollection 2015.
- BACKGROUND: The genus Paralia Heiberg is one of the most recognizable, widely distributed and commonly reported diatoms from contemporary coastal marine environments and ship ballast. Species discovery has historically been made in diatoms through the recognition of morphological discontinuities bet
- PMID 25984507
- Surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion with tent screws and a custom-made palatal expander: a case report.
- Park KN1, Lee CY1, Park IY2, Kim JY1, Yang B1.
- Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery.Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.2015 Mar 21;37(1):11. eCollection 2015.
- Rapid palatal expansion(RPE) with the tooth-born appliance is not sufficient to apply to the patients with periodontal problem or insufficient tooth anchorage, and it leads to tipping of the anchorage teeth and increasing teeth mobility and root resorption. To avoid these disadvantages, we present t
- PMID 25821765
Japanese Journal
- Incidence, Predictors and Impact of Severe Periprocedural Bleeding According to VARC-2 Criteria on 1-Year Clinical Outcomes in Patients After Transcatheter:Aortic Valve Implantation
- Pressure Broadening of the ν1 Band of Nitrous Oxide by Carbon Dioxide
- 下部構造の変位低減に着目した中間層免震構造の多目的地震応答制御
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- 英
- cerebrovascular dementia、CVD
- 同
- 脳血管性痴呆 、血管性痴呆、血管性認知症 vascular dementia VD
- 関
- 認知症、ハチンスキー虚血スコア
[show details]
血管性認知症 : 約 334,000 件
脳血管性認知症 : 約 271,000 件
血管型認知症 : 約 5,680 件
脳血管型認知症 : 約 5,290 件
- NINDS-AIREN診断基準による分類(認知症疾患診療ガイドライン2017 - 日本神経学会)
- アルツハイマーと比較して抑うつ、自発性低下、夜間興奮、歩行障害(小刻み歩行)、尿失禁、運動麻痺などが早期から出現、変動しやすい(YN.J-106)
- 急激発症、階段状悪化、経過の動揺、夜間譫妄、人格の比較的保持、高血圧、脳卒中の既往、動脈硬化の存在。 → アルツハイマー型認知症との鑑別点 ハチンスキー虚血スコア
- 夜間興奮、幻聴:譫妄状態でみられる。譫妄は多発性脳梗塞などで脳の機能が低下しているときにみられるが、代謝異常、感染症、内分泌などで起こりうる。このため、これらを鑑別するために血清電解質や血液ガス検査を行う。
- 英
- multiinfarct dementia MID, multi-infarct dementia
- 同
- 多発脳梗塞性認知症、多発梗塞性痴呆
- 関
- 血管性痴呆
- 関
- lodoxamide tromethamine
メチオニン methionine