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English Journal
- The urea to creatinine ratio is predictive of worsening kidney function in ambulatory heart failure patients.
- Sood MM1, Saeed M2, Lim V2, Cordova F2, Komenda P3, Malik A2, Rigatto C3, Shafer LA4, Tangri N3, Tappia PS5, Zieroth S2.
- Journal of cardiac failure.J Card Fail.2015 Feb 24. pii: S1071-9164(15)00045-7. doi: 10.1016/j.cardfail.2015.02.003. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Changes in kidney function in heart failure patients conveys important prognostic information. We investigated the association of the urea to creatinine (UCr) ratio, the fractional excretion of urea (FeUrea) and the fractional excretion of sodium (FeNa) and subsequent declines in kidney
- PMID 25724301
- Urinary output and fractional excretion of sodium and urea as indicators of transient versus intrinsic acute kidney injury during early sepsis.
- Vanmassenhove J, Glorieux G, Hoste E, Dhondt A, Vanholder R, Van Biesen W.
- Critical care (London, England).Crit Care.2013 Oct 13;17(5):R234. doi: 10.1186/cc13057.
- INTRODUCTION: The pathophysiology of acute kidney injury (AKI) in sepsis is ill defined. We investigated parameters associated with low glomerular filtration, and their predictive value to discriminate transient from intrinsic septic AKI.METHODS: In 107 sepsis patients, AKI was defined by the Risk,
- PMID 24119730
- Volume management in the critically ill patient with acute kidney injury.
- Labib M1, Khalid R, Khan A, Khan S.
- Critical care research and practice.Crit Care Res Pract.2013;2013:792830. doi: 10.1155/2013/792830. Epub 2013 Feb 7.
- Acute kidney injury (AKI) frequently occurs in the setting of critical illness and its management poses a challenge for the intensivist. Optimal management of volume status is critical in the setting of AKI in the ICU patient. The use of urine sodium, the fractional excretion of sodium (FeNa), and t
- PMID 23476757
Japanese Journal
- 安藤 明利
- 日本腎臓学会誌 23(10), 1373-1388, 1981
- … (2) Reverse relationship was observed between FEurea and [U/P] creat and also between FEurea and T<SUB>H2</SUB> … FEurea and FE<SUB>H2</SUB>o of Papx group became significantly higher than those of pNx group. …
- NAID 130004168665
Related Links
- 腎前性との鑑別には尿中Na、FENa、FEureaが指標となります。他にも沈渣で顆粒円柱や尿細管上皮が認められたり、尿比重、浸透圧の上昇、BUN/Cre ratioや身体所見でhypovolemiaの所見を探したりといろいろあります。 尿中Naと ...
- ホーム > 病棟/ ICU >輸液電解質;急性腎障害の鑑別
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- 英
- prerenal failure
- 関
- 肝腎症候群、腎不全、急性腎不全
- 考える技術第2版 p.529
- 英
- fractional excretion of urea, FEurea, FEUrea
- 同
- 尿中尿素窒素排泄率 urinary fractional excretion of urea
- 関
- 尿素窒素 UN、腎前性腎不全、ナトリウム排泄率 fractional excretion of sodium FENa
- 糸球体で濾過された尿素窒素(UN)のうち実際に尿中に排泄される尿素窒素の割合
- 尿量(ml/hr)をVとすると
- FENa = Curea / CCr x 100 = (Uurea x V ) / Surea / ( (UCr x V ) / SCr )
- = Uurea / Surea / ( UCr / SCr )
- 考える技術 第2版 p.529
- 水利尿が良好な場合、50-65%
- 腎前性急性腎不全 <35% 急性尿細管壊死 >50% 前者の場合、代償的に再吸収が亢進。再吸収は利尿薬の影響を受けず。