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- iodineの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/24 21:34:02」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- インドール-3-酢酸 (indole-3-acetic acid)
- 国際宇宙航行アカデミー (International Academy of Astronautics)
- ドイツで開催される国際モーターショー (Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung)。奇数年はフランクフルトにて乗用車ショーが開催され(フランクフルトモーターショー参照)、偶数年はハノーファーにて商用車ショーが開催される。
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[Wiki en表示]
IAA may refer to:
- In science and medicine
- Indole-3-acetic acid (plant hormone)
- Aux/IAA repressors, a class of early auxin responsive transcription factors in plants
- Insulin autoantibody, used in diagnosing Latent autoimmune diabetes
- Interrupted aortic arch
- International Association for Aerobiology
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, for the (IAA-CSIC) research institute in Spain
- iodoacetamide, an alkylating agent
- In healthcare organisations
- Independent Ambulance Association representing private ambulance services in the United Kingdom
- In aviation
- Indianapolis Airport Authority
- Iran Aseman Airlines (call-sign IAA)
- Irish Aviation Authority
- Israel Airports Authority
- International Academy of Astronautics
- In computing
- Interactive Achievement Awards
- In education
- Idyllwild Arts Academy, part of the Idyllwild Arts Foundation
- IMSA Alumni Association
- Intercollegiate Athletic Association (formerly), now the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
- Interlochen Arts Academy, part of the Interlochen Center for the Arts
- The International Affairs Association (IAA) of the University of Pennsylvania
- In politics
- Information Affairs Authority of Bahrain
- In sport
- International Ammunition Association
- International Aquathlon (underwater wrestling) Association
- Other associations
- Immigration Appellate Authority (UK)
- Indian Association of Alberta
- Institute for Applied Autonomy
- Institute of Actuaries of Australia
- Instituto Antártico Argentino
- Instituto de Arqueología Amazónica
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
- International Academy of Architecture
- International Academy of Astronautics
- International Actuarial Association
- International Advertising Association
- International Alpaca Association
- Investment Adviser Association
- Islamic Army of Aden
- Israel Antiquities Authority
- Israeli Astronomical Association
- Other uses
- Intelligence Authorization Act (1991 - U.S.)
- Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung, Frankfurt Motor Show
- Id al Adha
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 腸骨動脈瘤 iliac artery aneurysm
- 2. 1型糖尿病の予測 prediction of type 1 diabetes mellitus
- 3. 腸骨動脈瘤の手術および血管内修復 surgical and endovascular repair of iliac artery aneurysm
- 4. 乳児疝痛:臨床的特徴および病因 infantile colic clinical features and diagnosis
- 5. 1型糖尿病の予防 prevention of type 1 diabetes mellitus
English Journal
- Characterization of Mn-resistant endophytic bacteria from Mn-hyperaccumulator Phytolacca americana and their impact on Mn accumulation of hybrid penisetum.
- Zhang WH1, Chen W1, He LY1, Wang Q1, Sheng XF2.
- Ecotoxicology and environmental safety.Ecotoxicol Environ Saf.2015 Oct;120:369-76. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.06.022. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
- Three hundred Mn-resistant endophytic bacteria were isolated from the Mn-hyperaccumulator, Phytolacca americana, grown at different levels of Mn (0, 1, and 10mM) stress. Under no Mn stress, 90%, 92%, and 11% of the bacteria produced indole acetic acid (IAA), siderophore, and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-ca
- PMID 26114256
- DlRan3A is involved in hormone, light, and abiotic stress responses in embryogenic callus of Dimocarpus longan Lour.
- Tian Q1, Lin Y1, Yang M1, Zhang D1, Lai R1, Lai Z2.
- Gene.Gene.2015 Sep 15;569(2):267-75. doi: 10.1016/j.gene.2015.06.013. Epub 2015 Jun 10.
- Ras-related nuclear protein (Ran) GTPase plays an important role in nucleo-cytoplasmic transportation of proteins and RNA, mitotic spindle assembly, microtubule assembly and nuclear envelope (NE) assembly. We previously identified the full-length cDNAs and a DNA of DlRan3A from longan (Dimocarpus lo
- PMID 26071187
- Phenotypic plasticity of sun and shade ecotypes of Stellaria longipes in response to light quality signaling, gibberellins and auxin.
- Kurepin LV1, Pharis RP2, Neil Emery RJ3, Reid DM2, Chinnappa CC2.
- Plant physiology and biochemistry : PPB / Société française de physiologie végétale.Plant Physiol Biochem.2015 Sep;94:174-80. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2015.06.013. Epub 2015 Jun 17.
- Stellaria longipes plant communities (ecotypes) occur in several environmentally distinct habitats along the eastern slopes of southern Alberta's Rocky Mountains. One ecotype occurs in a prairie habitat at ∼1000 m elevation where Stellaria plants grow in an environment in which the light is filte
- PMID 26113156
Japanese Journal
- The Interaction and Integration of Auxin Signaling Components
- Hayashi Ken-ichiro
- Plant and Cell Physiology 53(6), 965-975, 2012-06
- NAID 40019308325
- インスリン,グルカゴン,インスリン自己抗体(IAA),インスリン受容体抗体 (最新臨床糖尿病学(上)糖尿病学の最新動向) -- (糖尿病の検査・診断法)
Related Links
- Internationale Automobil Ausstellung fur Personenkraftwagen in Frankfurt am Main.
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- 英
- slowly progressive insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, slowly progressive IDDM, SPIDDM
- 関
- 1型糖尿病、糖尿病
- DMR.30 参考1
- 急性発症1型糖尿病のGAD抗体とSPIDDMのそれとは異なり、N末端側にユニークなエピトープを有する。
- 発症年齢は30-50歳と中年から高齢である。 ⇔ 急性発症1型糖尿病は若年期
- β細胞障害の速度は女性に比べ男性のほうが早い。
- HLA type
- Class II MHC であるHLA-DR4-DQA1*0301-B1*0401との関連がある。
- 急性発症1型糖尿病と関連するHLA-A24 との関連は薄い。
- 膵β細胞がわずかに残存
- 膵外分泌腺組織は著明に萎縮
- 膵島周囲にCD8陽性Tリンパ球浸潤(periinsulitis)が認められる。 ← 膵島炎は稀(DMR.30)
- 膵外分泌腺へのCD8陽性Tリンパ球もしくはCD4 陽性Tリンパ球の浸潤が認められることがある。
- 膵管造影で膵管、とくに二次膵管の慢性膵炎様の不整所見を認める頻度が高い。主膵管の拡張、不整。
- 1. 緩徐進行1 型糖尿病(SPIDDM), 月刊糖尿病 2009/11 Vol.1 No.6, p.50
- 英
- 関
- 回腸嚢肛門吻合術 IAA
- http://www.hyo-med.ac.jp/department/srg2/page/5-2.html
- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0029/1/0029_G0000071_0067.html
- 英
- 関
- 回腸嚢肛門管吻合術 IACA
- http://www.hyo-med.ac.jp/department/srg2/page/5-2.html
- http://minds.jcqhc.or.jp/stc/0029/1/0029_G0000071_0067.html
- 英
- aortic arch interruption, interrupted aortic arch IAA
- 同
- 大動脈弓欠損症 absence of aortic arch
- 関
- coarctation of the aorta
- 同
- IAA, 大動脈弓離断
- 同
- 大動脈弓離断, lAA
- 同
- 関
- 5-ヒドロキシインドール酢酸 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
5-ヒドロキシインドール酢酸 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
5-ヒドロキシインドール酢酸 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid
免疫粘着反応 immune adherence