手根管症候群 carpal tunnel syndrome
- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- carbonの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/03/23 13:23:22」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 新千歳空港のIATA空港コード
- ケーブルテレビ佐伯(Cable Television Saiki)
- キャデラック・CTS(Cadillac CTS)
- 中華電視公司(Chinese Television System)
- 連合軍総司令部民間運輸局(Civil Transportation Section)
- 共通型システム(Common Type System)
- 電算写植システム(Computer Typesetting System)
- 陸上自衛隊に編成される「指揮所訓練支援隊」(Command Post Traning Support):部隊訓練評価隊も参照
- JR千葉鉄道サービス(Chiba Tetsudo Service)
- CTS (音楽) 正体不明の覆面音楽ユニット
- 暗号利用モードの一つ。CipherText Stealing。
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[Wiki en表示]
Cts or CTS may refer to:
- 1 In arts and entertainment
- 1.1 In television
- 1.2 Other uses in arts and entertainment
- 2 Businesses
- 3 Educational institutions
- 3.1 Seminaries
- 3.2 Other educational institutions
- 4 In science and technology
- 4.1 In computing and telecommunications
- 4.2 In medicine
- 4.3 Other uses in science and technology
- 5 Other uses
§In arts and entertainment
§In television
- Chinese Television System, a Taiwanese broadcast television station, including:
- CTS Main Channel (Chinese: 華視主頻)
- CTS Education and Culture (Chinese: 華視教育文化頻道)
- CTS Recreation (Chinese: 華視休閒頻道)
- CTS News (Chinese: 華視新聞頻道) (on Chunghwa Telecom MOD only)
- Christian Television System, in Korea
- Crossroads Television System, in Canada
- The Catherine Tate Show, a British television program
§Other uses in arts and entertainment
- Cardboard Tube Samurai, a character in the Penny Arcade webcomic
- Car Top Systems, a supplier of automotive convertible tops
- Cognizant Technology Solutions, a US-based information technology services company
- Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois, a public transport company based in Strasbourg, France
§Educational institutions
- Chicago Theological Seminary, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, in Chicago, Illinois
- Christian Theological Seminary, affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, in Indianapolis, Indiana
- Concordia Theological Seminary, affiliated with the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church, in Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Columbia Theological Seminary, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, in Decatur, Georgia
§Other educational institutions
- College of Technological Sciences-Cebu, Cebu City, Philippines
- Calcutta Technical School, West Bengal, India
§In science and technology
§In computing and telecommunications
- Ciphertext stealing in cryptography
- Clear to Send control signal
- Common Type System, a common set of types in the .NET Framework
- Hermes Communications Technology Satellite, a Canadian communications satellite launched in 1976
- Computational transportation science, an interdisciplinary field addressing the modeling, planning, and economics of transportation
- Card Translator System, formerly used in direct distance dialing
§In medicine
- Carpal tunnel syndrome, a medical condition causing pain in parts of the hand
- Cracked tooth syndrome, a medical condition in which a posterior tooth has developed a crack
- Cubital tunnel syndrome, compression of the ulnar nerve at the elbow
- Cathepsin, a class of enzymes
- Cardiothoracic surgery, a field of medicine involved in surgical treatment of diseases affecting organs inside the thorax (chest)
§Other uses in science and technology
- Cadillac CTS, a luxury automobile made by Cadillac
- Conflict Tactics Scale, a social survey instrument for the study of conflict in relationships
- Copper Tube Size
- CTS (motorcycle), developed by Chris Tattersall
- Cattle Tracing System, administered by the British Cattle Movement Service
§Other uses
- Catholic Truth Society, an organisation that produces Catholic literature
- China Travel Service, the tourism and travel agency of the Chinese government
- Combat Zones That See, a US defense project
- Cosmic Top Secret, the highest of four levels of NATO classified information
- New Chitose Airport (IATA code)
- The Cambridge Tolkien Society
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English Journal
- Synergistic effect of pyrroloquinoline quinone and graphene nano-interface for facile fabrication of sensitive NADH biosensor.
- Han S1, Du T1, Jiang H2, Wang X3.
- Biosensors & bioelectronics.Biosens Bioelectron.2017 Mar 15;89(Pt 1):422-429. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.04.092. Epub 2016 Apr 27.
- A self-assembly composite of graphene-pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) was fabricated and modified on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) for sensitive detection of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH). Chitosan (CTS) was applied to disperse graphene to form a stable robust film on GCE. A synergistic ef
- PMID 27156055
- Conditional Toxin Splicing Using a Split Intein System.
- Alford SC1,2, O'Sullivan C2, Howard PL3.
- Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.).Methods Mol Biol.2017;1495:197-216.
- Protein toxin splicing mediated by split inteins can be used as a strategy for conditional cell ablation. The approach requires artificial fragmentation of a potent protein toxin and tethering each toxin fragment to a split intein fragment. The toxin-intein fragments are, in turn, fused to dimerizat
- PMID 27714618
- The Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery Education (JCTSE) "Educate the Educators" Faculty Development Course: Analysis of the First 5 Years.
- Yang SC1, Vaporciyan AA2, Mark RJ3, DaRosa DA4, Stritter FT5, Sullivan ME6, Verrier ED7.
- The Annals of thoracic surgery.Ann Thorac Surg.2016 Dec;102(6):2127-2132. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2016.04.080.
- BACKGROUND: Since 2010, the Joint Council on Thoracic Surgery Education, Inc (JCTSE) has sponsored an annual "Educate the Educators" (EtE) course. The goal is to provide United States academic cardiothoracic surgeons (CTS) the fundamentals of teaching skills, educational curriculum development, and
- PMID 27847048
Japanese Journal
- CTSをめぐる「不作為」という作為 県当局・革新与党内での「平和産業」論の揺らぎ
- 上原 こずえ,Uehara Kozue,沖縄大学地域研究所
- 地域研究 = Regional Studies (13), 17-39, 2014-03-31
- … 1960年代後半の日本各地における反開発運動で見られた革新自治体に対する住民の抵抗という構図を、施政権返還前後の革新屋良県政へのCTS、石油精製工場建設反対を組織した金武湾闘争は共有している。 …
- NAID 120005444870
- 指向性無線通信における適応的バックオフ制御を用いるQoS向上方式 (情報ネットワーク)
- 海津 悠輝,阪田 史郎,小室 信喜
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 113(473), 331-336, 2014-03-06
- NAID 40020047157
- 端末間のパケット受信成功率のばらつき軽減を目的とした衝突回避型MACレベルブロードキャストプロトコル
- 重安 哲也,竹川 恭平
- 情報処理学会論文誌 55(2), 639-648, 2014-02-15
- … CFは,ブロードキャスト時に隠れ端末の送信を抑制するRTS/CTS交換を利用することができない.そこで,これまで筆者らはブロードキャスト時にも隠れ端末に起因するパケット衝突を軽減するために,ブロードキャスト前にユニキャストでRTS/CTS交換を実施する方式を提案してきた.しかしながら,同方式では,事前のユニキャストRTS/CTS交換ですべての受信端末を保護することができないため …
- NAID 110009664975
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- 英
- carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS
- 関
- 正中神経麻痺、手根管
- REU.354
- 反復性外傷(仕事、手の過度使用)
- 手首骨折後
- 良性腫瘍
- 痛風
- 橈側3本半(母指・示指・中指・環指橈側)の知覚障害、
- 母指球橈側の筋萎縮
- ティネル徴候:(手根管症候群を診る場合には)手関節屈側で正中神経をハンマーでたたくと指先に痛みが放散する(BET.406)
- ファレン徴候:手関節を強く屈曲位にして1-2分保つと、指のしびれが増強し、正常にすると戻る。
- 逆ファレン徴候
- 電気診断 ← 確定診断
- 参考3
- 手関節の装具固定(wrist splinting):軽度の例であれば装具固定でよい。糖質コルチコイド注射と組み合わせると症状の出現期間を短縮できる。
- 糖質コルチコイド注射
- 経口コルチコイド
- ヨガ ← really???
- 手根骨の移動(carpal bone mobilization)
- 神経の移動(nerve gliding)
- 超音波療法
- NSAIDsやその他の経口薬物
- 電気、磁気、およびレーザー療法
- 保存的治療
- 手術:重症例では屈筋支帯を切除し手根管の開放を行う。
- 1. [charged] 手根管症候群の病因 - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] 手根管症候群の臨床症状および診断 - uptodate [2]
- 3. [charged] 手根管症候群の治療 - uptodate [3]
- 4. [charged] 手根管症候群に対する外科手術 - uptodate [4]
- 英
- congenital tracheal stenosis CTS
手根管症候群, CTS