- a tax on employees and employers that is used to fund the Social Security system
- the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)i
- 『私は』私が
- iodineの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/22 21:11:39」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 独立成分分析
- 国際協同組合同盟(International Co-operative Alliance)
- 国際文書館評議会(International Council on Archives)
- アイルランド市民軍(Irish Citizen Army)
- 現代美術協会(Institute of Contemporary Arts)はロンドンにあるギャラリー。
- ICA ABはスウェーデンの小売店。
- オーストラリア保険協会(Insurance Council of Australia)
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[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Business
- 2 Language
- 3 Locations
- 4 Museums
- 5 Organizations
- 6 Politics
- 7 Standards and regulations
- 8 Science, technology, and medicine
- 9 Television
- 10 Other
ICA may refer to:
- Empresas ICA (Ingenieros Civiles Asociados), large construction company in Mexico
- ICA AB, a Swedish corporate group in the food retail business, formerly named ICA Ahold AB.
- ICA AG - Internationale Camera Actiengesellschaft, a German camera manufacturer that merged into Zeiss Ikon in 1926.
- Informatics Corporation of America is a privately held Health Information Technology organization headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, USA
- Insulation Council of Australia and New Zealand, an industry trade group
- Innovative Communications Alliance, a telecommunications alliance between Microsoft and Nortel
- Interbank Card Association, a 4 digits number assigned by MasterCard that identifies the member bank in the transaction processing
- Interconnect Agreement The standard form of agreement, which has been approved by the Utility Commission. The interconnection agreement sets forth the contractual conditions under which a utility and a customer agree that one or more facilities may be interconnected with the utility's distribution system.
- Ica language, a Magdalenic Chibchan language related to Ijca spoken in Colombia, South America
- Ica, Peru, the capital of the Ica Region
- The Içá River, also known as the Putumayo River
- The Ica Province of Peru
- The Ica Region of Peru
- Institute of Contemporary Arts, London
- Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston
- Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia
- Immaculate Conception Academy (Davenport, Iowa), USA, former Catholic girls high school
- Immaculate Conception Academy-Greenhills, an elite private all-girls Chinese school in Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines. (Not to be confused with ICA Manila (ICAM) or ICA Dasmariñas)
- Immigration and Checkpoints Authority, a Singaporean authority for immigration and checkpoints
- Indoor Cricket Australia, the governing body of the sport of indoor cricket in Australia
- Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications, an international scientific organization based in Winnipeg, Canada
- Institute of Cultural Affairs, an international non-profit organisation
- Intercontinental A, a kart racing class for top drivers aged 15 and up
- Intercontinental Assembly
- International Clarinet Association
- Intermuseum Conservation Association
- International Cartographic Association
- International Christian Academy (Côte d'Ivoire), an American boarding school in Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire.
- International Chiropractor's Association
- International Congress of Actuaries
- International Congress of Americanists
- International Co-operative Alliance, the worldwide umbrella body for co-operatives.
- International Commission for Acoustics
- International Communication Association
- International Contract Agency, the fictional organisation responsible for arranging hits for 47 in the Hitman series of games
- International Council on Archives
- International Court of Arbitration
- Iranian Corrosion Association, an Iranian organisation whose aim is to update the public knowledge of corrosion and its prevention in industrial and urban facilities
- Irish Citizen Army, an organisation which lasted up to 1916 to rid Ireland of British rule and protect workers
- Irish Countrywomen's Association
- Irish Cycling Association
- Jewish Colonization Association Yiddish acronym
- Islamic Consultative Assembly, the main legislative body of the Iranian government.
Standards and regulations[edit]
- International Coffee Agreement, a United Nations pact establishing the International Coffee Organization, initially ratified in 1963
- Interstate Commerce Act, a United States legislation establishing the regulatory Interstate Commerce Commission
Science, technology, and medicine[edit]
- Independent Computing Architecture, a proprietary protocol for an application server system, designed by Citrix Systems
- Indene Carboxylic Acid, an organic acid containing one carboxylic acid group and at least one indene dimer (such acids are often products of photochemical reactions in photoresist)
- Independent component analysis, in signal processing and statistical data analysis
- ICa (card), a smart card ticketing system for public transport in Kanazawa, Japan
- Internal carotid artery
- Innovative Communications Alliance
- intercellular adhesion gene locus (ica) in genetics
- Islet cell antibodies test
- Instrumentation, Control and Automation.
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Validating rationale of group-level component analysis based on estimating number of sources in EEG through model order selection.
- Cong F, He Z, Hämäläinen J, Leppänen PH, Lyytinen H, Cichocki A, Ristaniemi T.SourceDepartment of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Electronic address: fengyucong@gmail.com.
- Journal of neuroscience methods.J Neurosci Methods.2013 Jan 15;212(1):165-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2012.09.029. Epub 2012 Oct 10.
- This study addresses how to validate the rationale of group component analysis (CA) for blind source separation through estimating the number of sources in each individual EEG dataset via model order selection. Control children, typically reading children with risk for reading disability (RD), and c
- PMID 23063904
- Physiological interference in effective connectivity of action network.
- Huang JM, Cheng CM, Chou CC, Chen YC, Hsu PY, Yeh TC.SourceaDepartment of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Keelung, Taiwan bInstitute of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University cIntegrated Brain Research Unit, Department of Medical Research and Education, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan dInstitute of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University eInstitute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University fDepartment of Radiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan gDepartment of Radiology, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
- Neuroreport.Neuroreport.2013 Jan 9;24(1):1-5.
- The effect of temporal interference of physiological signals on time-lag effective connectivity, derived from a functional network connectivity tool box (FNC), was examined by a blood-oxygen-level-dependent functional MRI study of action. The known effect of physiological signals on time-lag FNC was
- PMID 23165080
Japanese Journal
- 石川 由羽,高田 雅美,梅田 智広,城 和樹
- 情報処理学会研究報告. BIO, バイオ情報学 2011-BIO-27(27), 1-6, 2011-11-24
- … 本稿では脳波計測システム Enobio を用いた α 波形状の推定を行う.EEG の解析にはリアルタイム Enobio 解析環境を用いる.様々な信号処理を行うために,解析環境の改良を行い信号処理機能を追加する.信号処理として,ICA,FFT,バンドパスフィルタ,メディアンフィルタ,ケプストラム解析を行うことで,α 波形状の推定を試みる. …
- NAID 110008694789
- 石川 由羽,高田 雅美,梅田 智広,城 和樹
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MPS, 数理モデル化と問題解決研究報告 2011-MPS-86(27), 1-6, 2011-11-24
- … 本稿では脳波計測システム Enobio を用いた α 波形状の推定を行う.EEG の解析にはリアルタイム Enobio 解析環境を用いる.様々な信号処理を行うために,解析環境の改良を行い信号処理機能を追加する.信号処理として,ICA,FFT,バンドパスフィルタ,メディアンフィルタ,ケプストラム解析を行うことで,α 波形状の推定を試みる. …
- NAID 110008694730
Related Links
- På ICA.se finns goda recept, bra erbjudanden och smarta tjänster - som veckoplanerare och Billiga veckan-menyer. Allt för en roligare och enklare vardag!
- ご利用方法, ICaのお得なサービス. 乗車時の使い方、降時の使い方、積み増し(入金), 入金時に10%のプレミア、複数回乗車割引. 詳しくはこちら · 詳しくはこちら. ICa定期券 について, ICaエコポイントサービスについて. 販売、プリペイド機能の付加、鉄道でのご ...
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- 英
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- 関
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- DMR.30 参考1
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- 発症年齢は30-50歳と中年から高齢である。 ⇔ 急性発症1型糖尿病は若年期
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- HLA type
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- 英
- internal carotid artery (N), ICA
- ラ
- arteria carotis interna
- 同
- 内頸動脈
- 関
- 総頚動脈、外頚動脈
- 図:N.98,130(頭蓋内での走行)
- 頚部では迷走神経と一緒に、さらに内頚静脈と一緒に頚動脈鞘に包まれている (KH.28)
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- http://nnac.umin.jp/nnac/Download_2011_files/2%20Tanaka.pdf
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- islet cell antibody ICA
- 同
- 膵ランゲルハンス島細胞抗体 islet cell cytoplasmic antibody
- 関
- 糖尿病、I型糖尿病
- 英
- anti-islet cell antibody
- 同
- 膵島細胞抗体 islet cell antibody ICA、ICA抗体
- 同
- intracellular adhesion molecule 3
- 関
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- 同
- intracellular adhesion molecule 3
- 関
- ICAM-3:CD50
前下小脳動脈 anterior inferior cerebellar artery
- 同
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