- the 2nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)b
- the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen (同)type_B, group B
- before the Christian era; used following dates before the supposed year Christ was born; "in 200 BC" (同)B.C., before Christ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/04/12 13:52:21」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- The Broadcasting Corporation of China : 中国広播公司。台湾の民間放送会社。
- The Beatles Cine Club : ザ・ビートルズ・クラブ。ビートルズの日本公式ファンクラブ。
- Body-centered cubic lattice : 体心立方格子構造。結晶構造の一種。
- Basal Cell Carcinoma : 基底細胞癌。腫瘍の組織型の一つ。
- Blind Carbon Copy : ブラインドカーボンコピー。電子メールの機能の一つ。⇒電子メール#CcとBcc
- Borland C++ Compiler : ボーランド社のC言語およびC++のコンパイラ。無償版が提供されていることで有名。⇒C++ Builder
- Block checking character : 誤り検出で用いられる冗長符号。
- Beginning of Circular Curve : 円曲線始点。
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- 1 Economics
- 2 Education
- 3 Science
- 4 Places
- 5 Government
- 6 Religion
- 7 Sports
- 8 Telecommunication
- 9 Other
BCC may refer to:
- Central Bank of the Comoros (Banque Centrale des Comores)
- Central Bank of Cuba (Banco Central de Cuba)
- Central Bank of the Congo (Banque Centrale du Congo)
- Bamburi Cement, in Africa
- British Chambers of Commerce, a national network of accredited Chambers of Commerce across the UK
- Bacolod Christian Center, a preschool in Bacolod, Negros Occidental, Philippines
- Ballarat and Clarendon College, a K–12 school in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
- Baltimore City College, a public secondary school in Baltimore, Maryland
- Bangkok Christian College, a private school in Thailand
- Barbados Community College
- Barisal Cadet College, one of the Cadet Colleges of Bangladesh
- Barrie Central Collegiate Institute, a high school in Barrie, Ontario
- Bay City Central High School, a high school in Bay City, Michigan
- Bee County College, a community college in Beeville, Texas
- Bellevue Community College, a community college in Bellevue, Washington
- Bergen Community College, a community college in Bergen County, New Jersey
- Berkeley City College, a community college in Berkeley, California
- Berkshire Community College, a community college in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
- Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, a public school in Montgomery County, Maryland
- Bethune-Cookman College, the former name of Bethune-Cookman University, a historically black college in Daytona Beach, Florida
- Bicester Community College, former name of The Bicester School
- Brevard Community College, a community college in Brevard County, Florida
- Bristol Community College, a community college in Fall River, Massachusetts
- Bronx Community College, a private college in The Bronx, New York
- Brookdale Community College, a community college in Lincroft, Monmouth County, New Jersey
- Broome Community College, a two-year college in Broome County, New York
- Broward Community College, a community college in Broward County, Florida
- Brunswick Community College, a two-year college in Brunswick County, North Carolina
- Rowan College at Burlington County, a community college in Burlington County, New Jersey formerly named Burlington County College
- Butler Community College, a college in El Dorado, Kansas
- Body-centered cubic, a form of atomic arrangement in a crystal lattice
- Basal cell carcinoma, the most common skin cancer
- Burkholderia cepacia complex, a bacterial pathogen
- British Colour Council, a defunct industry standards organisation
- Baltimore Convention Center, in downtown Baltimore, Maryland
- Beccles railway station, in England (National Rail station code BCC)
- Bessemer Civic Center, a performing arts and convention center in Bessemer, Alabama
- Bosmal City Centar, a skyscraper and residential building in Sarajevo
- Bramalea City Centre, an indoor shopping mall in Brampton, Ontario
- Brickell City Centre, mixed-use development in Miami, Florida
- Brunstad Conference Center, near Oslo, Norway
- Beltsville Communications Center, former name of the Beltsville Messaging Center, a U.S. Department of State facility
- Bangalore City Corporation, the governing council for Bangalore
- Bankstown City Council
- Birmingham City Council
- Brisbane City Council, the governing council for Brisbane
- Buffalo Common Council, the legislative branch of the Buffalo, New York municipal government
- Boston City Council
- Bristol City Council, the governing body of Bristol, UK
- Orange County Board of County Commissioners, the governing body of Orange County, Florida
- Beaver Creek Camp, a Salvation Army camp in Saskatchewan, Canada
- Beth Chayim Chadashim, a Jewish synagogue in Los Angeles, California
- Bristol Community Church, a charismatic church in Kingswood, Bristol, England
- Brunstad Christian Church
- Boston Church of Christ, a part of International Churches of Christ
- Buddhist Cultural Centre
- BCC Lions, a Nigerian football team
- Blind carbon copy (Bcc:), the practice of sending an e-mail to multiple recipients without disclosing the complete list of recipients
- Block check character, a character added to a transmission block to facilitate error detection in telecommunications
- Broadcasting Corporation of China, a broadcasting company of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
- BCC, an electrical retailer based in the Netherlands, owned by Kesa Electricals
- Bear Creek 3 Airport's IATA airport code
- Behavior Change Communication
- Birch Carroll & Coyle, an Australian chain of cinema multiplexes
- Black Country Communion, a rock supergroup
- Boise Cascade Corporation, an American pulp and paper company
- Boonville Correctional Center, a medium security state penitentiary
- Boot Camp Clik, a hip hop supergroup from Brooklyn, New York
- Border Crossing Card, a document that allows limited entry into the United States by visitors
- Borland C++, a C and C++ compiler used in C++Builder
- Brazilian Cultural Center, a mission within several Brazilian diplomatic posts.
- Breast Cancer Campaign, a UK-based breast cancer charity providing funding for medical research
- Breast Cancer Care, a UK-based breast cancer charity providing information and support
- Bricx Command Center, an Integrated Development Environment for the Not eXactly C (NXC) language.
- By Common Consent, a prominent Mormon blog
- The Big Comfy Couch, A Canadian television series
- The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, an academic journal in the United States
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Differential senescence capacities in meibomian gland carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma.
- Zhang L1, Huang X1, Zhu X2, Ge S1, Gilson E2,3,4, Jia R1, Ye J2, Fan X1.
- International journal of cancer. Journal international du cancer.Int J Cancer.2016 Mar 15;138(6):1442-52. doi: 10.1002/ijc.29882. Epub 2015 Oct 23.
- Meibomian gland carcinoma (MGC) and basal cell carcinoma (BCC) are common eyelid carcinomas that exhibit highly dissimilar degrees of proliferation and prognoses. We address here the question of the differential mechanisms between these two eyelid cancers that explain their different outcome. A tota
- PMID 26437300
- Structure and magnetism in Cr-embedded Co nanoparticles.
- Baker SH1, Kurt MS, Roy M, Lees MR, Binns C.
- Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.J Phys Condens Matter.2016 Feb 3;28(4):046003. doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/28/4/046003. Epub 2016 Jan 7.
- We present the results of an investigation into the atomic structure and magnetism of 2 nm diameter Co nanoparticles embedded in an antiferromagnetic Cr matrix. The nanocomposite films used in this study were prepared by co-deposition directly from the gas phase, using a gas aggregation source for
- PMID 26740510
- Nanoindentation of hcp metals: a comparative simulation study of the evolution of dislocation networks.
- Alhafez IA1, Ruestes CJ, Gao Y, Urbassek HM.
- Nanotechnology.Nanotechnology.2016 Jan 29;27(4):045706. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/4/045706. Epub 2015 Dec 14.
- Using molecular dynamics simulation, we study the nanoindentation of three hcp metals: Mg, Ti, and Zr. Both the basal and two prismatic surface planes are considered. We focus on the characterization of the plasticity generated in the crystal. The similarities to, and the differences from, the behav
- PMID 26655887
Japanese Journal
- P2PストリーミングにおけるNAT越えを考慮した配信木構築手法の検討
- 鮫島 慎治,菅井 文郎,池田 匡視,岡崎 直宣,朴美娘
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MBL, [モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信研究会研究報告] 2011-MBL-60(12), 1-7, 2011-11-03
- P2Pストリーミングにおいて,配信木と呼ばれる木構造のトポロジーを構成しコンテンツを配信する手法がある.この手法は,ノードの負荷を分散し配信することで,高いスケーラビリティをもつ.しかし,現状では多くのノードがNATを介して接続しているため,双方向通信不可能なノードが存在する.このようなノードの割合が多いほど,配信木への参加成功率やオーバヘッドへの影響がある.本稿では,配信木に参加済みノードから新 …
- NAID 110008682600
- 放送通信融合環境における映像データ受信待ち時間を考慮したストリーミング配信手法
- 義久 智樹,西尾 章治郎
- 情報処理学会研究報告. MBL, [モバイルコンピューティングとユビキタス通信研究会研究報告] 2011-MBL-60(11), 1-8, 2011-11-03
- 近年の映像ストリーミング配信の普及に伴い,放送通信融合環境に対する注目が高まっている.放送通信融合環境では,映像データの再生端末は,放送からと同時に通信でデータを要求して受信できる.再生端末の数が多い場合,映像の配信サーバは,通信からの配信に時間がかかるデータを放送することで,再生端末で発生する再生中断時間を短縮できる.しかし,再生端末の数が少ない場合,再生端末がデータを要求する度に放送することが …
- NAID 110008682599
Related Links
- ビジネスメールのTO、CC、BCCの違いや特徴について解説しています。専門家が解説しているコラムです。活用時の注意点、トラブル事例やトラブルを未然に防ぐ方法、よくある勘違いなどを解説。
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- 英
- Bowen's disease, Bowen disease
- 同
- ボウエン病 Bowen病。表皮内有棘細胞癌 squamous cell carcinomain situ SCC in situ、precancerous dermatosis
- ラ
- morbus Bowen、有棘細胞
- 表皮全層性に核異型の強い異型ケラチノサイトが密に乱雑に増殖
- 多核巨細胞(clumping cell)、異常角化細胞、異常核分裂像
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- 英
- basal cell carcinoma, BCC
- 同
- 基底細胞上皮腫 basal cell epithelioma、基底細胞腫 basalioma、Basalzellen-Epitheliom, epithelioma basicellulare
- 関
- 皮膚癌、扁平上皮癌、有棘細胞癌
- 高齢者の顔面に多発。
- 褐色から黒褐色の結節性病変。
- 転移はまれ。
- 表皮基底細胞に類似した腫瘍細胞の増殖。
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