- 同
- フランクフルト水平面、ドイツ水平面
- make even or smooth, with or as with a carpenters plane; "plane the top of the door"
- (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape; "we will refer to the plane of the graph as the X-Y plane"; "any line joining two points on a plane lies wholly on that plane" (同)sheet
- a level of existence or development; "he lived on a worldly plane"
- a carpenters hand tool with an adjustable blade for smoothing or shaping wood; "the cabinetmaker used a plane for the finish work" (同)carpenter''s plane, woodworking plane
- a power tool for smoothing or shaping wood (同)planer, planing machine
- cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood" (同)shave
- travel on the surface of water (同)skim
- make plans for something; "He is planning a trip with his family"
- scale drawing of a structure; "the plans for City Hall were on file" (同)architectural plan
- a series of steps to be carried out or goals to be accomplished; "they drew up a six-step plan"; "they discussed plans for a new bond issue" (同)program, programme
- have the will and intention to carry out some action; "He plans to be in graduate school next year"; "The rebels had planned turmoil and confusion" (同)be after
- make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack" (同)project, contrive, design
- look at (同)eyeball
- a small hole or loop (as in a needle); "the thread wouldnt go through the eye"
- the organ of sight (同)oculus, optic
- attention to what is seen; "he tried to catch her eye"
- good discernment (either visually or as if visually); "she has an eye for fresh talent"; "he has an artists eye"
- fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn (同)spike, capitulum
- attention to what is said; "he tried to get her ear"
- good hearing; "he had a keen ear"; "a good ear for pitch"
- the sense organ for hearing and equilibrium
- parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line; "a horizontal surface"
- something that is oriented horizontally
- 『平面』,水平面 / 『水準』,程度 / 《話》『飛行機』 / (面が)平らな,平たんな / 平面の,平面図形の;平面上にある / 〈飛行機〉滑走する
- かんな / …‘に'かんなをかける;…‘を'平らにする / かんなをかける
- =plane tree
- 『計画』,『案』,プラン,設計 / 『設計図』,『図面』;(小区域の)地図,市街図 / …‘を'『計画する』,‘の'案を立てる / …の設計図をかく,‘を'設計する / 計画を立てる
- 〈C〉(人・動物の器官としての)『目』 / 〈C〉(まぶた・まつ毛・まゆ毛などを含めて,外側からみえる)『目』,目の周り / 〈C〉(目の)虹彩 / 〈C〉『視力』,視覚 / 〈C〉《単数形で》『視線』,まなざし / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》警戒(観察,監視)の目 / 〈C〉《通例単数形で》(…に対する)鑑識眼,物を見る目,(…を)見分ける力《+『for』+『名』》 / 〈C〉《しばしば複数形で》物の見方;観点 / 〈C〉目に似たようなもの(じゃがいもの芽・クジャクの羽の眼状の点など) / 〈C〉針の目,めど / 〈C〉(かぎ・ホックの)受け / 〈C〉台風の目 / (好奇・疑いなどの目で)…‘を'じろじろ見る,注意して見る
- 〈C〉『耳』 / 《単数形で》『聴覚』,聴力,音感 / 《単数形で》じっと聞くこと,傾聴 / 〈C〉耳の形をした物
- (麦・とうもろこしなどの)穂
- 『水平線の』,地平線の;水平の,水平面の / 水平の位置;水平線(面)
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- 1. 眼、耳、尿路、胃腸管、および中枢神経系における緑膿菌感染症 pseudomonas aeruginosa infections of the eye ear urinary tract gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system
- 2. 耳圧外傷 ear barotrauma
- 3. 中耳外傷の評価およびマネージメント evaluation and management of middle ear trauma
- 4. 耳の先天異常 congenital anomalies of the ear
- 5. 律動眼振 jerk nystagmus
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- ... the lower margin of the orbits is on the same horizontal plane as the upper margin of the auditory meatus called also Frankfurt horizontal … Useful english dictionary plane — 1. A two dimensional flat surface. See planum. 2 ...
- The Frankfurt plane is a plane formed by drawing a straight horizontal line from the top of the ear canal to the bottom border of the eye along either side of the human skull. The line is called a Frankfurt horizontal line (FHL ...
Related Pictures

- 同
- フランクフルト水平面, Frankfurt horizontal eye-ear plane
- 同
- Frankfurt horizontal eye-ear plane,ドイツ水平面
- 関
- design、destine、enterprise、planning、predetermine、program、programme、project、prospective、schedule、schema、scheme
- 関
- aspect、chamfer、even、face、facet、flat、planar、side、smooth、surface
- 関
- horizon、horizontally